=== Apache Mahout Status Report: October 2010 === ISSUES There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. CURRENT ACTIVITY The project is in "code freeze" leading up to a final 0.4 release planned for this week. The 150 issues resolved for this release can be viewed here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa? pid=12310751&fixfor=12314396 As of 0.4, the project will still be in a state of significant change and evolution. We still plan an 0.5 release in 6 months before contemplating a 1.0 release. However we believe the project's code base is beginning to stabilize, as relatively more effort is going into code cleanup, tests, polishing, removal of stale code. Judging by volume of mailing list messages and diversity of senders we have reason to believe usage of Apache Mahout is beginning to significantly expand. NEW COMMITTERS Sebastian Schelter was elected as a new committer in recognition of work on distributed recommender implementations. GOOGLE SUMMER OF CODE Mahout completed its GSoC projects. Two did not complete due to lack of student participation. Two completed successfully. One remains in progress. MAHOUT IN ACTION The book "Mahout in Action", published by Manning, has reached 15/16 chapters complete and will soon enter final review. PROJECT BRANDING We've reviewed the Apache Mahout home page (http://mahout.apache.org) just this week, per the e-mail request regarding branding. Project committer Robin Anil is addressing the following issues in this regard: - Add standard www.apache.org links to navigation - Ensure "TM" is used appropriate in names and logos - Add a DOAP file (we are having issues with the generator but that can be taken up offline)