%name LucyParseJson /* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ %token_type { cfish_Obj* } %token_destructor { CFISH_DECREF($$); } %token_prefix LUCY_JSON_TOKENTYPE_ %include { #include #include #include #include "Lucy/Object/Hash.h" #include "Lucy/Object/VArray.h" #include "Lucy/Object/CharBuf.h" #include "Lucy/Object/Err.h" #include "Lucy/Util/Json.h" } %extra_argument { lucy_JsonParserState *state } %syntax_error { state->errors = true; } result ::= top_level_value(A). { state->result = A; } /* Allow any "value" as a top-level construct. This "loose", tolerant grammar * makes testing somewhat easier. A strict JSON parser would only allow JSON * Objects and Arrays at the top level. */ top_level_value(A) ::= value(B). { A = B; } /* Structural characters. */ begin_array ::= LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET. end_array ::= RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET. begin_object ::= LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET. end_object ::= RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET. name_separator ::= COLON. value_separator ::= COMMA. /* Values */ %type STRING { cfish_CharBuf* } value(A) ::= FALSE(B). { A = B; } value(A) ::= NULL(B). { A = B; } value(A) ::= TRUE(B). { A = B; } value(A) ::= object(B). { A = (cfish_Obj*)B; } value(A) ::= array(B). { A = (cfish_Obj*)B; } value(A) ::= NUMBER(B). { A = (cfish_Obj*)B; } value(A) ::= STRING(B). { A = B; } /* Javascript Objects, implemented as Clownfish Hashes. */ %type object { cfish_Hash* } %type empty_object { cfish_Hash* } %type single_pair_object { cfish_Hash* } %type multi_pair_object { cfish_Hash* } %type key_value_pair_list { cfish_Hash* } %destructor object { CFISH_DECREF($$); } %destructor empty_object { CFISH_DECREF($$); } %destructor single_pair_object { CFISH_DECREF($$); } %destructor multi_pair_object { CFISH_DECREF($$); } %destructor key_value_pair_list { CFISH_DECREF($$); } object(A) ::= empty_object(B). { A = B; } object(A) ::= single_pair_object(B). { A = B; } object(A) ::= multi_pair_object(B). { A = B; } empty_object(A) ::= begin_object end_object. { A = cfish_Hash_new(0); } single_pair_object(A) ::= begin_object STRING(B) name_separator value(C) end_object. { A = cfish_Hash_new(1); Cfish_Hash_Store(A, (cfish_Obj*)B, C); CFISH_DECREF(B); } multi_pair_object(A) ::= begin_object key_value_pair_list(B) STRING(C) name_separator value(D) end_object. { A = B; Cfish_Hash_Store(A, (cfish_Obj*)C, D); CFISH_DECREF(C); } key_value_pair_list(A) ::= key_value_pair_list(B) STRING(C) name_separator value(D) value_separator. { A = B; Cfish_Hash_Store(A, (cfish_Obj*)C, D); CFISH_DECREF(C); } key_value_pair_list(A) ::= STRING(B) name_separator value(C) value_separator. { A = cfish_Hash_new(0); Cfish_Hash_Store(A, (cfish_Obj*)B, C); CFISH_DECREF(B); } /* Arrays. */ %type array { cfish_VArray* } %type empty_array { cfish_VArray* } %type single_elem_array { cfish_VArray* } %type multi_elem_array { cfish_VArray* } %type array_elem_list { cfish_VArray* } %destructor array { CFISH_DECREF($$); } %destructor single_elem_array { CFISH_DECREF($$); } %destructor multi_elem_array { CFISH_DECREF($$); } %destructor array_elem_list { CFISH_DECREF($$); } array(A) ::= empty_array(B). { A = B; } array(A) ::= single_elem_array(B). { A = B; } array(A) ::= multi_elem_array(B). { A = B; } empty_array(A) ::= begin_array end_array. { A = cfish_VA_new(0); } single_elem_array(A) ::= begin_array value(B) end_array. { A = cfish_VA_new(1); Cfish_VA_Push(A, B); } multi_elem_array(A) ::= begin_array array_elem_list(B) value(C) end_array. { A = B; Cfish_VA_Push(A, C); } array_elem_list(A) ::= array_elem_list(B) value(C) value_separator. { A = B; Cfish_VA_Push(A, C); } array_elem_list(A) ::= value(B) value_separator. { A = cfish_VA_new(1); Cfish_VA_Push(A, B); }