/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System.Collections.Generic; using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory; namespace Lucene.Net.Index { ///

This class implements a {@link MergePolicy} that tries /// to merge segments into levels of exponentially /// increasing size, where each level has < mergeFactor /// segments in it. Whenever a given levle has mergeFactor /// segments or more in it, they will be merged.

/// ///

This class is abstract and requires a subclass to /// define the {@link #size} method which specifies how a /// segment's size is determined. {@link LogDocMergePolicy} /// is one subclass that measures size by document count in /// the segment. {@link LogByteSizeMergePolicy} is another /// subclass that measures size as the total byte size of the /// file(s) for the segment.

public abstract class LogMergePolicy : MergePolicy { /// Defines the allowed range of log(size) for each /// level. A level is computed by taking the max segment /// log size, minuse LEVEL_LOG_SPAN, and finding all /// segments falling within that range. /// public const double LEVEL_LOG_SPAN = 0.75; /// Default merge factor, which is how many segments are /// merged at a time /// public const int DEFAULT_MERGE_FACTOR = 10; /// Default maximum segment size. A segment of this size /// /// public static readonly int DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE_DOCS = System.Int32.MaxValue; private int mergeFactor = DEFAULT_MERGE_FACTOR; internal long minMergeSize; internal long maxMergeSize; internal int maxMergeDocs = DEFAULT_MAX_MERGE_DOCS; private bool useCompoundFile = true; private bool useCompoundDocStore = true; private IndexWriter writer; private void Message(System.String message) { if (writer != null) writer.Message("LMP: " + message); } ///

Returns the number of segments that are merged at /// once and also controls the total number of segments /// allowed to accumulate in the index.

