# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os, sys, zipfile import jcc._jcc as _jcc class JavaError(Exception): def getJavaException(self): return self.args[0] def __str__(self): writer = StringWriter() self.getJavaException().printStackTrace(PrintWriter(writer)) return '\n'.join((super(JavaError, self).__str__(), "Java stacktrace:", str(writer))) class InvalidArgsError(Exception): pass _jcc._set_exception_types(JavaError, InvalidArgsError) from jcc._jcc import * INDENT = ' ' HALF_INDENT = ' ' PRIMITIVES = { 'boolean': 'Z', 'byte': 'B', 'char': 'C', 'double': 'D', 'float': 'F', 'int': 'I', 'long': 'J', 'short': 'S', 'void': 'V' } RESERVED = set(['delete', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'xor', 'union', 'register', 'const', 'bool', 'operator', 'typeof', 'asm', 'NULL', 'DOMAIN']) def cppname(name): if name in RESERVED: return name + '$' return name def cppnames(names): return [cppname(name) for name in names] def typename(cls, current, const): if cls.isArray(): componentType = cls.getComponentType() if componentType.isArray(): name = 'JArray< %s >' %(typename(componentType, current, False)) else: name = 'JArray<%s>' %(typename(componentType, current, False)) elif cls.isPrimitive(): name = cls.getName() if name != 'void': name = 'j' + name const = False elif cls == current: name = cppname(cls.getName().split('.')[-1]) else: name = '::'.join([cppname(name) for name in cls.getName().split('.')]) if const: return "const %s&" %(name) return name def argnames(params, cls): if not params: return '', '' count = len(params) decls = ', '.join(["%s a%d" %(typename(params[i], cls, True), i) for i in range(count)]) args = ', '.join(['a%d%s' %(i, not params[i].isPrimitive() and '.this$' or '') for i in range(count)]) return decls, ', ' + args def line(out, indent=0, string='', *args): out.write(INDENT * indent) out.write(string % args) out.write('\n') def known(cls, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics): if generics: if Class.instance_(cls): cls = Class.cast_(cls) elif ParameterizedType.instance_(cls): pt = ParameterizedType.cast_(cls) if not known(pt.getRawType(), typeset, declares, packages, excludes, True): return False for ta in pt.getActualTypeArguments(): if TypeVariable.instance_(ta): continue if not known(ta, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, True): return False return True elif WildcardType.instance_(cls): wc = WildcardType.cast_(cls) for ub in wc.getUpperBounds(): if not known(ub, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, True): return False return True elif TypeVariable.instance_(cls): for bounds in TypeVariable.cast_(cls).getBounds(): if not known(bounds, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, True): return False return True elif GenericArrayType.instance_(cls): return known(GenericArrayType.cast_(cls).getGenericComponentType(), typeset, declares, packages, excludes, True) else: raise TypeError((cls, cls.getClass())) while cls.isArray(): cls = cls.getComponentType() className = cls.getName() if className in excludes: return False if cls.isPrimitive(): return True if cls in typeset: declares.add(cls) return True if className.rsplit('.', 1)[0] in packages: typeset.add(cls) declares.add(cls) cls = cls.getSuperclass() while cls and cls not in typeset: typeset.add(cls) cls = cls.getSuperclass() return True return False def find_method(cls, name, params): declared = False while True: try: if declared: method = cls.getDeclaredMethod(name, params) else: method = cls.getMethod(name, params) break except JavaError as e: if (e.getJavaException().getClass().getName() == 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodException'): if not declared: declared = True else: cls = cls.getSuperclass() if not cls: return None continue raise modifiers = method.getModifiers() if Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers): return None if Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers): return None return method def signature(fn, argsOnly=False): def typename(cls): array = '' while cls.isArray(): array += '[' cls = cls.getComponentType() if cls.isPrimitive(): return array + PRIMITIVES[cls.getName()] return '%sL%s;' %(array, cls.getName().replace('.', '/')) if isinstance(fn, Constructor): returnType = 'V' elif isinstance(fn, Method): returnType = typename(fn.getReturnType()) elif isinstance(fn, Field): return typename(fn.getType()) if argsOnly: return '(%s)' %(''.join([typename(param) for param in fn.getParameterTypes()])) return '(%s)%s' %(''.join([typename(param) for param in fn.getParameterTypes()]), returnType) def forward(out, namespace, indent): for name, entries in namespace.items(): if entries is True: line(out, indent, 'class %s;', cppname(name)) else: line(out, indent, 'namespace %s {', cppname(name)) forward(out, entries, indent + 1) line(out, indent, '}') def expandjar(path): jar = zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') for member in jar.infolist(): f = member.filename if f.endswith('.class'): yield f.split('.')