Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos infoWarnings warningErrors error





errorParameter name should be final.81
errorParameter stream should be final.94
error'stream' hides a field.94
errorParameter stream should be final.105
error'stream' hides a field.105
errorParameter name should be final.105
errorParameter file should be final.114
errorExpected @throws tag for 'FileNotFoundException'.114
errorParameter parser should be final.127
error'parser' hides a field.127
errorParameter stream should be final.127
error'stream' hides a field.127
errorParameter metadata should be final.127
error'metadata' hides a field.127
errorUnused @param tag for 'cbuff'.189
errorExpected an @return tag.195
errorMethod 'read' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.195
errorParameter cbuf should be final.196
errorExpected @param tag for 'cbuf'.196
errorParameter off should be final.196
errorParameter len should be final.196
errorMethod 'close' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.214


errorLine has trailing spaces.21
errorLine has trailing spaces.23
errorLine has trailing spaces.24
errorinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.26
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.28
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.30
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.30
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.32
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.32
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.32


errorLine has trailing spaces.28
errorLine has trailing spaces.29
errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.31
errorLine has trailing spaces.35
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.37
errorLine has trailing spaces.44
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.53
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.53
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.53
errorParameter content should be final.53
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.58
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.58
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.58
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.58
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.58
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.58
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.58


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorMethod 'getDefaultHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorParameter ch should be final.34
errorParameter md should be final.34


errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.43
errorLine has trailing spaces.49
errorParameter mimeType should be final.56
errorParameter config should be final.56
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.56
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.57
errorLine has trailing spaces.66
errorParameter documentUrl should be final.74
errorParameter config should be final.74
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.74
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.75
errorLine has trailing spaces.85
errorParameter documentFile should be final.93
errorParameter config should be final.93
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.93
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.94
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.100
errorLine has trailing spaces.102
errorUnused @param tag for 'zip'.103
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.109
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.109
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.109
errorParameter zipIs should be final.109
errorExpected @param tag for 'zipIs'.109
errorParameter config should be final.110
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.110
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.110
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.111
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.111
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.111
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.111
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.111
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.111
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.111
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.112
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.112
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.112
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.120
errorLine has trailing spaces.122
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.130
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.130
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.130
errorParameter zip should be final.130
errorParameter config should be final.130
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.130
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.131
errorExpected @throws tag for 'FileNotFoundException'.131
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.135
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.140
errorLine has trailing spaces.142
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.149
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.149
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.149
errorParameter zip should be final.149
errorExpected @param tag for 'zip'.149
errorParameter config should be final.149
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.149
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.150
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.150
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.154
errorLine has trailing spaces.161
errorParameter stream should be final.168
errorParameter config should be final.168
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.168
errorParameter mimeType should be final.168
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.169
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.169
errorLine has trailing spaces.182
errorParameter documentUrl should be final.188
errorParameter config should be final.188
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.188
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.189
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.189
errorLine has trailing spaces.197
errorParameter documentUrl should be final.206
errorParameter config should be final.206
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.206
errorParameter mimeType should be final.206
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.207
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.207
errorLine has trailing spaces.218
errorParameter documentFile should be final.227
errorParameter config should be final.227
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.227
errorParameter mimeType should be final.227
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.228
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.228
errorLine has trailing spaces.240
errorParameter documentFile should be final.246
errorParameter config should be final.246
errorExpected @param tag for 'config'.246
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.247
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.247


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorParameter delegate should be final.33
error'delegate' hides a field.33
errorMethod 'characters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorParameter ch should be final.37
errorParameter start should be final.37
errorParameter length should be final.37
errorMethod 'ignorableWhitespace' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorParameter ch should be final.42
errorParameter start should be final.42
errorParameter length should be final.42


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.37
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.37
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.37
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.37
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.37
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.37
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorParameter prefix should be final.42
errorParameter namespace should be final.42
errorMethod 'addPrefix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorParameter prefix should be final.46
errorParameter namespace should be final.46
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
errorParameter xpath should be final.58


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorUnused import - org.apache.tika.metadata.HttpHeaders.36
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.42
errorLine has trailing spaces.44
errorLine has trailing spaces.45
errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorVariable 'logger' must be private and have accessor methods.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorParameter is should be final.52
error'1024' is a magic number.59
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.66
errorLine has trailing spaces.67
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.83
errorParameter in should be final.83
errorParameter out should be final.83
error'1024' is a magic number.85
error'while' construct must use '{}'s.88
errorLine has trailing spaces.99
errorLine has trailing spaces.102
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.105
errorParameter stream should be final.105
errorExpected @param tag for 'stream'.105
errorParameter metadata should be final.105
errorExpected @param tag for 'metadata'.105
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.105
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.105
error'{' is not preceded with whitespace.105
errorLine has trailing spaces.107
errorLine has trailing spaces.113
errorLine has trailing spaces.118
errorLine has trailing spaces.120
errorLine has trailing spaces.125
errorLine has trailing spaces.132


