/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ parcel Lucy; /** An array of bits. * * BitVector is a growable array of bits. All bits are initially zero. */ class Lucy::Object::BitVector cnick BitVec inherits Lucy::Object::Obj { uint32_t cap; uint8_t *bits; inert incremented BitVector* new(uint32_t capacity = 0); /** * @param capacity The number of bits that the initial array should be * able to hold. */ public inert BitVector* init(BitVector *self, uint32_t capacity = 0); /** Return true if the bit at tick has been set, false if it * hasn't (regardless of whether it lies within the bounds of the * object's capacity). * * @param tick The requested bit. */ public bool_t Get(BitVector *self, uint32_t tick); /** Set the bit at tick to 1. * * @param tick The bit to be set. */ public void Set(BitVector *self, uint32_t tick); /** Accessor for the BitVector's underlying bit array. */ nullable uint8_t* Get_Raw_Bits(BitVector *self); /** Accessor for capacity. */ uint32_t Get_Capacity(BitVector *self); /** Returns the next set bit equal to or greater than tick, * or -1 if no such bit exists. */ public int32_t Next_Hit(BitVector *self, uint32_t tick); /** Clear the indicated bit. (i.e. set it to 0). * * @param tick The bit to be cleared. */ public void Clear(BitVector *self, uint32_t tick); /** Clear all bits. */ public void Clear_All(BitVector *self); /** If the BitVector does not already have enough room to hold the * indicated number of bits, allocate more memory so that it can. * * @param capacity Least number of bits the BitVector should accomodate. */ public void Grow(BitVector *self, uint32_t capacity); /** Modify the contents of this BitVector so that it has the same bits set * as other. * * @param other Another BitVector. */ public void Mimic(BitVector *self, Obj *other); /** Modify the BitVector so that only bits which remain set are those * which 1) were already set in this BitVector, and 2) were also set in * the other BitVector. * * @param other Another BitVector. */ public void And(BitVector *self, const BitVector *other); /** Modify the BitVector, setting all bits which are set in the other * BitVector if they were not already set. * * @param other Another BitVector. */ public void Or(BitVector *self, const BitVector *other); /** Modify the BitVector, performing an XOR operation against the other. * * @param other Another BitVector. */ public void Xor(BitVector *self, const BitVector *other); /** Modify the BitVector, clearing all bits which are set in the other. * * @param other Another BitVector. */ public void And_Not(BitVector *self, const BitVector *other); /** Invert the value of a bit. * * @param tick The bit to invert. */ public void Flip(BitVector *self, uint32_t tick); /** Invert each bit within a contiguous block. * * @param offset Lower bound. * @param length The number of bits to flip. */ public void Flip_Block(BitVector *self, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length); /** Return a count of the number of set bits. */ public uint32_t Count(BitVector *self); /** Return an array where each element represents a set bit. */ public incremented I32Array* To_Array(BitVector *self); public void Destroy(BitVector *self); public incremented BitVector* Clone(BitVector *self); }