=== Apache Mahout Status Report: October 2013 === ----- Apache Mahout has implementations of a wide range of machine learning and data mining algorithms: clustering, classification, collaborative filtering and frequent pattern mining Project Status -------------- The project continues to have a large and active user base and the developer base continues to grow, as well. Community --------- * On November 28th Frank Scholten was voted in as new committer. * No changes to the PMC in the reporting period. * With Suneel Marthi now working full time on the project there has been a flurry of patches reviewed and committed. * The project has moved to Apache CMS, is in the process of tidying most of the wiki based documentation. * After a small Hackathon in Berlin pre-Christmas activity has been steady even during the holiday season. Community Objectives -------------------- With most committers not working on Mahout full time there is always a lack of time on lists as well as when it comes to dealing with patches submitted quickly. The current goal is to grow the committer base to deal with that issue. As for students that would like to contribute the problem remains that the most interesting work seems to be adding new algorithms and implementations. It remains a challenge to motivate those interested in contributing to work on getting existing implementations stable, improving documentation and reviewing incoming patches. Releases -------- The community is actively working on getting the 0.9 release out the door with just one scaling issue remaining the the k-means++ code newly added as part of the 0.8 release (June 2013). This is supposed to be the last release before 1.0. Issues ------ There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.