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.33
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.33
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.33
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.33
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.33
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.33
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorParameter delegate should be final.37
errorParameter matcher should be final.37
error'matcher' hides a field.37
errorMethod 'startElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorParameter uri should be final.43
errorParameter localName should be final.43
errorParameter name should be final.43
errorParameter attributes should be final.43
errorMethod 'endElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.70
errorParameter uri should be final.70
errorParameter localName should be final.70
errorParameter name should be final.70
errorMethod 'characters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.78
errorParameter ch should be final.78
errorParameter start should be final.78
errorParameter length should be final.78
errorMethod 'ignorableWhitespace' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.85
errorParameter ch should be final.85
errorParameter start should be final.85
errorParameter length should be final.85
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.92
errorParameter target should be final.92
errorParameter data should be final.92
errorComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.93
errorMethod 'skippedEntity' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.96
errorParameter name should be final.96
errorComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.97


errorinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.22
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.24
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.24
errorLine has trailing spaces.25


errorLine has trailing spaces.21
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorLine has trailing spaces.35
errorParameter msg should be final.39
errorLine has trailing spaces.45
errorParameter t should be final.49


errorParameter writer should be final.45
error'writer' hides a field.45
errorParameter stream should be final.55
errorMethod 'characters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
errorParameter ch should be final.72
errorExpected @param tag for 'ch'.72
errorParameter start should be final.72
errorExpected @param tag for 'start'.72
errorParameter length should be final.72
errorExpected @param tag for 'length'.72
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.73
errorExpected an @return tag.88
errorMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88


errorFile does not end with a newline.0
errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.29
errorExpected an @return tag.44
errorParameter document should be final.44
errorExpected @param tag for 'document'.44
errorExpected an @return tag.54
errorParameter inputStream should be final.54
errorExpected @param tag for 'inputStream'.54
errorExpected an @return tag.65
errorParameter url should be final.65
errorExpected @param tag for 'url'.65
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.65
errorExpected an @return tag.78
errorParameter filePath should be final.78
errorExpected @param tag for 'filePath'.78
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.78


errorLine has trailing spaces.21
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorParameter op should be final.33
error'op' hides a field.33
errorParameter c1 should be final.33
error'c1' hides a field.33
errorParameter c2 should be final.33
error'c2' hides a field.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorParameter data should be final.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48


error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.34
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.34
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.34
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.34
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.34
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.34
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.34
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.39
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.39
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.39
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.40
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.40
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.40
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.49
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.49
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.49
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.50
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.50
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.50
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.50
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.50
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.50
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.50
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.50
errorParameter a should be final.51
errorParameter b should be final.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.60
errorParameter pattern should be final.60
errorParameter type should be final.60
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.62
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.79
errorParameter name should be final.79
errorParameter type should be final.79
errorMust have at least one statement.83
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.90
errorParameter extension should be final.90
errorParameter type should be final.90
errorMust have at least one statement.98
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.106
errorParameter glob should be final.106
errorParameter type should be final.106
errorMust have at least one statement.111
errorLine has trailing spaces.120
errorExpected an @return tag.132
errorParameter name should be final.132
errorExpected @param tag for 'name'.132
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.152
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.152
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.152
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.161
errorParameter glob should be final.161


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.36
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorParameter stream should be final.42
errorParameter handler should be final.42
errorParameter metadata should be final.42
errorMethod 'getDefaultHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.68
errorParameter handler should be final.69
errorParameter metadata should be final.69


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.27


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorLine has trailing spaces.21
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.24
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.26
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.26
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.30
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.32
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.32
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.48


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMethod 'matchesElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.18
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.20
errorParameter stream should be final.20
errorParameter metadata should be final.20
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.24
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.24
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.24
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorParameter stream should be final.38
errorParameter handler should be final.38
errorParameter metadata should be final.38


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorLine has trailing spaces.32
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.46
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.46
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.46
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.46
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.46
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.46
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.46
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.46
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.46
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.63
errorMust have at least one statement.67
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.119
errorAvoid inline conditionals.124
errorMethod 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.127
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.127
errorMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.132
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.132
errorMethod 'getValues' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.137
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.137
errorMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.142
errorMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.147
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.147


error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.55
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.55
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.55
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.56
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.56
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.56
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.56
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.61
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.86
errorParameter stream should be final.87
errorParameter handler should be final.87
errorParameter metadata should be final.87
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.110
errorParameter u should be final.113
errorParameter l should be final.113
errorParameter n should be final.113
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.119
errorParameter uri should be final.126
errorParameter local should be final.126
errorParameter name should be final.126
errorParameter atts should be final.126
errorParameter uri should be final.145
errorParameter local should be final.145
errorParameter name should be final.145
errorParameter ch should be final.156
errorParameter start should be final.156
errorParameter length should be final.156
errorParameter ch should be final.164
errorParameter start should be final.164
errorParameter length should be final.164


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.47
errorParameter handler should be final.47
errorParameter metadata should be final.47
error'metadata' hides a field.47
errorMethod 'startDocument' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.58
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.63
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.73
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.89
errorMethod 'endDocument' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.98
errorMethod 'startElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.106
errorParameter uri should be final.108
errorParameter local should be final.108
errorParameter name should be final.108
errorParameter attributes should be final.108
errorMethod 'startElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.114
errorParameter name should be final.114
errorMethod 'startElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.118
errorParameter name should be final.118
errorParameter attribute should be final.118
errorParameter value should be final.118
errorMethod 'endElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.125
errorParameter name should be final.125
errorMethod 'characters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.129
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.129
errorParameter characters should be final.129
errorMethod 'element' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.133
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.133
errorParameter name should be final.133
errorParameter value should be final.133


