Indexing Benchmarks The purpose of this experiment is to test raw indexing speed, using Reuters-21578, Distribution 1.0 as a test corpus. As of this writing, Reuters-21578 is available at: The corpus comes packaged in SGML, which means we need to preprocess it so that our results are not infected by differences between SGML parsers. A simple perl script, "./extract_reuters.plx" is supplied, which expands the Reuters articles out into the file system, 1 article per file, with the title as the first line of text. It takes one command line argument: the location of the un-tarred Reuters collection. ./extract_reuters.plx /path/to/reuters_collection Filepaths are hard-coded, and the assumption is that the apps will be run from within the benchmarks/ directory. Each of the indexing apps takes four optional command line arguments: * The number of documents to index. * The number of times to repeat the indexing process. * The increment, or number of docs to add during each index writer instance. * Whether or not the main text should be stored and highlightable. $ perl -Mblib indexers/lucy_indexer.plx \ > --docs=1000 --reps=6 --increment=10 --store=1 $ java -server -Xmx500M -XX:CompileThreshold=100 LuceneIndexer \ > -docs 1000 -reps 6 -increment 10 -store 1 If no command line args are supplied, the apps will index the entire 19043 article collection once, using a single index writer, and will neither store nor vectorize the main text. Upon finishing, each app will produce a "truncated mean" report: the slowest 25% and fastest 25% of reps will be discarded, and the rest will be averaged.