public virtual int GetMergeFactor() { return mergeFactor; } /// Determines how often segment indices are merged by /// addDocument(). With smaller values, less RAM is used /// while indexing, and searches on unoptimized indices are /// faster, but indexing speed is slower. With larger /// values, more RAM is used during indexing, and while /// searches on unoptimized indices are slower, indexing is /// faster. Thus larger values (> 10) are best for batch /// index creation, and smaller values (< 10) for indices /// that are interactively maintained. /// public virtual void SetMergeFactor(int mergeFactor) { if (mergeFactor < 2) throw new System.ArgumentException("mergeFactor cannot be less than 2"); this.mergeFactor = mergeFactor; } // Javadoc inherited public override bool UseCompoundFile(SegmentInfos infos, SegmentInfo info) { return useCompoundFile; } /// Sets whether compound file format should be used for /// newly flushed and newly merged segments. /// public virtual void SetUseCompoundFile(bool useCompoundFile) { this.useCompoundFile = useCompoundFile; } /// Returns true if newly flushed and newly merge segments /// /// #setUseCompoundFile /// public virtual bool GetUseCompoundFile() { return useCompoundFile; } // Javadoc inherited public override bool UseCompoundDocStore(SegmentInfos infos) { return useCompoundDocStore; } /// Sets whether compound file format should be used for /// newly flushed and newly merged doc store /// segment files (term vectors and stored fields). /// public virtual void SetUseCompoundDocStore(bool useCompoundDocStore) { this.useCompoundDocStore = useCompoundDocStore; } /// Returns true if newly flushed and newly merge doc /// store segment files (term vectors and stored fields) /// /// /// #setUseCompoundDocStore /// public virtual bool GetUseCompoundDocStore() { return useCompoundDocStore; } public override void Close() { } abstract protected internal long Size(SegmentInfo info); private bool IsOptimized(SegmentInfos infos, IndexWriter writer, int maxNumSegments, Dictionary segmentsToOptimize) { int numSegments = infos.Count; int numToOptimize = 0; SegmentInfo optimizeInfo = null; for (int i = 0; i < numSegments && numToOptimize <= maxNumSegments; i++) { SegmentInfo info = infos.Info(i); if (segmentsToOptimize.ContainsKey(info)) { numToOptimize++; optimizeInfo = info; } } return numToOptimize <= maxNumSegments && (numToOptimize != 1 || IsOptimized(writer, optimizeInfo)); } /// Returns true if this single nfo is optimized (has no /// pending norms or deletes, is in the same dir as the /// writer, and matches the current compound file setting /// private bool IsOptimized(IndexWriter writer, SegmentInfo info) { return !info.HasDeletions() && !info.HasSeparateNorms() && info.dir == writer.GetDirectory() && info.GetUseCompoundFile() == useCompoundFile; } /// Returns the merges necessary to optimize the index. /// This merge policy defines "optimized" to mean only one /// segment in the index, where that segment has no /// deletions pending nor separate norms, and it is in /// compound file format if the current useCompoundFile /// setting is true. This method returns multiple merges /// (mergeFactor at a time) so the {@link MergeScheduler} /// in use may make use of concurrency. /// public override MergeSpecification FindMergesForOptimize(SegmentInfos infos, IndexWriter writer, int maxNumSegments, Dictionary segmentsToOptimize) { MergeSpecification spec; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(maxNumSegments > 0); if (!IsOptimized(infos, writer, maxNumSegments, segmentsToOptimize)) { // Find the newest (rightmost) segment that needs to // be optimized (other segments may have been flushed // since optimize started): int last = infos.Count; while (last > 0) { SegmentInfo info = infos.Info(--last); if (segmentsToOptimize.ContainsKey(info)) { last++; break; } } if (last > 0) { spec = new MergeSpecification(); // First, enroll all "full" merges (size // mergeFactor) to potentially be run concurrently: while (last - maxNumSegments + 1 >= mergeFactor) { spec.Add(new OneMerge(infos.Range(last - mergeFactor, last), useCompoundFile)); last -= mergeFactor; } // Only if there are no full merges pending do we // add a final partial (< mergeFactor segments) merge: if (0 == spec.merges.Count) { if (maxNumSegments == 1) { // Since we must optimize down to 1 segment, the // choice is simple: if (last > 1 || !IsOptimized(writer, infos.Info(0))) spec.Add(new OneMerge(infos.Range(0, last), useCompoundFile)); } else if (last > maxNumSegments) { // Take care to pick a partial merge that is // least cost, but does not make the index too // lopsided. If we always just picked the // partial tail then we could produce a highly // lopsided index over time: // We must merge this many segments to leave // maxNumSegments in the index (from when // optimize was first kicked off): int finalMergeSize = last - maxNumSegments + 1; // Consider all possible starting points: long bestSize = 0; int bestStart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < last - finalMergeSize + 1; i++) { long sumSize = 0; for (int j = 0; j < finalMergeSize; j++) sumSize += Size(infos.Info(j + i)); if (i == 0 || (sumSize < 2 * Size(infos.Info(i - 1)) && sumSize < bestSize)) { bestStart = i; bestSize = sumSize; } } spec.Add(new OneMerge(infos.Range(bestStart, bestStart + finalMergeSize), useCompoundFile)); } } } else spec = null; } else spec = null; return spec; } /// /// Finds merges necessary to expunge all deletes from the /// index. We simply merge