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorParameter ch should be final.38
errorParameter md should be final.38
errorParameter name should be final.38
errorParameter element should be final.38
errorMethod 'getDefaultHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.47
errorParameter ch should be final.47
errorParameter md should be final.47


error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.31
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.31
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.31
errorParameter name should be final.48
error'127' is a magic number.56
error'||' should be on a new line.56
error'||' should be on a new line.57
error'||' should be on a new line.58
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.95
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.95
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.95
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.95
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.95
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.95
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.95
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.97
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.98
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.98
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.98
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.98
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.98
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.98
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.98
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.103
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.103
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.103
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.103
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.103
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.103
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.103
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.105
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.106
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.106
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.106
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.106
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.106
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.106
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.106
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.108
errorParameter registry should be final.121
error'registry' hides a field.121
errorParameter name should be final.121
error'name' hides a field.121
errorLine has trailing spaces.134
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.150
errorParameter type should be final.150
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.155
errorMust have at least one statement.157
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.178
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.178
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.178
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.178
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.182
errorParameter type should be final.182
errorLine has trailing spaces.192
errorLine has trailing spaces.198
errorLine has trailing spaces.207
errorParameter description should be final.210
error'description' hides a field.210
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.223
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.223
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.223
errorParameter alias should be final.234
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.246
errorLine has trailing spaces.248
errorParameter namespaceURI should be final.252
errorExpected @param tag for 'namespaceURI'.252
errorParameter localName should be final.252
errorExpected @param tag for 'localName'.252
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.256
errorParameter data should be final.256
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.268
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.272
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.276
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.280
errorParameter magic should be final.280
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.287
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.291
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.295
errorParameter data should be final.295
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.305
errorParameter data should be final.305
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.315
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.315
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.318
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.320
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.322
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.324
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.326
errorParameter type should be final.326
error'type' hides a field.326
errorParameter namespaceURI should be final.326
error'namespaceURI' hides a field.326
errorParameter localName should be final.326
error'localName' hides a field.326
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.348
errorParameter data should be final.348
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.352
errorParameter data should be final.352
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.356
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.360
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.364
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.368
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.377
errorParameter type should be final.377


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorParameter stream should be final.33
errorParameter metadata should be final.33
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorParameter stream should be final.37
errorParameter handler should be final.37
errorParameter metadata should be final.37


errorLine has trailing spaces.27
errorLine has trailing spaces.28
errorLine has trailing spaces.29
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.38
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.38
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.38
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.44
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.44
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.44
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.44
errorLine has trailing spaces.49
errorMethod 'isMultiValued' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
errorLine has trailing spaces.60
errorMethod 'names' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.70
errorMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
errorLine has trailing spaces.86
errorMethod 'getValues' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.95
errorName '_getValues' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.95
errorLine has trailing spaces.106
errorMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
errorLine has trailing spaces.126
errorMethod 'setAll' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.130
errorParameter properties should be final.130
error'{' is followed by whitespace.134
errorLine has trailing spaces.142
errorMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.148
errorParameter name should be final.148
errorParameter value should be final.148
error'{' is followed by whitespace.149
errorLine has trailing spaces.154
errorMethod 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
errorParameter name should be final.158
errorLine has trailing spaces.164
errorMethod 'size' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.167
errorDefinition of 'equals()' without corresponding definition of 'hashCode()'.171
errorMethod 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.171
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.171
errorParameter o should be final.171
errorMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.204
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.204


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.32
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorParameter stream should be final.37
errorParameter metadata should be final.37
errorMust have at least one statement.44
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.55
errorParameter stream should be final.56
errorParameter handler should be final.56
errorParameter metadata should be final.56
errorMust have at least one statement.63
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.75
errorParameter document should be final.75
errorParameter metadata should be final.75
errorMust have at least one statement.87
errorLine has trailing spaces.91
errorMust have at least one statement.93
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.98
errorParameter metadata should be final.98
errorParameter name should be final.98
errorParameter value should be final.98
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.104
errorParameter metadata should be final.104
errorParameter name should be final.104
errorParameter value should be final.104


errorLine has trailing spaces.21
errorLine has trailing spaces.23
errorLine has trailing spaces.24
errorinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.26
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.36
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.45
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.50
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.58
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.70
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.77
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.85
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.92
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.101
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.108
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.115
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.126
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.134
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.142
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.148
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.158


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMethod 'matchesText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.31
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorParameter stream should be final.37
errorParameter handler should be final.37
errorParameter metadata should be final.37
error'4096' is a magic number.45


