Title: BuildingMahout
# Prerequisites for Building Mahout
* Java JDK *1.6*
* Maven *2.2* or higher ([http://maven.apache.org/](http://maven.apache.org/)
# Get the Source Code
## Latest (Recommended)
Use [Subversion](http://subversion.tigris.org)
to check out the code:
svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/mahout/trunk
## Release
[Download source ](http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/mahout/)
Maven artifacts should be in the usual place: [http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/mahout/](http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/mahout/)
# Compiling
* change directory to the checked out directory
* mvn install
If you are Compiling under Windows, make sure you installed Cygwin
correctly. Here is a [good tutorial](http://hayesdavis.net/2008/06/14/running-hadoop-on-windows/)
on installing and configuring a Hadoop cluster on Windows, and it points
out at antoher great tutorial about installing Cygwin. Here is another [good tutorial |http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/Tutorials/Hadoop/00%20-%20Intro.html]
for setting up Hadoop on Windows (via Cygwin) along with the corresponding
Eclipse plugin for easier Map-Reduce development and deployment.
Also if your Windows' Account name contains spaces (for example 'my
account') some of the tests wont pass and the build will fail.
The easiest solution is to create a new Windows' Account that contains no
spaces (for example 'myaccount'), and use that account when Compiling.
{note}This will run the default targets, which builds both the core and the
examples, and also packages them.
## Compile Core
* change to the core directory
* mvn compile
## Install Core
Note, you can do install instead of compile.
* change to the core directory
* mvn install
## Compile Examples
*You must "mvn install" the core before you can build the examples. For
some reason Maven doesn't know how to build sibling modules that are
* change to the examples directory
* mvn compile
## Working With Maven in Eclipse {anchor:mahout_maven_eclipse}
We've used Eclipse Galileo and m2eclipse 0.9 and the 'import maven
projects' feature. Check out the mahout sources into your workspace
directory, do a full build on the command-line and then fire up the import
in Eclipse from File > Import > Maven Projects. Point it at the mahout root
directory. You are then given the opportunity to choose which sub-modules
to import. You don't need to import them all, only the projects you are
interested in working with.
This sets up one Eclipse project for each of the mahout sub-modules you
chose. Inter-project dependencies are automatically resolved. For example,
if mahout-core and mahout-math are both open the m2eclipse plugin will
automatically set up a project dependency on mahout-math in mahout-core. If
you close mahout-math, the plugin will automatically revert to a jar
dependency for mahout-math.
If you are importing mahout-collections/mahout-math you will have to add
the target/generated-sources directories to your build path manually and do
a refresh on the dependent projects. Alternatively just avoid importing
these (or close them) and they will be treated as a regular jar dependency.
This works much better than doing the checkout into Eclipse directly via
the m2eclipse 'check out maven projects from scm' importer.
## For Eclipse users on Mac OS X Leopard
These instructions work on Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.6 and Eclipse 3.3.2
1. Get the [source code](#get-the-source-code.html)
. You can use [Subclipse plugin|http://subclipse.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=p4wYuA]
for Eclipse
1. Install Maven plugin for eclipse through the update site present in [M2Eclipse](http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/)
1. JDK 1.6
Since hadoop requires jdk 1.6, Mahout also needs jdk 1.6 and you would have
to make sure JRE 1.6 is added to Eclipse.
To use JRE 1.6 for Mahout, go to Preferences --> Java --> Installed JREs
\--> Click Add and specify
1. # JRE type as "standard VM"
1. # JRE Name as "JVM 1.6" and
1. # JRE home directory as
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home and click
1. # Select this new JVM (JVM 1.6) and click Ok
1. Building Mahout - Right-click on the mahout project and choose "run as"
\--> "maven project"
## Common problems building Mahout
Sometimes the compilation may fail. Depending on the error type the tips
below may help.
