=== Mahout Status Report: July 2010 === ISSUES There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. CURRENT ACTIVITY The project continues to target September, 2010 for release of version 0.4. This is unchanged since the last report. Recent activity in the project can be viewed here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa? pid=12310751&fixfor=12314396&resolution=1 WEBSITE The project's website at mahout.apache.org has been completely redesigned: http://mahout.apache.org/ GOOGLE SUMMER OF CODE As part of Google's Summer of Code program, Mahout is halfway through mentoring five projects. The projects will add or enhance capability in the specific areas of: - Boltzmann Machines - Support Vector Machines - Singular Value Decomposition for recommendations - Neural network with back propagation learning - Eigencuts spectral clustering MAHOUT IN ACTION The book "Mahout in Action", published by Manning, continues to be written and is in 2/3 completion review with the publisher. EXTERNAL EVENTS Mahout's recommender system was presented in the key note and two talks at the Berlin Buzzwords 2010 event.