/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory; using Lock = Lucene.Net.Store.Lock; using LockObtainFailedException = Lucene.Net.Store.LockObtainFailedException; namespace Lucene.Net.Index { /// IndexReader implementation that has access to a Directory. /// Instances that have a SegmentInfos object (i. e. segmentInfos != null) /// "own" the directory, which means that they try to acquire a write lock /// whenever index modifications are performed. /// abstract public class DirectoryIndexReader : IndexReader { protected internal Directory directory; protected internal bool closeDirectory; private IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy; private SegmentInfos segmentInfos; private Lock writeLock; private bool stale; private readonly IDictionary synced = new Dictionary(); /// Used by commit() to record pre-commit state in case /// rollback is necessary /// private bool rollbackHasChanges; private SegmentInfos rollbackSegmentInfos; protected internal bool readOnly; internal virtual void Init(Directory directory, SegmentInfos segmentInfos, bool closeDirectory, bool readOnly) { this.directory = directory; this.segmentInfos = segmentInfos; this.closeDirectory = closeDirectory; this.readOnly = readOnly; if (!readOnly && segmentInfos != null) { // we assume that this segments_N was properly sync'd prior for (int i = 0; i < segmentInfos.Count; i++) { SegmentInfo info = segmentInfos.Info(i); IList files = info.Files(); for (int j = 0; j < files.Count; j++) synced[files[j]] = files[j]; } } } protected internal DirectoryIndexReader() { } internal DirectoryIndexReader(Directory directory, SegmentInfos segmentInfos, bool closeDirectory, bool readOnly) : base() { Init(directory, segmentInfos, closeDirectory, readOnly); } internal static DirectoryIndexReader Open(Directory directory, bool closeDirectory, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy) { return Open(directory, closeDirectory, deletionPolicy, null, false); } internal static DirectoryIndexReader Open(Directory directory, bool closeDirectory, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, IndexCommit commit, bool readOnly) { SegmentInfos.FindSegmentsFile finder = new AnonymousClassFindSegmentsFile(closeDirectory, deletionPolicy, directory, readOnly); if (commit == null) return (DirectoryIndexReader) finder.Run(); else { if (directory != commit.GetDirectory()) throw new System.IO.IOException("the specified commit does not match the specified Directory"); // this can and will directly throw IOException if the specified commit point has been deleted return (DirectoryIndexReader)finder.DoBody(commit.GetSegmentsFileName()); } } private class AnonymousClassFindSegmentsFile : SegmentInfos.FindSegmentsFile { private bool closeDirectory; private Lucene.Net.Index.IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy; private bool readOnly; internal AnonymousClassFindSegmentsFile(bool closeDirectory, Lucene.Net.Index.IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, Lucene.Net.Store.Directory Param1, bool readOnly) : base(Param1) { this.closeDirectory = closeDirectory; this.deletionPolicy = deletionPolicy; this.readOnly = readOnly; } protected internal override object DoBody(System.String segmentFileName) { SegmentInfos infos = new SegmentInfos(); infos.Read(directory, segmentFileName); DirectoryIndexReader reader; if (infos.Count == 1) { // index is optimized reader = SegmentReader.Get(readOnly, infos, infos.Info(0), closeDirectory); } else if (readOnly) { reader = new ReadOnlyMultiSegmentReader(directory, infos, closeDirectory); } else { reader = new MultiSegmentReader(directory, infos, closeDirectory, false); } reader.SetDeletionPolicy(deletionPolicy); return reader; } } public override IndexReader Reopen() { lock (this) { EnsureOpen(); if (this.hasChanges || this.IsCurrent()) { // this has changes, therefore we have the lock and don't need to reopen // OR: the index in the directory hasn't changed - nothing to do here return this; } return (DirectoryIndexReader)new AnonymousClassFindSegmentsFile1(this, directory).Run(); } } private class AnonymousClassFindSegmentsFile1 : SegmentInfos.FindSegmentsFile { private DirectoryIndexReader enclosingInstance; public DirectoryIndexReader Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } internal AnonymousClassFindSegmentsFile1(DirectoryIndexReader enclosingInstance, Lucene.Net.Store.Directory Param1) : base(Param1) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } protected internal override object DoBody(System.String