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorLine has trailing spaces.21
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorRedundant 'final' modifier.27
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.27
errorRedundant 'final' modifier.30
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.30
errorExpected an @return tag.35
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.35
errorExpected @param tag for 'data'.35
errorExpected an @return tag.41
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.43
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.43
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorParameter data should be final.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.58
errorParameter data should be final.58
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.62
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.66


errorLine has trailing spaces.29
errorLine has trailing spaces.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorParameter offsetStart should be final.48
error'offsetStart' hides a field.48
errorParameter offsetEnd should be final.48
error'offsetEnd' hides a field.48
errorParameter type should be final.48
error'type' hides a field.48
errorParameter mask should be final.48
error'mask' hides a field.48
errorParameter value should be final.49
error'value' hides a field.49
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.68
errorParameter type should be final.68
error'type' hides a field.68
errorParameter value should be final.68
error'value' hides a field.68
error'8' is a magic number.78
error'16' is a magic number.83
error'8' is a magic number.86
error'{' is followed by whitespace.97
error'8' is a magic number.97
error'0x00FF' is a magic number.97
error'{' is followed by whitespace.101
error'8' is a magic number.101
error'0x00FF' is a magic number.101
error'{' is followed by whitespace.105
error'0x000000FF' is a magic number.105
error'0x0000FF00' is a magic number.106
error'8' is a magic number.106
error'0x00FF0000' is a magic number.107
error'16' is a magic number.107
error'0xFF000000' is a magic number.108
error'24' is a magic number.108
error'{' is followed by whitespace.112
error'0xFF000000' is a magic number.112
error'24' is a magic number.112
error'0x00FF0000' is a magic number.113
error'16' is a magic number.113
error'0x0000FF00' is a magic number.114
error'8' is a magic number.114
error'0x000000FF' is a magic number.114
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.119
errorParameter value should be final.119
error'value' hides a field.119
error'4' is a magic number.135
error'3' is a magic number.136
error'4' is a magic number.139
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.157
errorParameter data should be final.157
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.177
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.181


errorParameter parser should be final.44
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
errorParameter stream should be final.53
errorExpected @param tag for 'stream'.53
errorParameter handler should be final.53
errorExpected @param tag for 'handler'.53
errorParameter metadata should be final.53
errorExpected @param tag for 'metadata'.53
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.54
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.54
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.54
error'500' is a magic number.61


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.49
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.55
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
errorParameter stream should be final.58
errorExpected @param tag for 'stream'.58
errorParameter metadata should be final.58
errorExpected @param tag for 'metadata'.58
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.59
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.59
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'?' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'?' is not followed by whitespace.61
errorMust have at least one statement.65
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.82
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
errorParameter stream should be final.86
errorExpected @param tag for 'stream'.86
errorParameter handler should be final.86
errorExpected @param tag for 'handler'.86
errorParameter metadata should be final.86
errorExpected @param tag for 'metadata'.86
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.87
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.87
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.87
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.92
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.92
error'?' is not preceded with whitespace.92
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.92
error'?' is not followed by whitespace.92
errorMust have at least one statement.96
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.128
errorParameter entry should be final.128
errorParameter metadata should be final.128
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.148
errorParameter summary should be final.148
errorParameter metadata should be final.148
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.168
errorParameter summary should be final.168
errorParameter metadata should be final.168
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.173
errorParameter metadata should be final.173
errorParameter type should be final.173
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.177
errorParameter metadata should be final.177
errorParameter name should be final.177
errorParameter value should be final.177
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.183
errorParameter metadata should be final.183
errorParameter name should be final.183
errorParameter value should be final.183
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.189
errorParameter metadata should be final.189
errorParameter name should be final.189
errorParameter value should be final.189


errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.32
errorParameter stream should be final.33
errorParameter metadata should be final.33
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorParameter stream should be final.39
errorParameter handler should be final.39
errorParameter metadata should be final.39


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorParameter handler should be final.43
error'handler' hides a field.43
errorMethod 'startPrefixMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.47
errorParameter prefix should be final.47
errorParameter uri should be final.47
errorMethod 'endPrefixMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorParameter prefix should be final.52
errorMethod 'processingInstruction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.56
errorParameter target should be final.56
errorParameter data should be final.56
errorMethod 'setDocumentLocator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.61
errorParameter locator should be final.61
errorMethod 'startDocument' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65
errorMethod 'endDocument' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.69
errorMethod 'startElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.73
errorParameter uri should be final.73
errorParameter localName should be final.73
errorParameter name should be final.73
errorParameter atts should be final.74
errorMethod 'endElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.78
errorParameter uri should be final.78
errorParameter localName should be final.78
errorParameter name should be final.78
errorMethod 'characters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.83
errorParameter ch should be final.83
errorParameter start should be final.83
errorParameter length should be final.83
errorMethod 'ignorableWhitespace' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.88
errorParameter ch should be final.88
errorParameter start should be final.88
errorParameter length should be final.88
errorMethod 'skippedEntity' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.93
errorParameter name should be final.93
errorMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.97


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMethod 'matchesElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMethod 'matchesAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.32
errorParameter namespace should be final.33
errorParameter name should be final.33
errorMethod 'matchesText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorParameter ch should be final.39
errorParameter md should be final.39
errorParameter name should be final.39
errorParameter element should be final.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorParameter ch should be final.49
errorParameter md should be final.49
errorParameter name should be final.49
errorParameter attribute should be final.49
errorMethod 'getDefaultHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
errorParameter ch should be final.57
errorParameter md should be final.57


errorParameter args should be final.68
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.112
errorParameter parser should be final.112
error'parser' hides a field.112
error'500' is a magic number.125
error'400' is a magic number.125
errorMethod 'importFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.131
errorParameter file should be final.131
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.186
errorParameter title should be final.186
errorParameter type should be final.186
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.195
errorParameter editor should be final.195
errorParameter text should be final.195
error'text' hides a field.195
errorParameter writer should be final.218
errorParameter uri should be final.228
errorParameter localName should be final.228
errorParameter name should be final.228
errorParameter atts should be final.228
errorParameter uri should be final.238
errorParameter localName should be final.238
errorParameter name should be final.238
errorParameter prefix should be final.248
errorParameter uri should be final.248
errorParameter prefix should be final.251
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.256
errorParameter writer should be final.256
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.260
errorParameter writer should be final.260


