/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using NUnit.Framework; using Document = Lucene.Net.Documents.Document; using Field = Lucene.Net.Documents.Field; using MockRAMDirectory = Lucene.Net.Store.MockRAMDirectory; using LuceneTestCase = Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneTestCase; using Analyzer = Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer; using Token = Lucene.Net.Analysis.Token; using TokenStream = Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenStream; namespace Lucene.Net.Index { [TestFixture] public class TestTermVectorsReader : LuceneTestCase { private void InitBlock() { positions = new int[testTerms.Length][]; offsets = new TermVectorOffsetInfo[testTerms.Length][]; tokens = new TestToken[testTerms.Length * TERM_FREQ]; } //Must be lexicographically sorted, will do in setup, versus trying to maintain here private System.String[] testFields = new System.String[]{"f1", "f2", "f3", "f4"}; private bool[] testFieldsStorePos = new bool[]{true, false, true, false}; private bool[] testFieldsStoreOff = new bool[]{true, false, false, true}; private System.String[] testTerms = new System.String[]{"this", "is", "a", "test"}; private int[][] positions; private TermVectorOffsetInfo[][] offsets; private MockRAMDirectory dir = new MockRAMDirectory(); private System.String seg; private FieldInfos fieldInfos = new FieldInfos(); private static int TERM_FREQ = 3; public TestTermVectorsReader():base() { InitBlock(); } internal class TestToken : System.IComparable { public TestToken(TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); } private void InitBlock(TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } private TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance; public TestTermVectorsReader Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } internal System.String text; internal int pos; internal int startOffset; internal int endOffset; public virtual int CompareTo(System.Object other) { return pos - ((TestToken) other).pos; } } internal TestToken[] tokens; [SetUp] public override void SetUp() { base.SetUp(); /* for (int i = 0; i < testFields.length; i++) { fieldInfos.add(testFields[i], true, true, testFieldsStorePos[i], testFieldsStoreOff[i]); } */ System.Random random = new System.Random(); System.Array.Sort(testTerms); int tokenUpto = 0; for (int i = 0; i < testTerms.Length; i++) { positions[i] = new int[TERM_FREQ]; offsets[i] = new TermVectorOffsetInfo[TERM_FREQ]; // first position must be 0 for (int j = 0; j < TERM_FREQ; j++) { // positions are always sorted in increasing order positions[i][j] = (int) (j * 10 + random.NextDouble() * 10); // offsets are always sorted in increasing order offsets[i][j] = new TermVectorOffsetInfo(j * 10, j * 10 + testTerms[i].Length); TestToken token = tokens[tokenUpto++] = new TestToken(this); token.text = testTerms[i]; token.pos = positions[i][j]; token.startOffset = offsets[i][j].GetStartOffset(); token.endOffset = offsets[i][j].GetEndOffset(); } } System.Array.Sort(tokens); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, new MyAnalyzer(this), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.LIMITED); writer.SetUseCompoundFile(false); Document doc = new Document(); for (int i = 0; i < testFields.Length; i++) { Field.TermVector tv; if (testFieldsStorePos[i] && testFieldsStoreOff[i]) tv = Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS; else if (testFieldsStorePos[i] && !testFieldsStoreOff[i]) tv = Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS; else if (!testFieldsStorePos[i] && testFieldsStoreOff[i]) tv = Field.TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS; else tv = Field.TermVector.YES; doc.Add(new Field(testFields[i], "", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED, tv)); } //Create 5 documents for testing, they all have the same //terms for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) writer.AddDocument(doc); writer.Flush(); seg = writer.NewestSegment().name; writer.Close(); fieldInfos = new FieldInfos(dir, seg + "." + IndexFileNames.FIELD_INFOS_EXTENSION); } private class MyTokenStream : TokenStream { public MyTokenStream(TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); } private void InitBlock(TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } private TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance; public