Title: Who We Are # Who we are Apache Mahout is maintained by a team of volunteer developers. ## Core Committers
Name Mail Webpage PMC A short summary of yourself
Isabel Drost isabel@... [Homepage](http://isabel-drost.de) , [Bloghttp://blog.isabel-drost.de] Yes Passion for free software (development, but to some extend also the political and economic implications), interested in agile development and project management, lives in Germany. Follow me on Twitter @MaineC
Ted Dunning tdunning@... [MapR Technologies](http://www.mapr.com) Yes
Jeff Eastman jeastman@... [Windward Solutions](http://www.windwardsolutions.com/) Yes
Drew Farris drew@... Yes
Sean Owen srowen@... Yes
Dmitriy Lyubimov dlyubimov@... [LinkedIn](http://www.linkedin.com/in/dlyubimov) Yes Twitter: @dlieuOfTwit
## Emeritus Committers * Niranjan Balasubramanian (nbalasub@...) * Otis Gospodnetic (otis@...) * David Hall (dlwh@...) * Erik Hatcher (ehatcher@...) * Ozgur Yilmazel (oyilmazel@...) * Dawid Weiss (dweiss@...) * Karl Wettin (kalle@...) * AbdelHakim Deneche (adeneche@...) Note that the email addresses above end with @apache.org. ## Contributors Apache Mahout contributors and their contributions are listed at Apache [JIRA](http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?versionId=-1&issueStatus=all&selectedProjectId=12310751&reportKey=com.sourcelabs.jira.plugin.report.contributions%3Acontributionreport&Next=Next) .