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.46
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.49
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.51
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.52
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.52
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.52
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.52
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.52
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.52
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.52
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.54
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.57
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.58
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.58
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.58
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.58
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.58
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.58
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.58
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.60
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.70
errorParameter file should be final.76
errorLine has trailing spaces.82
errorParameter url should be final.88
errorLine has trailing spaces.94
errorParameter name should be final.99
errorParameter data should be final.122
errorParameter stream should be final.153
errorParameter stream should be final.170
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.192
errorParameter typeName should be final.192
errorParameter url should be final.192
errorParameter data should be final.192
errorMust have at least one statement.198
errorExpected an @return tag.220
errorParameter url should be final.220
errorExpected @param tag for 'url'.220
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.220
errorLine has trailing spaces.237
errorParameter name should be final.246
errorParameter data should be final.246
errorParameter name should be final.269
errorParameter stream should be final.269
errorParameter name should be final.283
errorParameter type should be final.307
errorParameter alias should be final.307
errorParameter type should be final.324
errorParameter pattern should be final.324
errorLine has trailing spaces.332
error'1024' is a magic number.338
errorLine has trailing spaces.344
errorParameter type should be final.348


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorLine has trailing spaces.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.48
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.48
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.48
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.48
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.48
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.48
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.48
errorLine has trailing spaces.49
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorParameter file should be final.52
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
errorParameter file should be final.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.62
errorParameter url should be final.62
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.67
errorParameter stream should be final.67
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.72
errorParameter document should be final.72
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.76
errorParameter element should be final.76
errorMethod 'getParser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
errorParameter mimeType should be final.107
errorMethod 'getParsers' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.111
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.111
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.111
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.111
errorMethod 'getMimeRepository' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.115
error'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.139
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.147
errorParameter element should be final.147
errorParameter name should be final.147


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorParameter handlers should be final.33
error'handlers' hides a field.33
errorMethod 'startPrefixMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorParameter prefix should be final.38
errorParameter uri should be final.38
errorMethod 'endPrefixMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
errorParameter prefix should be final.46
errorMethod 'processingInstruction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorParameter target should be final.53
errorParameter data should be final.53
errorMethod 'setDocumentLocator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.60
errorParameter locator should be final.61
errorMethod 'startDocument' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.67
errorMethod 'endDocument' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.74
errorMethod 'startElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.81
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.81
errorParameter uri should be final.83
errorParameter localName should be final.83
errorParameter name should be final.83
errorParameter atts should be final.83
errorMethod 'endElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.90
errorParameter uri should be final.91
errorParameter localName should be final.91
errorParameter name should be final.91
errorMethod 'characters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.98
errorParameter ch should be final.99
errorParameter start should be final.99
errorParameter length should be final.99
errorMethod 'ignorableWhitespace' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.106
errorParameter ch should be final.107
errorParameter start should be final.107
errorParameter length should be final.107
errorMethod 'skippedEntity' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.114
errorParameter name should be final.115


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorLine has trailing spaces.21
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.26
errorRedundant 'final' modifier.27
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.27
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.29
errorRedundant 'final' modifier.30
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.30
errorLine has trailing spaces.34
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.47
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorParameter o1 should be final.48
errorParameter o2 should be final.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.60
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.61
errorParameter o1 should be final.61
errorParameter o2 should be final.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65


errorLine has trailing spaces.20
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.24
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.26
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.26
error'{' is followed by whitespace.26
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.29
errorLine has trailing spaces.31
errorParameter hexValue should be final.36
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.40
errorLine has trailing spaces.42
errorParameter hexChars should be final.47
errorLine has trailing spaces.53
errorUnused @param tag for 'starIndex'.56
errorParameter hexChars should be final.62
errorParameter startIndex should be final.62
errorExpected @param tag for 'startIndex'.62
errorParameter length should be final.62
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.63
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.68
error'16' is a magic number.68
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.73
errorLine has trailing spaces.75
errorParameter bites should be final.80
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.84
errorLine has trailing spaces.86
errorUnused @param tag for 'starIndex'.89
errorParameter bites should be final.95
errorParameter startIndex should be final.95
errorExpected @param tag for 'startIndex'.95
errorParameter length should be final.95
error'0xff' is a magic number.98
error'4' is a magic number.99
error'0xf' is a magic number.100
errorExpected an @return tag.108
errorParameter ch should be final.108
errorExpected @param tag for 'ch'.108
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.109
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.111
error'10' is a magic number.112
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.113
error'10' is a magic number.114
error'else' construct must use '{}'s.115


