Title: Algorithm summary table ### Classification
algorithm name description production-ready? needs Hadoop? input format run command
SGD LogisticRegression command line train a logistic regression model with Stochastic Gradient Descent x CSV with Header trainAdaptiveLogistic
SGD LogisticRegression API train a logistic regression model with Stochastic Gradient Descent x Mahout Vector, feature hashing API custom code
Random Forest build a random forest x CSV without header and quotes BuildForest
### Collaborative Filtering
algorithm name description production-ready? needs Hadoop? input format run command
Itembased Collaborative Filtering compute pairwise item-similarities x x tab-separated text files itemsimilarity
Itembased Collaborative Filtering compute recommendations as batch x x tab-separated text files recommenditembased
Matrix factorization with Alternating Least Squares decompose a rating matrix x tab-separated text files parallelALS
Matrix factorization predict unknown preferences using decomposed rating matrix x x tab-separated text files predictFromFactorization