segmentFileName) { SegmentInfos infos = new SegmentInfos(); infos.Read(directory, segmentFileName); DirectoryIndexReader newReader = Enclosing_Instance.DoReopen(infos); if (Enclosing_Instance != newReader) { newReader.Init(directory, infos, Enclosing_Instance.closeDirectory, Enclosing_Instance.readOnly); newReader.deletionPolicy = Enclosing_Instance.deletionPolicy; } return newReader; } } /// Re-opens the index using the passed-in SegmentInfos protected internal abstract DirectoryIndexReader DoReopen(SegmentInfos infos); public virtual void SetDeletionPolicy(IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy) { this.deletionPolicy = deletionPolicy; } /// Returns the directory this index resides in. public override Directory Directory() { EnsureOpen(); return directory; } /// Version number when this IndexReader was opened. public override long GetVersion() { EnsureOpen(); return segmentInfos.GetVersion(); } /// Check whether this IndexReader is still using the /// current (i.e., most recently committed) version of the /// index. If a writer has committed any changes to the /// index since this reader was opened, this will return /// false, in which case you must open a new /// IndexReader in order to see the changes. See the /// description of the autoCommit /// flag which controls when the {@link IndexWriter} /// actually commits changes to the index. /// /// /// CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt /// IOException if there is a low-level IO error public override bool IsCurrent() { EnsureOpen(); return SegmentInfos.ReadCurrentVersion(directory) == segmentInfos.GetVersion(); } /// Checks is the index is optimized (if it has a single segment and no deletions) /// true if the index is optimized; false otherwise /// public override bool IsOptimized() { EnsureOpen(); return segmentInfos.Count == 1 && HasDeletions() == false; } protected internal override void DoClose() { if (closeDirectory) directory.Close(); } /// Commit changes resulting from delete, undeleteAll, or /// setNorm operations /// /// If an exception is hit, then either no changes or all /// changes will have been committed to the index /// (transactional semantics). /// /// IOException if there is a low-level IO error protected internal override void DoCommit() { if (hasChanges) { if (segmentInfos != null) { // Default deleter (for backwards compatibility) is // KeepOnlyLastCommitDeleter: IndexFileDeleter deleter = new IndexFileDeleter(directory, deletionPolicy == null ? new KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy() : deletionPolicy, segmentInfos, null, null); // Checkpoint the state we are about to change, in // case we have to roll back: StartCommit(); bool success = false; try { CommitChanges(); // sync all the files we just wrote for (int i = 0; i < segmentInfos.Count; i++) { SegmentInfo info = segmentInfos.Info(i); IList files = info.Files(); for (int j = 0; j < files.Count; j++) { string fileName = files[j]; if (!synced.ContainsKey(fileName)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(directory.FileExists(fileName)); directory.Sync(fileName); synced[fileName] = fileName; } } } segmentInfos.Commit(directory); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { // Rollback changes that were made to // SegmentInfos but failed to get [fully] // committed. This way this reader instance // remains consistent (matched to what's // actually in the index): RollbackCommit(); // Recompute deletable files & remove them (so // partially written .del files, etc, are // removed): deleter.Refresh(); } } // Have the deleter remove any now unreferenced // files due to this commit: deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, true); if (writeLock != null) { writeLock.Release(); // release write lock writeLock = null; } } else CommitChanges(); } hasChanges = false; } protected internal abstract void CommitChanges(); /// Tries to acquire the WriteLock on this directory. /// this method is only valid if this IndexReader is directory owner. /// /// /// StaleReaderException if the index has changed /// since this reader was opened /// /// CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt /// LockObtainFailedException if another writer /// has this index open (write.lock could not /// be obtained) /// /// IOException if there is a low-level IO error protected internal override void AcquireWriteLock() { if (segmentInfos != null) { EnsureOpen(); if (stale) throw new StaleReaderException("IndexReader out of date and no longer valid for delete, undelete, or