[0].replace('/', '.') jar.close() def jcc(args): classNames = set() packages = set() jars = [] classpath = [] libpath = [] vmargs = ['-Djava.awt.headless=true'] moduleName = None modules = [] build = False install = False recompile = False output = 'build' debug = False excludes = [] version = '' mappings = {} sequences = {} renames = {} env = None wrapperFiles = 1 prefix = None root = None install_dir = None home_dir = None use_distutils = False shared = False dist = False wininst = False find_jvm_dll = False compiler = None generics = hasattr(_jcc, "Type") arch = [] resources = [] imports = {} i = 1 while i < len(args): arg = args[i] if arg.startswith('-'): if arg == '--jar': i += 1 classpath.append(args[i]) classNames.update(expandjar(args[i])) jars.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--include': i += 1 classpath.append(args[i]) jars.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--package': i += 1 packages.add(args[i]) elif arg == '--classpath': i += 1 classpath.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--libpath': i += 1 libpath.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--vmarg': i += 1 vmargs.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--python': from .python import python, module i += 1 moduleName = args[i] elif arg == '--module': i += 1 modules.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--build': from .python import compile build = True elif arg == '--install': from .python import compile install = True elif arg == '--compile': from .python import compile recompile = True elif arg == '--output': i += 1 output = args[i] elif arg == '--debug': debug = True elif arg == '--exclude': i += 1 excludes.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--version': i += 1 version = args[i] elif arg == '--mapping': mappings[args[i + 1]] = args[i + 2] i += 2 elif arg == '--sequence': sequences[args[i + 1]] = (args[i + 2], args[i + 3]) i += 3 elif arg == '--rename': i += 1 renames.update(dict([arg.split('=') for arg in args[i].split(',')])) elif arg == '--files': i += 1 wrapperFiles = args[i] if wrapperFiles != 'separate': wrapperFiles = int(wrapperFiles) elif arg == '--prefix': i += 1 prefix = args[i] elif arg == '--root': i += 1 root = args[i] elif arg == '--install-dir': i += 1 install_dir = args[i] elif arg == '--home': i += 1 home_dir = args[i] elif arg == '--use-distutils': use_distutils = True elif arg == '--shared': shared = True elif arg == '--bdist': from .python import compile dist = True elif arg == '--wininst': from .python import compile wininst = True dist = True elif arg == '--compiler': i += 1 compiler = args[i] elif arg == '--reserved': i += 1 RESERVED.update(args[i].split(',')) elif arg == '--arch': i += 1 arch.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--no-generics': generics = False elif arg == '--find-jvm-dll': find_jvm_dll = True elif arg == '--resources': i += 1 resources.append(args[i]) elif arg == '--import': i += 1 imports[args[i]] = () else: raise ValueError("Invalid argument: %s" %(arg)) else: classNames.add(arg) i += 1 if libpath: vmargs.append('-Djava.library.path=' + os.pathsep.join(libpath)) env = initVM(os.pathsep.join(classpath) or None, maxstack='512k', vmargs=' '.join(vmargs)) typeset = set() excludes = set(excludes) if imports: if shared: imports = dict((__import__(import_), set()) for import_ in imports) else: raise ValueError("--shared must be used when using --import") if recompile or not build and (install or dist): if moduleName is None: raise ValueError("module name not specified (use --python)") else: compile(env, os.path.dirname(args[0]), output, moduleName, install, dist, debug, jars, version, prefix, root, install_dir, home_dir, use_distutils, shared, compiler, modules, wininst, find_jvm_dll, arch, generics, resources, imports) else: if imports: def walk(args, dirname, names): (include, importset) = args for name in names: if name.endswith('.h'): className = os.path.join(dirname[len(include) + 1:], name[:-2]) if os.path.sep != '/': className = className.replace(os.path.sep, '/') importset.add(findClass(className)) for import_, importset in imports.items(): env._addClassPath(import_.CLASSPATH) include = os.path.join(import_.