Title: Mahout Wiki Apache Mahout is a new Apache TLP project to create scalable, machine learning algorithms under the Apache license. {toc:style=disc|minlevel=2} ## General [Overview](overview.html) -- Mahout? What's that supposed to be? [Quickstart](quickstart.html) -- learn how to quickly setup Apache Mahout for your project. [FAQ](faq.html) -- Frequent questions encountered on the mailing lists. [Developer Resources](developer-resources.html) -- overview of the Mahout development infrastructure. [How To Contribute](how-to-contribute.html) -- get involved with the Mahout community. [How To Become A Committer](how-to-become-a-committer.html) -- become a member of the Mahout development community. [Hadoop](http://hadoop.apache.org) -- several of our implementations depend on Hadoop. [Machine Learning Open Source Software](http://mloss.org/software/) -- other projects implementing Open Source Machine Learning libraries. [Mahout -- The name, history and its pronunciation](mahoutname.html) ## Community [Who we are](who-we-are.html) -- who are the developers behind Apache Mahout? [Books, Tutorials, Talks, Articles, News, Background Reading, etc. on Mahout](books-tutorials-and-talks.html) [Issue Tracker](issue-tracker.html) -- see what features people are working on, submit patches and file bugs. [Source Code (SVN)](https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/mahout/) -- [Fisheye|http://fisheye6.atlassian.com/browse/mahout] -- download the Mahout source code from svn. [Mailing lists and IRC](mailing-lists,-irc-and-archives.html) -- links to our mailing lists, IRC channel and archived design and algorithm discussions, maybe your questions was answered there already? [Version Control](version-control.html) -- where we track our code. [Powered By Mahout](powered-by-mahout.html) -- who is using Mahout in production? [Professional Support](professional-support.html) -- who is offering professional support for Mahout? [Mahout and Google Summer of Code](gsoc.html) -- All you need to know about Mahout and GSoC. [Glossary of commonly used terms and abbreviations](glossary.html) ## Installation/Setup [System Requirements](system-requirements.html) -- what do you need to run Mahout? [Quickstart](quickstart.html) -- get started with Mahout, run the examples and get pointers to further resources. [Downloads](downloads.html) -- a list of Mahout releases. [Download and installation](buildingmahout.html) -- build Mahout from the sources. [Mahout on Amazon's EC2 Service](mahout-on-amazon-ec2.html) -- run Mahout on Amazon's EC2. [Mahout on Amazon's EMR](mahout-on-elastic-mapreduce.html) -- Run Mahout on Amazon's Elastic Map Reduce [Integrating Mahout into an Application](mahoutintegration.html) -- integrate Mahout's capabilities in your application. ## Examples 1. [ASF Email Examples](asfemail.html) -- Examples of recommenders, clustering and classification all using a public domain collection of 7 million emails. ## Implementation Background ### Requirements and Design [Matrix and Vector Needs](matrix-and-vector-needs.html) -- requirements for Mahout vectors. [Collection(De-)Serialization](collection(de-)serialization.html) ### Collections and Algorithms Learn more about [mahout-collections](mahout-collections.html) , containers for efficient storage of primitive-type data and open hash tables. Learn more about the [Algorithms](algorithms.html) discussed and employed by Mahout. Learn more about the [Mahout recommender implementation](recommender-documentation.html) . ### Utilities This section describes tools that might be useful for working with Mahout. [Converting Content](converting-content.html) -- Mahout has some utilities for converting content such as logs to formats more amenable for consumption by Mahout. [Creating Vectors](creating-vectors.html) -- Mahout's algorithms operate on vectors. Learn more on how to generate these from raw data. [Viewing Result](viewing-result.html) -- How to visualize the result of your trained algorithms. ### Data [Collections](collections.html) -- To try out and test Mahout's algorithms you need training data. We are always looking for new training data collections. ### Benchmarks [Mahout Benchmarks](mahout-benchmarks.html) ## Committer's Resources * [Testing](testing.html) -- Information on test plans and ideas for testing ### Project Resources * [Dealing with Third Party Dependencies not in Maven](thirdparty-dependencies.html) * [How To Update The Website](how-to-update-the-website.html) * [Patch Check List](patch-check-list.html) * [How To Release](http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAHOUT/How+to+release) * [Release Planning](release-planning.html) * [Sonar Code Quality Analysis](https://analysis.apache.org/dashboard/index/63921) ### Additional Resources * [Apache Machine Status](http://monitoring.apache.org/status/) \- Check to see if SVN, other resources are available. * [Committer's FAQ](http://www.apache.org/dev/committers.html) * [Apache Dev](http://www.apache.org/dev/) ## How To Edit This Wiki How to edit this Wiki This Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share: * Create an account by clicking the "Login" link at the top of any page, and picking a username and password. * Edit any page by pressing Edit at the top of the page There are some conventions used on the Mahout wiki: * {noformat}+*TODO:*+{noformat} (+*TODO:*+ ) is used to denote sections that definitely need to be cleaned up. * {noformat}+*Mahout_(version)*+{noformat} (+*Mahout_0.2*+) is used to draw attention to which version of Mahout a feature was (or will be) added to Mahout.