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorParameter cell should be final.29
errorParameter link should be final.29
error'link' hides a field.29
errorMethod 'render' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorParameter handler should be final.34


errorParameter handler should be final.51
errorParameter writer should be final.61
errorParameter stream should be final.71


errorLine is longer than 80 characters.44
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.75
errorName 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.76
errorExpected an @return tag.90
errorMethod 'isListenForAllRecords' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
errorMethod 'setListenForAllRecords' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
errorParameter listenForAllRecords should be final.106
error'listenForAllRecords' hides a field.106
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
errorParameter filesystem should be final.118
errorParameter xhtml should be final.118
errorExpected @param tag for 'xhtml'.118
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.119
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.141
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.145
errorClass TikaHSSFListener should be declared as final.157
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.157
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.172
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.177
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.177
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.177
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.177
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.177
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.177
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.177
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.189
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.189
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.189
errorParameter handler should be final.197
error'handler' hides a field.197
errorParameter record should be final.206
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.219
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.225
errorParameter record should be final.225
errorswitch without "default" clause.226
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.234
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.234
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.234
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.234
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.288
errorParameter record should be final.302
errorParameter cell should be final.302
errorMust have at least one statement.303
errorMust have at least one statement.305
errorParameter record should be final.322
errorParameter text should be final.322
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.351
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.351
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.351
errorLine has trailing spaces.373
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.385
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.385
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.385
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.387
errorParameter a should be final.387
errorParameter b should be final.387


errorLine has trailing spaces.39
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.43
errorLine has trailing spaces.44
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.45
errorLine has trailing spaces.47
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.48
errorLine has trailing spaces.51
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.52
errorLine has trailing spaces.55
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.56
errorLine has trailing spaces.59
errorLine has trailing spaces.62
errorLine has trailing spaces.65
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.68
errorLine has trailing spaces.71
errorLine has trailing spaces.76
errorLine has trailing spaces.80
errorLine has trailing spaces.86
errorLine has trailing spaces.87
errorLine has trailing spaces.89
errorFirst sentence should end with a period.93
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.96
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.98
errorParameter types should be final.98
error'types' hides a field.98
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.102
errorParameter types should be final.102
error'types' hides a field.102
errorParameter logger should be final.102
error'logger' hides a field.102
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.111
errorParameter filepath should be final.111
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.112
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.115
errorParameter stream should be final.115
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.129
errorParameter document should be final.129
errorParameter element should be final.148
errorExpected @param tag for 'element'.148
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.162
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.170
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.174
errorParameter element should be final.192
errorExpected @param tag for 'element'.192
errorParameter mimeType should be final.192
errorExpected @param tag for 'mimeType'.192
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.205
errorParameter element should be final.205
errorExpected an @return tag.236
errorParameter element should be final.236
errorExpected @param tag for 'element'.236
errorExpected @throws tag for 'MimeTypeException'.236
errorMust have at least one statement.262
errorMust have at least one statement.267
errorParameter element should be final.276
errorExpected @param tag for 'element'.276
errorParameter mimeType should be final.276
errorExpected @param tag for 'mimeType'.276


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.20
errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.24
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.26
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.26
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.28


errorComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.109
errorLine has trailing spaces.125
errorParameter inputStream should be final.144
error'inputStream' hides a field.144
errorParameter maxBytesInMemory should be final.144
error'maxBytesInMemory' hides a field.144
errorParameter readToEndOfStreamOnFirstRewind should be final.145
error'readToEndOfStreamOnFirstRewind' hides a field.145
errorParameter closeOriginalStreamOnClose should be final.146
error'closeOriginalStreamOnClose' hides a field.146
errorExpected @param tag for 'closeOriginalStreamOnClose'.146
errorMethod 'read' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.163
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.163
errorMethod 'rewind' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.175
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.175
error'while' is not followed by whitespace.180
errorMust have at least one statement.180
errorAvoid inline conditionals.193
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.204
errorLine has trailing spaces.217
errorMethod 'close' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.220
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.220
errorMethod 'getSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.233
errorParameter inputByte should be final.243
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.243


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorParameter then should be final.27
error'then' hides a field.27
errorMethod 'descend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorParameter namespace should be final.31
errorParameter name should be final.31


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.27
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.27
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.27
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.28
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.28
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.28
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.30
errorParameter canonical should be final.30
errorParameter alias should be final.30
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorParameter type should be final.34


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.33
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorParameter stream should be final.39
errorParameter handler should be final.39
errorParameter metadata should be final.39


errorFile does not end with a newline.0
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorParameter delegate should be final.39
error'delegate' hides a field.39
errorParameter tika should be final.39
error'tika' hides a field.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorParameter component should be final.44
errorParameter flavors should be final.44
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorParameter component should be final.54
errorParameter transferable should be final.54
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.56
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.56
error'?' is not preceded with whitespace.56
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.56
error'?' is not followed by whitespace.56
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.56
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.56
error'?' is not preceded with whitespace.56
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.56
error'?' is not followed by whitespace.56
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.56
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.67
errorParameter arg0 should be final.67
errorParameter arg1 should be final.67
errorParameter arg2 should be final.67
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.71
errorParameter arg0 should be final.71
errorParameter arg1 should be final.71
errorParameter arg2 should be final.71
errorRedundant throws: 'IllegalStateException' is unchecked exception.72
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.76
errorParameter arg0 should be final.76
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.80
errorParameter arg0 should be final.80