TestTermVectorsReader Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } internal int tokenUpto; public override Token Next(Token reusableToken) { if (tokenUpto >= Enclosing_Instance.tokens.Length) return null; else { TestToken testToken = Enclosing_Instance.tokens[tokenUpto++]; reusableToken.Reinit(testToken.text, testToken.startOffset, testToken.endOffset); if (tokenUpto > 1) reusableToken.SetPositionIncrement(testToken.pos - Enclosing_Instance.tokens[tokenUpto - 2].pos); else reusableToken.SetPositionIncrement(testToken.pos + 1); return reusableToken; } } } private class MyAnalyzer : Analyzer { public MyAnalyzer(TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); } private void InitBlock(TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } private TestTermVectorsReader enclosingInstance; public TestTermVectorsReader Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } public override TokenStream TokenStream(System.String fieldName, System.IO.TextReader reader) { return new MyTokenStream(enclosingInstance); } } [Test] public virtual void Test() { //Check to see the files were created properly in setup Assert.IsTrue(dir.FileExists(seg + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_DOCUMENTS_EXTENSION)); Assert.IsTrue(dir.FileExists(seg + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_INDEX_EXTENSION)); } [Test] public virtual void TestReader() { TermVectorsReader reader = new TermVectorsReader(dir, seg, fieldInfos); Assert.IsTrue(reader != null); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { TermFreqVector vector = reader.Get(j, testFields[0]); Assert.IsTrue(vector != null); System.String[] terms = vector.GetTerms(); Assert.IsTrue(terms != null); Assert.IsTrue(terms.Length == testTerms.Length); for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++) { System.String term = terms[i]; //System.out.println("Term: " + term); Assert.IsTrue(term.Equals(testTerms[i])); } } } [Test] public virtual void TestPositionReader() { TermVectorsReader reader = new TermVectorsReader(dir, seg, fieldInfos); Assert.IsTrue(reader != null); TermPositionVector vector; System.String[] terms; vector = (TermPositionVector) reader.Get(0, testFields[0]); Assert.IsTrue(vector != null); terms = vector.GetTerms(); Assert.IsTrue(terms != null); Assert.IsTrue(terms.Length == testTerms.Length); for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++) { System.String term = terms[i]; //System.out.println("Term: " + term); Assert.IsTrue(term.Equals(testTerms[i])); int[] positions = vector.GetTermPositions(i); Assert.IsTrue(positions != null); Assert.IsTrue(positions.Length == this.positions[i].Length); for (int j = 0; j < positions.Length; j++) { int position = positions[j]; Assert.IsTrue(position == this.positions[i][j]); } TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offset = vector.GetOffsets(i); Assert.IsTrue(offset != null); Assert.IsTrue(offset.Length == this.offsets[i].Length); for (int j = 0; j < offset.Length; j++) { TermVectorOffsetInfo termVectorOffsetInfo = offset[j]; Assert.IsTrue(termVectorOffsetInfo.Equals(offsets[i][j])); } } TermFreqVector freqVector = reader.Get(0, testFields[1]); //no pos, no offset Assert.IsTrue(freqVector != null); Assert.IsTrue(freqVector is TermPositionVector == false); terms = freqVector.GetTerms(); Assert.IsTrue(terms != null); Assert.IsTrue(terms.Length == testTerms.Length); for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++) { System.String term = terms[i]; //System.out.println("Term: " + term); Assert.IsTrue(term.Equals(testTerms[i])); } } [Test] public virtual void TestOffsetReader() { TermVectorsReader reader = new TermVectorsReader(dir, seg, fieldInfos); Assert.IsTrue(reader != null); TermPositionVector vector = (TermPositionVector) reader.Get(0, testFields[0]); Assert.IsTrue(vector != null); System.String[] terms = vector.GetTerms(); Assert.IsTrue(terms != null); Assert.IsTrue(terms.Length == testTerms.Length); for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length; i++) { System.String term = terms[i]; //System.out.println("Term: " + term); Assert.IsTrue(term.Equals(testTerms[i])); int[] positions = vector.GetTermPositions(i); Assert.IsTrue(positions != null); Assert.IsTrue(positions.Length == this.positions[i].Length); for (int j = 0; j < positions.Length; j++) { int position = positions[j]; Assert.IsTrue(position == this.positions[i][j]); } TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offset = vector.GetOffsets(i); Assert.IsTrue(offset != null); Assert.IsTrue(offset.Length == this.offsets[i].Length); for (int j = 0; j < offset.Length; j++) { TermVectorOffsetInfo termVectorOffsetInfo = offset[j]; Assert.IsTrue(termVectorOffsetInfo.Equals(offsets[i][j])); } } } [Test] public virtual void TestMapper() { TermVectorsReader reader = new TermVectorsReader(dir, seg, fieldInfos); Assert.IsTrue(reader != null); SortedTermVectorMapper mapper = new SortedTermVectorMapper(new TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator()); reader.Get(0, mapper); System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary set_Renamed = mapper.GetTermVectorEntrySet(); Assert.IsTrue(set_Renamed != null, "set is null and it shouldn't be"); //three fields, 4 terms, all terms are the same Assert.IsTrue(set_Renamed.Count == 4, "set Size: " + set_Renamed.Count + " is not: " + 4); //Check offsets and positions for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iterator = set_Renamed.Keys.GetEnumerator(); iterator.MoveNext(); ) { TermVectorEntry tve = (TermVectorEntry) iterator.Current; Assert.IsTrue(tve != null, "tve is null and it shouldn't be"); Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetOffsets() != null, "tve.getOffsets() is null and it shouldn't be"); Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetPositions() != null, "tve.getPositions() is null and it shouldn't be"); } mapper = new SortedTermVectorMapper(new TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator()); reader.Get(1, mapper); set_Renamed = mapper.GetTermVectorEntrySet(); Assert.IsTrue(set_Renamed != null, "set is null and it shouldn't be"); //three fields, 4 terms, all terms are the same Assert.IsTrue(set_Renamed.Count == 4, "set Size: " + set_Renamed.Count + " is not: " + 4); //Should have offsets and positions b/c we are munging all the fields together for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iterator = set_Renamed.Keys.GetEnumerator(); iterator.MoveNext(); ) { TermVectorEntry tve = (TermVectorEntry) iterator.Current; Assert.IsTrue(tve != null, "tve is null and it shouldn't be"); Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetOffsets() != null, "tve.getOffsets() is null and it shouldn't be"); Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetPositions() != null, "tve.getPositions() is null and it shouldn't be"); } FieldSortedTermVectorMapper fsMapper = new FieldSortedTermVectorMapper(new TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator()); reader.Get(0, fsMapper); System.Collections.IDictionary map = fsMapper.GetFieldToTerms(); Assert.IsTrue(map.Count == testFields.Length, "map Size: " + map.Count + " is not: " + testFields.Length); for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iterator = new System.Collections.Hashtable(map).GetEnumerator(); iterator.MoveNext(); ) { System.Collections.DictionaryEntry entry = (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry) iterator.Current; System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary sortedSet = (System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary)entry.Value; Assert.IsTrue(sortedSet.Count == 4, "sortedSet Size: " + sortedSet.Count + " is not: " + 4); for (System.Collections.IEnumerator inner = sortedSet.Keys.GetEnumerator(); inner.MoveNext(); ) { TermVectorEntry tve = (TermVectorEntry) inner.Current; Assert.IsTrue(tve != null, "tve is null and it shouldn't be"); //Check offsets and positions. Assert.IsTrue(tve != null, "tve is null and it shouldn't be"); System.String field = tve.GetField(); if (field.Equals(testFields[0])) { //should have offsets Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetOffsets() != null, "tve.getOffsets() is null and it shouldn't be"); Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetPositions() != null, "tve.getPositions() is null and it shouldn't be"); } else if (field.Equals(testFields[1])) { //should not have offsets Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetOffsets() == null, "tve.getOffsets() is not null and it shouldn't be"); Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetPositions() == null, "tve.getPositions() is not null and it shouldn't be"); } } } //Try mapper that ignores offs and