__dir__, 'include') os.path.walk(include, walk, (include, importset)) typeset.update(importset) for className in classNames: if className in excludes: continue cls = findClass(className.replace('.', '/')) if cls is None: raise ValueError(className) if Modifier.isPublic(cls.getModifiers()): typeset.add(cls) cls = cls.getSuperclass() while cls and cls not in typeset: typeset.add(cls) cls = cls.getSuperclass() typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Class')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/String')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Throwable')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Exception')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/RuntimeException')) if moduleName: typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Number')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Boolean')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Byte')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Character')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Double')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Float')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Integer')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Long')) typeset.add(findClass('java/lang/Short')) typeset.add(findClass('java/util/Iterator')) typeset.add(findClass('java/util/Enumeration')) typeset.add(findClass('java/io/StringWriter')) typeset.add(findClass('java/io/PrintWriter')) typeset.add(findClass('java/io/Writer')) packages.add('java.lang') _dll_export = '' if moduleName: cppdir = os.path.join(output, '_%s' %(moduleName)) if shared and sys.platform == 'win32': _dll_export = "_dll_%s " %(moduleName) else: cppdir = output allInOne = wrapperFiles != 'separate' if allInOne: if not os.path.isdir(cppdir): os.makedirs(cppdir) if wrapperFiles <= 1: out_cpp = open(os.path.join(cppdir, '__wrap__.cpp'), 'w') else: fileCount = 1 fileName = '__wrap%02d__.cpp' %(fileCount) out_cpp = open(os.path.join(cppdir, fileName), 'w') done = set() for importset in imports.values(): done.update(importset) todo = typeset - done if allInOne and wrapperFiles > 1: classesPerFile = max(1, len(todo) / wrapperFiles) classCount = 0 while todo: for cls in todo: classCount += 1 className = cls.getName() names = className.split('.') dir = os.path.join(cppdir, *names[:-1]) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) fileName = os.path.join(dir, names[-1]) out_h = open(fileName + '.h', "w") line(out_h, 0, '#ifndef %s_H', '_'.join(names)) line(out_h, 0, '#define %s_H', '_'.join(names)) (superCls, constructors, methods, protectedMethods, fields, instanceFields, declares) = \ header(env, out_h, cls, typeset, packages, excludes, generics, _dll_export) if not allInOne: out_cpp = open(fileName + '.cpp', 'w') names, superNames = code(env, out_cpp, cls, superCls, constructors, methods, protectedMethods, fields, instanceFields, declares, typeset) if moduleName: python(env, out_h, out_cpp, cls, superCls, names, superNames, constructors, methods, protectedMethods, fields, instanceFields, mappings.get(className), sequences.get(className), renames.get(className), declares, typeset, moduleName, generics, _dll_export) line(out_h) line(out_h, 0, '#endif') out_h.close() if not allInOne: out_cpp.close() elif wrapperFiles > 1: if classCount >= classesPerFile: out_cpp.close() fileCount += 1 fileName = '__wrap%02d__.cpp' %(fileCount) out_cpp = open(os.path.join(cppdir, fileName), 'w') classCount = 0 done.update(todo) todo = typeset - done if allInOne: out_cpp.close() if moduleName: out = open(os.path.join(cppdir, moduleName) + '.cpp', 'w') module(out, allInOne, done, imports, cppdir, moduleName, shared, generics) out.close() if build or install or dist: compile(env, os.path.dirname(args[0]), output, moduleName, install, dist, debug, jars, version, prefix, root, install_dir, home_dir, use_distutils, shared, compiler, modules, wininst, find_jvm_dll, arch, generics, resources, imports) def header(env, out, cls, typeset, packages, excludes, generics, _dll_export): names = cls.getName().split('.') superCls = cls.getSuperclass() declares = set([cls.getClass()]) interfaces = [] for interface in cls.getInterfaces(): if superCls and interface.isAssignableFrom(superCls): continue