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.31
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.31
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.40
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.43
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.59
errorParameter string should be final.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.80
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.82
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.84
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.84
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.84
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.84
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.86
errorParameter type should be final.87
error'type' hides a field.87
errorParameter subtype should be final.87
error'subtype' hides a field.87
errorParameter parameters should be final.87
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.87
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.87
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.87
error'parameters' hides a field.87
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.90
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.90
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.90
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.90
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.91
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.91
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.91
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.97
errorParameter type should be final.97
error'type' hides a field.97
errorParameter subtype should be final.97
error'subtype' hides a field.97
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.101
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.101
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.101
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.101
errorParameter a should be final.102
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.102
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.102
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.102
errorParameter b should be final.102
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.102
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.102
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.102
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.108
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.108
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.108
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.108
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.108
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.108
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.108
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.115
errorParameter type should be final.115
error'type' hides a field.115
errorParameter parameters should be final.115
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.115
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.115
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.115
error'parameters' hides a field.115
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.119
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.127
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.131
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.135
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.135
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.135
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.135
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.139
errorParameter that should be final.139
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.144
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.156
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.161
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.161
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.161
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.177
errorParameter object should be final.177
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.188
error'17' is a magic number.189
error'31' is a magic number.190
error'31' is a magic number.191
error'31' is a magic number.192


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMethod 'matchesAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorParameter namespace should be final.27
errorParameter name should be final.27


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorParameter number should be final.33
error'number' hides a field.33
errorParameter format should be final.33
error'format' hides a field.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorParameter number should be final.38
error'number' hides a field.38
errorMethod 'render' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.42
errorParameter handler should be final.42


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.23
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorParameter metadata should be final.31
error'metadata' hides a field.31
errorParameter name should be final.31
error'name' hides a field.31
errorMethod 'addMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorParameter value should be final.36
errorMethod 'endElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorParameter uri should be final.46
errorParameter localName should be final.46
errorParameter name should be final.46
error'name' hides a field.46
errorMethod 'startElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.51
errorParameter uri should be final.52
errorParameter localName should be final.52
errorParameter name should be final.52
error'name' hides a field.52
errorParameter attributes should be final.52
errorLine has trailing spaces.58
errorMethod 'characters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.59
errorParameter ch should be final.59
errorParameter start should be final.59
errorParameter length should be final.59


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorParameter args should be final.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.64
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.66
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.68
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.70
errorMethod 'process' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.75
errorParameter arg should be final.75
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.119
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.149
error'handler' hides a field.153
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.160
error'handler' hides a field.164
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.171
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.175


errorLine has trailing spaces.22
errorLine has trailing spaces.23
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.25
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.25
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
error'50' is a magic number.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
error'50' is a magic number.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorParameter priority should be final.37
error'priority' hides a field.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorParameter type should be final.41
error'type' hides a field.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.49
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorParameter clause should be final.53
error'clause' hides a field.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
errorParameter data should be final.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.61
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.71
errorParameter o should be final.71


errorClass PDF2XHTML should be declared as final.37
errorLine has trailing spaces.42
errorParameter document should be final.50
errorParameter handler should be final.50
errorParameter metadata should be final.50
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.63
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.65
errorParameter handler should be final.65
error'handler' hides a field.65
errorParameter metadata should be final.65
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.70
errorParameter pdf should be final.70
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.78
errorParameter pdf should be final.78
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.86
errorParameter page should be final.86
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.94
errorParameter page should be final.94
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.102
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.110
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.118
errorParameter text should be final.118
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.127
errorParameter p should be final.127
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.135
errorParameter a should be final.135
errorParameter b should be final.135


errorParameter parser should be final.45
error'parser' hides a field.45
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
errorParameter stream should be final.55
errorExpected @param tag for 'stream'.55
errorParameter handler should be final.55
errorExpected @param tag for 'handler'.55
errorParameter metadata should be final.55
errorExpected @param tag for 'metadata'.55
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.56
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.56
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.56


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorParameter then should be final.27
error'then' hides a field.27
errorMethod 'descend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorParameter namespace should be final.32
errorParameter name should be final.32
errorMethod 'matchesElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorMethod 'matchesAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.46
errorParameter namespace should be final.47
errorParameter name should be final.47
errorMethod 'matchesText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.51


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorParameter cell should be final.29
error'cell' hides a field.29
errorMethod 'render' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorParameter handler should be final.33


errorExpected @param tag for 'handler'.36
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.36


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.50
errorParameter config should be final.50
errorMethod 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.54
errorParameter config should be final.54
errorMethod 'getMimeTypes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.59
errorMethod 'setMimeTypes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.63
errorParameter types should be final.63
error'types' hides a field.63
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.67
errorParameter stream should be final.68
errorParameter handler should be final.68
errorParameter metadata should be final.68
errorLine has trailing spaces.75
errorParameter stream should be final.96
errorParameter metadata should be final.96
errorMust have at least one statement.124
errorLine has trailing spaces.142
errorParameter input should be final.148
errorParameter length should be final.148
error'1024' is a magic number.150


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.32
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorMethod 'getMetaParser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorMethod 'setMetaParser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
errorParameter meta should be final.45
error'meta' hides a field.45
errorMethod 'getContentParser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.49
errorMethod 'setContentParser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.53
errorParameter content should be final.53
error'content' hides a field.53
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57
errorParameter stream should be final.57
errorParameter metadata should be final.57
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.72
errorParameter stream should be final.73
errorParameter handler should be final.73
errorParameter metadata should be final.73


errorLine has trailing spaces.21
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.22
errorLine has trailing spaces.24
errorLine has trailing spaces.25
errorinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.29
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.29
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.31
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.31
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.31
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.33
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.35
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.35
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.35
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.37
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.37
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.39
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.39
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.39
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.41
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.41
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.41
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.43
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.43
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.43
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.45
errorRedundant 'public' modifier.45
error'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.45


