=== Apache Mahout Status Report: July 2011 === ISSUES There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. CURRENT ACTIVITY Apache Mahout 0.5 was released on May 27 2011. It resolved 137 issues: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true &jqlQuery=project+%3D+MAHOUT+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%220.5%22 The PMC plans an 0.6 release at the end of the year. The focus continues to be on polish and refinement in advance of a 1.0 release; A 1.0 release may come in mid 2012 but is not yet being planned. The community continues to grow steadily. The user and dev lists contained 793 and 470 subscribers, respectively, in January 2011. They now contain 983 and 557 respectively. We've seen healthy community activity around the world, including new talks at events from Berlin, Seoul, London and Chicago. The project has one area of significant new activity: graph mining and graph-related algorithms. For example, Mahout has a PageRank-like implementation now. MAHOUT PMC Sebastian Schelter was added to the PMC in May 2011. PROJECT BRANDING The project made changes to comply with Apache branding guidelines earlier in the year, but reconfirms that the site is in compliance with http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/pmcs#checklist