adjacent segments that have /// deletes, up to mergeFactor at a time. /// public override MergeSpecification FindMergesToExpungeDeletes(SegmentInfos segmentInfos, IndexWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; int numSegments = segmentInfos.Count; Message("findMergesToExpungeDeletes: " + numSegments + " segments"); MergeSpecification spec = new MergeSpecification(); int firstSegmentWithDeletions = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) { SegmentInfo info = segmentInfos.Info(i); if (info.HasDeletions()) { Message(" segment " + info.name + " has deletions"); if (firstSegmentWithDeletions == -1) firstSegmentWithDeletions = i; else if (i - firstSegmentWithDeletions == mergeFactor) { // We've seen mergeFactor segments in a row with // deletions, so force a merge now: Message(" add merge " + firstSegmentWithDeletions + " to " + (i - 1) + " inclusive"); spec.Add(new OneMerge(segmentInfos.Range(firstSegmentWithDeletions, i), useCompoundFile)); firstSegmentWithDeletions = i; } } else if (firstSegmentWithDeletions != -1) { // End of a sequence of segments with deletions, so, // merge those past segments even if it's fewer than // mergeFactor segments Message(" add merge " + firstSegmentWithDeletions + " to " + (i - 1) + " inclusive"); spec.Add(new OneMerge(segmentInfos.Range(firstSegmentWithDeletions, i), useCompoundFile)); firstSegmentWithDeletions = -1; } } if (firstSegmentWithDeletions != -1) { Message(" add merge " + firstSegmentWithDeletions + " to " + (numSegments - 1) + " inclusive"); spec.Add(new OneMerge(segmentInfos.Range(firstSegmentWithDeletions, numSegments), useCompoundFile)); } return spec; } /// Checks if any merges are now necessary and returns a /// {@link MergePolicy.MergeSpecification} if so. A merge /// is necessary when there are more than {@link /// #setMergeFactor} segments at a given level. When /// multiple levels have too many segments, this method /// will return multiple merges, allowing the {@link /// MergeScheduler} to use concurrency. /// public override MergeSpecification FindMerges(SegmentInfos infos, IndexWriter writer) { int numSegments = infos.Count; this.writer = writer; Message("findMerges: " + numSegments + " segments"); // Compute levels, which is just log (base mergeFactor) // of the size of each segment float[] levels = new float[numSegments]; float norm = (float) System.Math.Log(mergeFactor); Directory directory = writer.GetDirectory(); for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) { SegmentInfo info = infos.Info(i); long size = Size(info); // Floor tiny segments if (size < 1) size = 1; levels[i] = (float) System.Math.Log(size) / norm; } float levelFloor; if (minMergeSize <= 0) levelFloor = (float) 0.0; else { levelFloor = (float) (System.Math.Log(minMergeSize) / norm); } // Now, we quantize the log values into levels. The // first level is any segment whose log size is within // LEVEL_LOG_SPAN of the max size, or, who has such as // segment "to the right". Then, we find the max of all // other segments and use that to define the next level // segment, etc. MergeSpecification spec = null; int start = 0; while (start < numSegments) { // Find max level of all segments not already // quantized. float maxLevel = levels[start]; for (int i = 1 + start; i < numSegments; i++) { float level = levels[i]; if (level > maxLevel) maxLevel = level; } // Now search backwards for the rightmost segment that // falls into this level: float levelBottom; if (maxLevel < levelFloor) // All remaining segments fall into the min level levelBottom = - 1.0F; else { levelBottom = (float) (maxLevel - LEVEL_LOG_SPAN); // Force a boundary at the level floor if (levelBottom < levelFloor && maxLevel >= levelFloor) levelBottom = levelFloor; } int upto = numSegments - 1; while (upto >= start) { if (levels[upto] >= levelBottom) { break; } upto--; } Message(" level " + levelBottom + " to " + maxLevel + ": " + (1 + upto - start) + " segments"); // Finally, record all merges that are viable at this level: int end = start + mergeFactor; while (end <= 1 + upto) { bool anyTooLarge = false; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { SegmentInfo info = infos.Info(i); anyTooLarge |= (Size(info) >= maxMergeSize || info.docCount >= maxMergeDocs); } if (!anyTooLarge) { if (spec == null) spec = new MergeSpecification(); Message(" " + start + " to " + end + ": add this merge"); spec.Add(new OneMerge(infos.Range(start, end), useCompoundFile)); } else Message(" " + start + " to " + end + ": contains segment over maxMergeSize or maxMergeDocs; skipping"); start = end; end = start + mergeFactor; } start = 1 + upto; } return spec; } ///

Determines the largest segment (measured by /// document count) that may be merged with other segments. /// Small values (e.g., less than 10,000) are best for /// interactive indexing, as this limits the length of /// pauses while indexing to a few seconds. Larger values /// are best for batched indexing and speedier /// searches.

/// ///

The default value is {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.

/// ///

The default merge policy ({@link /// LogByteSizeMergePolicy}) also allows you to set this /// limit by net size (in MB) of the segment, using {@link /// LogByteSizeMergePolicy#setMaxMergeMB}.

public virtual void SetMaxMergeDocs(int maxMergeDocs) { this.maxMergeDocs = maxMergeDocs; } /// Returns the largest segment (measured by document /// count) that may be merged with other segments. /// /// /// public virtual int GetMaxMergeDocs() { return maxMergeDocs; } } }