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorParameter namespace should be final.29
error'namespace' hides a field.29
errorParameter name should be final.29
error'name' hides a field.29
errorMethod 'matchesAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorParameter namespace should be final.34
error'namespace' hides a field.34
errorParameter name should be final.34
error'name' hides a field.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.38
errorParameter a should be final.38
errorParameter b should be final.38
errorAvoid inline conditionals.39


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorParameter text should be final.29
error'text' hides a field.29
errorMethod 'render' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.33
errorParameter handler should be final.33


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.25
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.27
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.29
errorParameter a should be final.29
error'a' hides a field.29
errorParameter b should be final.29
error'b' hides a field.29
errorMethod 'descend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.34
errorParameter namespace should be final.34
errorParameter name should be final.34
error'a' hides a field.35
error'b' hides a field.36
errorMethod 'matchesElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.48
errorMethod 'matchesAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.52
errorParameter namespace should be final.52
errorParameter name should be final.52
errorMethod 'matchesText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.57


error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.40
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.40
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.40
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.40
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.40
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.40
error'>' is not followed by whitespace.40
errorMethod 'getParsers' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.52
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.52
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.52
errorMethod 'setParsers' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
errorParameter parsers should be final.61
error'<' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'<' is not followed by whitespace.61
error'>' is not preceded with whitespace.61
error'parsers' hides a field.61
errorMethod 'getFallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
errorMethod 'setFallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
errorParameter fallback should be final.79
error'fallback' hides a field.79
errorMethod 'getParser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
errorParameter metadata should be final.94
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
errorParameter stream should be final.105
errorExpected @param tag for 'stream'.105
errorParameter metadata should be final.105
errorExpected @param tag for 'metadata'.105
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.106
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.106
errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.113
errorParameter stream should be final.114
errorExpected @param tag for 'stream'.114
errorParameter handler should be final.114
errorExpected @param tag for 'handler'.114
errorParameter metadata should be final.114
errorExpected @param tag for 'metadata'.114
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.115
errorExpected @throws tag for 'SAXException'.115
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.115


errorUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.27
errorExpected an @return tag.34
errorParameter s should be final.34
errorExpected @param tag for 's'.34
errorParameter length should be final.34
errorExpected @param tag for 'length'.34
error'for' construct must use '{}'s.36
errorExpected an @return tag.46
errorParameter s should be final.46
errorExpected @param tag for 's'.46
errorParameter length should be final.46
errorExpected @param tag for 'length'.46
error'for' construct must use '{}'s.48
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.54
error'{' is followed by whitespace.54
errorLine has trailing spaces.60
errorExpected an @return tag.63
errorParameter buf should be final.63
errorExpected @param tag for 'buf'.63
errorLine has trailing spaces.70
errorExpected an @return tag.80
errorParameter buf should be final.80
errorParameter sep should be final.80
errorParameter lineLen should be final.80
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.81
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.83
error'4' is a magic number.88
error'0xf' is a magic number.88
error'0xf' is a magic number.89
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.90
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.92
errorLine has trailing spaces.103
errorParameter text should be final.108
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.110
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.119
error'4' is a magic number.121
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.126
errorRedundant 'final' modifier.126
errorParameter c should be final.126
error'0xa' is a magic number.130
error'0xA' is a magic number.132
errorLine has trailing spaces.144
errorExpected an @return tag.148
errorParameter contentType should be final.148
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.149
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.152
error'8' is a magic number.154
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.156
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.159
errorExpected an @return tag.169
errorParameter str should be final.169
errorExpected @param tag for 'str'.169
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.173
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.196
errorParameter encoding should be final.196
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.197
errorLine is longer than 80 characters.200
errorAvoid inline conditionals.200
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.205
errorParameter args should be final.205
error'if' construct must use '{}'s.206
error'else' construct must use '{}'s.208


errorMissing a Javadoc comment.26
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.30
errorParameter namespace should be final.30
error'namespace' hides a field.30
errorParameter name should be final.30
error'name' hides a field.30
errorParameter then should be final.30
errorMethod 'descend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.36
errorParameter namespace should be final.36
error'namespace' hides a field.36
errorParameter name should be final.36
error'name' hides a field.36
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.44
errorParameter a should be final.44
errorParameter b should be final.44
errorAvoid inline conditionals.45


errorMissing package documentation file.0


errorMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
errorParameter stream should be final.38
errorExpected @param tag for 'stream'.38
errorParameter metadata should be final.38
errorExpected @param tag for 'metadata'.38
errorExpected @throws tag for 'IOException'.39
errorExpected @throws tag for 'TikaException'.39


errorFirst sentence should end with a period.19
errorLine has trailing spaces.20
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.24
errorParameter msg should be final.24
errorMissing a Javadoc comment.28
errorParameter msg should be final.28
errorParameter cause should be final.28


errorMethod 'descend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
errorParameter namespace should be final.40
errorParameter name should be final.40
errorMethod 'matchesElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
errorMethod 'matchesAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
errorParameter namespace should be final.62
errorParameter name should be final.62
errorMethod 'matchesText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73


errorMissing package documentation file.0