if known(interface, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, False): interfaces.append(interface) if cls.isInterface(): if interfaces: superCls = interfaces.pop(0) else: superCls = findClass('java/lang/Object') superClsName = superCls.getName() elif superCls: superClsName = superCls.getName() else: superClsName = 'JObject' constructors = [] for constructor in cls.getDeclaredConstructors(): if Modifier.isPublic(constructor.getModifiers()): if generics: params = constructor.getGenericParameterTypes() if len(params) == 1: if params[0] == cls: continue if ParameterizedType.instance_(params[0]): param = ParameterizedType.cast_(params[0]) if param.getRawType() == cls: continue else: params = constructor.getParameterTypes() if len(params) == 1 and params[0] == cls: continue for param in params: if not known(param, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics): break else: constructors.append(constructor) constructors.sort(key=lambda x: len(x.getParameterTypes())) methods = {} protectedMethods = [] for method in cls.getDeclaredMethods(): modifiers = method.getModifiers() if Modifier.isPublic(modifiers): if generics: returnType = method.getGenericReturnType() else: returnType = method.getReturnType() if not known(returnType, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics): continue sig = "%s:%s" %(method.getName(), signature(method, True)) if sig in methods and returnType != cls: continue if generics: params = method.getGenericParameterTypes() else: params = method.getParameterTypes() for param in params: if not known(param, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics): break else: methods[sig] = method elif Modifier.isProtected(modifiers): protectedMethods.append(method) for interface in interfaces: for method in interface.getMethods(): sig = "%s:%s" %(method.getName(), signature(method, True)) if sig not in methods: if generics: param = method.getGenericReturnType() else: param = method.getReturnType() if not known(param, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics): continue if generics: params = method.getGenericParameterTypes() else: params = method.getParameterTypes() for param in params: if not known(param, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics): break else: methods[sig] = method methods = list(methods.values()) methods.sort(key=lambda x: (x.getName(), len(x.getParameterTypes()))) for constructor in constructors: if generics: exceptions = constructor.getGenericExceptionTypes() else: exceptions = constructor.getExceptionTypes() for exception in exceptions: known(exception, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics) for method in methods: if generics: exceptions = method.getGenericExceptionTypes() else: exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes() for exception in exceptions: known(exception, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics) fields = [] instanceFields = [] for field in cls.getDeclaredFields(): modifiers = field.getModifiers() if Modifier.isPublic(modifiers): if generics: fieldType = field.getGenericType() else: fieldType = field.getType() if not known(fieldType, typeset, declares, packages, excludes, generics): continue if Modifier.isStatic(modifiers): fields.append(field) else: instanceFields.append(field) fields.sort(key=lambda x: x.getName()) instanceFields.sort(key=lambda x: x.getName()) line(out) superNames = superClsName.split('.') line(out, 0, '#include "%s.h"', '/'.join(superNames)) line(out, 0) namespaces = {} for declare in declares: namespace = namespaces if declare not in (cls, superCls): declareNames = declare.getName().split('.') for declareName in declareNames[:-1]: namespace = namespace.setdefault(declareName, {}) namespace[declareNames[-1]] = True forward(out, namespaces, 0) line(out, 0, 'template class JArray;') indent = 0; line(out) for name in names[:-1]: line(out, indent, 'namespace %s {', cppname(name)) indent += 1 line(out) if superClsName == 'JObject': line(out, indent, 'class %s%s : public JObject {', _dll_export, cppname(names[-1])) else: line(out, indent, 'class %s%s : public %s {', _dll_export, cppname(names[-1]), '::'.join(cppnames(superNames))) line(out, indent, 'public:') indent += 1 if methods or protectedMethods or constructors: line(out, indent, 'enum {') for constructor in constructors: line(out, indent + 1, 'mid_init$_%s,', env.strhash(signature(constructor))) for method in methods: line(out, indent + 1, 'mid_%s_%s,', method.getName(), env.strhash(signature(method))) for