Title: Apache Lucy People #### Apache Lucy Contributors There are many ways to contribute to an Apache project: answering user support inquiries, writing documentation, sponsoring development, reviewing code, mentoring, writing articles or books, blogging, giving talks, gardening wikis or web pages, participating in design discussions, maintaining infrastructure, maintaining downstream packages, smoke testing, usability testing, downloading and using our software, and so on. We maintain careful records in our version control archives tracking who owns the IP that has gone into the product itself for legal reasons, but the list of people who have made important contributions to Lucy is much longer than that. Thank you, everyone! #### Apache Lucy Project Management Committee (PMC) Lucy's PMC is responsible for oversight and management of the project. PMC Members and their Apache IDs (in alphabetical order): - Logan Bell (logie) - Brad C. Harder (bch) - Marvin Humphrey (marvin) - Peter Karman (karpet) - Nathan Kurz (nate) - Dan Markham (dmarkham) - Mike McCandless (mikemccand) - Joe Schaefer (joes) - Upayavira (upayavira) - David E. Wheeler (theory) - Nick Wellnhofer (nwellnhof) - Tim Wilkens (twilkens) - Simon Willnauer (simonw) #### Apache Lucy Committers Lucy's committers have the right to commit to our source code repository. Committers: - All Lucy PPMC members.