* Type 1: "artifact not found, please download and install it manually"
\--> clean maven repository and try again
rm -rf ~/.m2/
* Type 2: "build failed because of a single test - 1 test failed, Failures:
1" \--> retry compilation from clean (you may need to clean the \~/.m2
directory above)
mvn clean install
* Type 3 (MacOSX only): Wrong Java Version
Problem: There is an error 'javac: invalid target release: 1.6' even though
Java 6 is set to be the default in the Java Preferences. Even on the
command line, 'java \-version' showed 1.6 as the version number. However,
this did not carry over to Maven, as 'mvn \-v' confirmed.
Solution: Explicitly set the 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable. Strangely
enough, this does not happen automatically when changing the Java
Preferences. In my case, I set it via 'export
If you don't want to hard-code which java version you use, you can use
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
This makes use of whatever version of Java you have set on the Java control
* Type 4: Out of Memory when compiling
Problem: 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space' when compiling the
core module of a current svn checkout of Mahout (not the release).
Solution: Set the environment variable 'MAVEN_OPTS' to allow for more
memory via 'export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1024m'
## Building Mahout with the IBM JVM
Due to Hadoop using some Sun proprietary API's in version (the
version of Hadoop used by version of Mahout in trunk), some care must be
taken when building Mahout from source.
To build Mahout:
1. using [Subversion](http://subversion.tigris.org)
, check out the trunk:
svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/mahout/trunk
Using trunk is required due to a failing unit test under the IBM JVM in
Mahout .5.
1. Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to the correct location.
1. Update the pom.xml in the project root directory to use Hadoop version
0.20.2 by
setting the version number for the Hadoop to the following:
1. mvn install will now build and test your Mahout distribution.
## Some tips to speed up installation by skipping testing
Although we love testing and running the tests is strongly recommended for
the first installation, there are instances when you may want to skip
testing altogether, or only include a subset of them. This can shorten the
lengthy installation time of nearly 15 minutes to a matter of 10 to 15
seconds. Assuming MAHOUT_HOME is the directory of Mahout, to achieve fast
installation you have the following options depending on your requirements:
### Avoid testing completely.
This is useful when you've made changes to files which are NOT under the
tests directory (MAHOUT_HOME/core/src/test/... or
MAHOUT_HOME/math/src/test/...), or you have added new code under
MAHOUT_HOME/core/src/main/ or MAHOUT_HOME/math/src/main/ and want to see if
it compiles. Change to the MAHOUT_HOME directory, and type:
mvn -DskipTests install
This will compile and install Mahout's classes, including your new code,
and skip ALL tests.
### Running only a few tests: Method I
Let's say you have implemented a new feature by making changes to a source
file called MyNewFeature, and you have written some corresponding unit
tests for it in the file called "TestMyNewFeature" under the tests
directory. To only run the tests of TestMyNewFeature class, from the
MAHOUT_HOME directory, type:
mvn -Dtest=TestMyNewFeature install
The TestMyNewFeature class should be passed as an argument to Maven's mvn
command without any path information. Just the class name is needed.
To run multiple test classes, you can do:
mvn -Dtest=TestMyNewFeature,TestAnotherNewFeature install
### Running only a few tests: Method II
The pom.xml file present in the MAHOUT_HOME directory contains all the
information needed by the mvn (Maven) command to compile, test, install,
package etc. It is one place from where you can control testing as well.
Maven uses the Surefire plugin to run JUnit tests, so to modify the default
testing behavior of running all tests, you can modify the pom.xml to
only the tests of TestMyNewFeature class, which was used as an
example above. Open the pom.xml present in MAHOUT_HOME in your favorite
editor, and find the following lines:
-Xms256m -Xmx512m
Modify these lines to include only the TestMyNewFeature class while
testing, by using the and tags:
-Xms256m -Xmx512m
Next, save the modified pom.xml file and from the MAHOUT_HOME directory
mvn install
This will only run the tests in the TestMyNewFeature class and install
Mahout for you. Note that now you don't have to mention
-Dtest=TestMyNewFeature on the command line.