method in protectedMethods: line(out, indent + 1, 'mid_%s_%s,', method.getName(), env.strhash(signature(method))) line(out, indent + 1, 'max_mid') line(out, indent, '};') if instanceFields: line(out) line(out, indent, 'enum {') for field in instanceFields: line(out, indent + 1, 'fid_%s,', field.getName()) line(out, indent + 1, 'max_fid') line(out, indent, '};') line(out) line(out, indent, 'static java::lang::Class *class$;'); line(out, indent, 'static jmethodID *mids$;'); if instanceFields: line(out, indent, 'static jfieldID *fids$;'); line(out, indent, 'static jclass initializeClass();'); line(out) line(out, indent, 'explicit %s(jobject obj) : %s(obj) {', cppname(names[-1]), '::'.join(cppnames(superNames))) line(out, indent + 1, 'if (obj != NULL)'); line(out, indent + 2, 'initializeClass();') line(out, indent, '}') line(out, indent, '%s(const %s& obj) : %s(obj) {}', cppname(names[-1]), cppname(names[-1]), '::'.join(cppnames(superNames))) if fields: line(out) for field in fields: fieldType = field.getType() fieldName = cppname(field.getName()) if fieldType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent, 'static %s %s;', typename(fieldType, cls, False), fieldName) else: line(out, indent, 'static %s *%s;', typename(fieldType, cls, False), fieldName) if instanceFields: line(out) for field in instanceFields: fieldType = field.getType() fieldName = field.getName() modifiers = field.getModifiers() line(out, indent, '%s _get_%s() const;', typename(fieldType, cls, False), fieldName) if not Modifier.isFinal(modifiers): line(out, indent, 'void _set_%s(%s) const;', fieldName, typename(fieldType, cls, True)) if constructors: line(out) for constructor in constructors: params = [typename(param, cls, True) for param in constructor.getParameterTypes()] line(out, indent, '%s(%s);', cppname(names[-1]), ', '.join(params)) if methods: line(out) for method in methods: modifiers = method.getModifiers() if Modifier.isStatic(modifiers): prefix = 'static ' const = '' else: prefix = '' const = ' const' params = [typename(param, cls, True) for param in method.getParameterTypes()] methodName = cppname(method.getName()) line(out, indent, '%s%s %s(%s)%s;', prefix, typename(method.getReturnType(), cls, False), methodName, ', '.join(params), const) indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '};') while indent: indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') return (superCls, constructors, methods, protectedMethods, fields, instanceFields, declares) def code(env, out, cls, superCls, constructors, methods, protectedMethods, fields, instanceFields, declares, typeset): className = cls.getName() names = className.split('.') if superCls: superClsName = superCls.getName() else: superClsName = 'JObject' superNames = superClsName.split('.') line(out, 0, '#include ') line(out, 0, '#include "JCCEnv.h"') line(out, 0, '#include "%s.h"', className.replace('.', '/')) for declare in declares: if declare not in (cls, superCls): line(out, 0, '#include "%s.h"', declare.getName().replace('.', '/')) line(out, 0, '#include "JArray.h"') indent = 0 line(out) for name in names[:-1]: line(out, indent, 'namespace %s {', cppname(name)) indent += 1 line(out) line(out, indent, 'java::lang::Class *%s::class$ = NULL;', cppname(names[-1])) line(out, indent, 'jmethodID *%s::mids$ = NULL;', cppname(names[-1])) if instanceFields: line(out, indent, 'jfieldID *%s::fids$ = NULL;', cppname(names[-1])) for field in fields: fieldType = field.getType() fieldName = cppname(field.getName()) typeName = typename(fieldType, cls, False) if fieldType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent, '%s %s::%s = (%s) 0;', typeName, cppname(names[-1]), fieldName, typeName) else: line(out, indent, '%s *%s::%s = NULL;', typeName, cppname(names[-1]), fieldName) line(out) line(out, indent, 'jclass %s::initializeClass()', cppname(names[-1])) line(out, indent, '{') line(out, indent + 1, 'if (!class$)') line(out, indent + 1, '{') line(out) line(out, indent + 2, 'jclass cls = (jclass) env->findClass("%s");', className.replace('.', '/')) if methods or protectedMethods or constructors: line(out) line(out, indent + 2, 'mids$ = new jmethodID[max_mid];') for constructor in constructors: sig = signature(constructor) line(out, indent + 2, 'mids$[mid_init$_%s] = env->getMethodID(cls, "", "%s");', env.strhash(sig), sig) isExtension = False for method in methods: methodName = method.getName() if methodName == 'pythonExtension': isExtension = True sig = signature(method) line(out, indent + 2, 'mids$[mid_%s_%s] = env->get%sMethodID(cls, "%s", "%s");', methodName, env.strhash(sig), Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) and 'Static' or '', methodName, sig) for method in protectedMethods: methodName = method.getName() sig = signature(method) line(out, indent + 2, 'mids$[mid_%s_%s] = env->get%sMethodID(cls, "%s", "%s");', methodName, env.strhash(sig), Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) and 'Static' or '', methodName, sig) if instanceFields: line(out) line(out, indent + 2, 'fids$ = new jfieldID[max_fid];') for field in instanceFields: fieldName = field.getName() line(out, indent + 2, 'fids$[fid_%s] = env->getFieldID(cls, "%s", "%s");', fieldName, fieldName, signature(field)) line(out) line(out, indent + 2, 'class$ = (java::lang::Class *) new JObject(cls);') if fields: line(out, indent + 2, 'cls = (jclass) class$->this$;') line(out) for field in fields: fieldType = field.getType() fieldName = field.getName() if fieldType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent + 2, '%s = env->getStatic%sField(cls, "%s");', cppname(fieldName), fieldType.getName().capitalize(), fieldName) else: line(out, indent + 2, '%s = new %s(env->getStaticObjectField(cls, "%s", "%s"));', cppname(fieldName), typename(fieldType, cls, False), fieldName, signature(field)) line(out, indent + 1, '}') line(out, indent + 1, 'return (jclass) class$->this$;') line(out, indent, '}') for constructor in constructors: line(out) sig = signature(constructor) decls, args = argnames(constructor.getParameterTypes(), cls) line(out, indent, "%s::%s(%s) : %s(env->newObject(initializeClass, &mids$, mid_init$_%s%s)) {}", cppname(names[-1]), cppname(names[-1]), decls, '::'.join(cppnames(superNames)), env.strhash(sig), args) for method in methods: modifiers = method.getModifiers() returnType = method.getReturnType() params = method.getParameterTypes() methodName = method.getName() superMethod = None isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) if (isExtension and not isStatic and superCls and Modifier.isNative(modifiers)): superMethod = find_method(superCls, methodName, params) if superMethod is None: continue if isStatic: qualifier = 'Static' this = 'cls' midns = '' const = '' else: isStatic = False if superMethod is not None: qualifier = 'Nonvirtual' this = 'this$, (jclass) %s::class$->this$' %('::'.join(cppnames(superNames))) declaringClass = superMethod.getDeclaringClass() midns = '%s::' %(typename(declaringClass, cls, False)) else: qualifier = '' this = 'this$' midns = '' const = ' const' sig = signature(method) decls, args = argnames(params, cls) line(out) line(out, indent, '%s %s::%s(%s)%s', typename(returnType, cls, False), cppname(names[-1]), cppname(methodName), decls, const) line(out, indent, '{') if isStatic: line(out, indent + 1, 'jclass cls = initializeClass();'); if returnType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent + 1, '%senv->call%s%sMethod(%s, %smids$[%smid_%s_%s]%s);', not returnType.getName() == 'void' and 'return ' or '', qualifier, returnType.getName().capitalize(), this, midns, midns, methodName, env.strhash(sig), args) else: line(out, indent + 1, 'return %s(env->call%sObjectMethod(%s, %smids$[%smid_%s_%s]%s));', typename(returnType, cls, False), qualifier, this, midns, midns, methodName, env.strhash(sig), args) line(out, indent, '}') if instanceFields: for field in instanceFields: fieldType = field.getType() fieldName = field.getName() line(out) line(out, indent, '%s %s::_get_%s() const', typename(fieldType, cls, False), cppname(names[-1]), fieldName) line(out, indent, '{') if fieldType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent + 1, 'return env->get%sField(this$, fids$[fid_%s]);', fieldType.getName().capitalize(), fieldName) else: line(out, indent + 1, 'return %s(env->getObjectField(this$, fids$[fid_%s]));', typename(fieldType, cls, False), fieldName) line(out, indent, '}') if not Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers()): line(out) line(out, indent, 'void %s::_set_%s(%s a0) const', cppname(names[-1]), fieldName, typename(fieldType, cls, True)) line(out, indent, '{') if fieldType.isPrimitive(): line(out, indent + 1, 'env->set%sField(this$, fids$[fid_%s], a0);', fieldType.getName().capitalize(), fieldName) else: line(out, indent + 1, 'env->setObjectField(this$, fids$[fid_%s], a0.this$);', fieldName) line(out, indent, '}') while indent: indent -= 1 line(out, indent, '}') return names, superNames if __name__ == '__main__': jcc(sys.argv)