Apache Marmotta 2012-12-03 2012-12-03 2014-01-13 An Open Platform for Linked Data The goal of Apache Marmotta is to provide an open implementation of a Linked Data Platform that can be used, extended and deployed easily by organizations who want to publish Linked Data or build custom applications on Linked Data Java Dietmar Glachs Fabian Christ Jakob Frank Nandana Mihindukulasooriya Rupert Westenthaler Sebastian Schaffert Sergio Fernández Thomas Kurz Raffaele Palmieri Peter Ansell Apache Marmotta 3.3.0 2014-12-05 3.3.0 Apache Marmotta 3.2.1 2014-05-20 3.2.1 Apache Marmotta 3.2.0 2014-04-09 3.2.0 Apache Marmotta 3.0.1 2014-01-21 3.0.1 Apache Marmotta 3.1.0-incubating 2013-10-03 3.1.0-incubating Apache Marmotta 3.0.0-incubating 2013-04-26 3.0.0-incubating Linked Data Platform W3C ldp SPARQL 1.1 W3C sparql