positions fsMapper = new FieldSortedTermVectorMapper(true, true, new TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator()); reader.Get(0, fsMapper); map = fsMapper.GetFieldToTerms(); Assert.IsTrue(map.Count == testFields.Length, "map Size: " + map.Count + " is not: " + testFields.Length); for (System.Collections.IEnumerator iterator = new System.Collections.Hashtable(map).GetEnumerator(); iterator.MoveNext(); ) { System.Collections.DictionaryEntry entry = (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry) iterator.Current; System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary sortedSet = (System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary)entry.Value; Assert.IsTrue(sortedSet.Count == 4, "sortedSet Size: " + sortedSet.Count + " is not: " + 4); for (System.Collections.IEnumerator inner = sortedSet.Keys.GetEnumerator(); inner.MoveNext(); ) { TermVectorEntry tve = (TermVectorEntry) inner.Current; Assert.IsTrue(tve != null, "tve is null and it shouldn't be"); //Check offsets and positions. Assert.IsTrue(tve != null, "tve is null and it shouldn't be"); System.String field = tve.GetField(); if (field.Equals(testFields[0])) { //should have offsets Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetOffsets() == null, "tve.getOffsets() is null and it shouldn't be"); Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetPositions() == null, "tve.getPositions() is null and it shouldn't be"); } else if (field.Equals(testFields[1])) { //should not have offsets Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetOffsets() == null, "tve.getOffsets() is not null and it shouldn't be"); Assert.IsTrue(tve.GetPositions() == null, "tve.getPositions() is not null and it shouldn't be"); } } } // test setDocumentNumber() IndexReader ir = IndexReader.Open(dir); DocNumAwareMapper docNumAwareMapper = new DocNumAwareMapper(); Assert.AreEqual(- 1, docNumAwareMapper.GetDocumentNumber()); ir.GetTermFreqVector(0, docNumAwareMapper); Assert.AreEqual(0, docNumAwareMapper.GetDocumentNumber()); docNumAwareMapper.SetDocumentNumber(- 1); ir.GetTermFreqVector(1, docNumAwareMapper); Assert.AreEqual(1, docNumAwareMapper.GetDocumentNumber()); docNumAwareMapper.SetDocumentNumber(- 1); ir.GetTermFreqVector(0, "f1", docNumAwareMapper); Assert.AreEqual(0, docNumAwareMapper.GetDocumentNumber()); docNumAwareMapper.SetDocumentNumber(- 1); ir.GetTermFreqVector(1, "f2", docNumAwareMapper); Assert.AreEqual(1, docNumAwareMapper.GetDocumentNumber()); docNumAwareMapper.SetDocumentNumber(- 1); ir.GetTermFreqVector(0, "f1", docNumAwareMapper); Assert.AreEqual(0, docNumAwareMapper.GetDocumentNumber()); ir.Close(); } /// Make sure exceptions and bad params are handled appropriately [Test] public virtual void TestBadParams() { try { TermVectorsReader reader = new TermVectorsReader(dir, seg, fieldInfos); Assert.IsTrue(reader != null); //Bad document number, good field number reader.Get(50, testFields[0]); Assert.Fail(); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { // expected exception } try { TermVectorsReader reader = new TermVectorsReader(dir, seg, fieldInfos); Assert.IsTrue(reader != null); //Bad document number, no field reader.Get(50); Assert.Fail(); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { // expected exception } try { TermVectorsReader reader = new TermVectorsReader(dir, seg, fieldInfos); Assert.IsTrue(reader != null); //good document number, bad field number TermFreqVector vector = reader.Get(0, "f50"); Assert.IsTrue(vector == null); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { Assert.Fail(); } } public class DocNumAwareMapper : TermVectorMapper { public DocNumAwareMapper() { } private int documentNumber = - 1; public override void SetExpectations(System.String field, int numTerms, bool storeOffsets, bool storePositions) { if (documentNumber == - 1) { throw new System.SystemException("Documentnumber should be set at this point!"); } } public override void Map(System.String term, int frequency, TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offsets, int[] positions) { if (documentNumber == - 1) { throw new System.SystemException("Documentnumber should be set at this point!"); } } public virtual int GetDocumentNumber() { return documentNumber; } public override void SetDocumentNumber(int documentNumber) { this.documentNumber = documentNumber; } } } }