setNorm operations"); if (this.writeLock == null) { Lock writeLock = directory.MakeLock(IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_NAME); if (!writeLock.Obtain(IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT)) // obtain write lock { throw new LockObtainFailedException("Index locked for write: " + writeLock); } this.writeLock = writeLock; // we have to check whether index has changed since this reader was opened. // if so, this reader is no longer valid for deletion if (SegmentInfos.ReadCurrentVersion(directory) > segmentInfos.GetVersion()) { stale = true; this.writeLock.Release(); this.writeLock = null; throw new StaleReaderException("IndexReader out of date and no longer valid for delete, undelete, or setNorm operations"); } } } } /// Should internally checkpoint state that will change /// during commit so that we can rollback if necessary. /// internal virtual void StartCommit() { if (segmentInfos != null) { rollbackSegmentInfos = (SegmentInfos)segmentInfos.Clone(); } rollbackHasChanges = hasChanges; } /// Rolls back state to just before the commit (this is /// called by commit() if there is some exception while /// committing). /// internal virtual void RollbackCommit() { if (segmentInfos != null) { for (int i = 0; i < segmentInfos.Count; i++) { // Rollback each segmentInfo. Because the // SegmentReader holds a reference to the // SegmentInfo we can't [easily] just replace // segmentInfos, so we reset it in place instead: segmentInfos.Info(i).Reset(rollbackSegmentInfos.Info(i)); } rollbackSegmentInfos = null; } hasChanges = rollbackHasChanges; } /// Release the write lock, if needed. ~DirectoryIndexReader() { try { if (writeLock != null) { writeLock.Release(); // release write lock writeLock = null; } } finally { // {{Aroush-2.3.1}} do we need to call Finalize() here? } } private class ReaderCommit : IndexCommit { private string segmentsFileName; internal ICollection files; internal Directory dir; internal long generation; internal long version; internal readonly bool isOptimized; internal ReaderCommit(SegmentInfos infos, Directory dir) { segmentsFileName = infos.GetCurrentSegmentFileName(); this.dir = dir; int size = infos.Count; files = new List(size); files.Add(segmentsFileName); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { SegmentInfo info = infos.Info(i); if (info.dir == dir) SupportClass.CollectionsSupport.AddAll(info.Files(), files); } version = infos.GetVersion(); generation = infos.GetGeneration(); isOptimized = infos.Count == 1 && !infos.Info(0).HasDeletions(); } public override bool IsOptimized() { return isOptimized; } public override string GetSegmentsFileName() { return segmentsFileName; } public override ICollection GetFileNames() { return files; } public override Directory GetDirectory() { return dir; } public override long GetVersion() { return version; } public override long GetGeneration() { return generation; } public override bool IsDeleted() { return false; } } /** * Expert: return the IndexCommit that this reader has * opened. * *

WARNING: this API is new and experimental and * may suddenly change.

*/ public override IndexCommit GetIndexCommit() { return new ReaderCommit(segmentInfos, directory); } /** @see IndexReader#listCommits */ public new static ICollection ListCommits(Directory dir) { string[] files = dir.List(); if (files == null) throw new System.IO.IOException("cannot read directory " + dir + ": list() returned null"); ICollection commits = new List(); SegmentInfos latest = new SegmentInfos(); latest.Read(dir); long currentGen = latest.GetGeneration(); commits.Add(new ReaderCommit(latest, dir)); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { String fileName = files[i]; if (fileName.StartsWith(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS) && !fileName.Equals(IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN) && SegmentInfos.GenerationFromSegmentsFileName(fileName) < currentGen) { SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos(); try { // IOException allowed to throw there, in case // segments_N is corrupt sis.Read(dir, fileName); } catch (System.Exception) { // LUCENE-948: on NFS (and maybe others), if // you have writers switching back and forth // between machines, it's very likely that the // dir listing will be stale and will claim a // file segments_X exists when in fact it // doesn't. So, we catch this and handle it // as if the file does not exist sis = null; } if (sis != null) commits.Add(new ReaderCommit(sis, dir)); } } return commits; } } }