/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using Lucene.Net.Analysis; namespace Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard { /// Filters {@link StandardTokenizer} with {@link StandardFilter}, {@link /// LowerCaseFilter} and {@link StopFilter}, using a list of English stop words. /// /// /// $Id: StandardAnalyzer.java 613280 2008-01-18 21:27:10Z gsingers $ /// public class StandardAnalyzer : Analyzer { /// An array containing some common English words that are usually not /// useful for searching. /// public static readonly System.String[] STOP_WORDS; private static bool defaultReplaceInvalidAcronym; static StandardAnalyzer() { STOP_WORDS = StopAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS; // Default to true (fixed the bug), unless the system property is set string v = SupportClass.AppSettings.Get("Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer.replaceInvalidAcronym", "true"); if (v.Equals("true")) defaultReplaceInvalidAcronym = true; else defaultReplaceInvalidAcronym = false; } /// /// see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// /// true if new instances of StandardTokenizer will replace mischaracterized acronyms /// this will be removed (hardwired to true) in 3.0 public static bool GetDefaultReplaceInvalidAcronym() { return defaultReplaceInvalidAcronym; } /// /// set to true to have new instances of StandardTokenizer /// replace mischaracerized acronyms by default. Set to /// false to preserve the previous (before 2.4) buggy behavior. /// Alternatively, set the system property /// Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer.replaceInvalidAcronym /// to false. /// /// /// this will be removed (hardwired to true) in 3.0 public static void SetDefaultReplaceInvalidAcronym(bool replaceInvalidAcronym) { defaultReplaceInvalidAcronym = replaceInvalidAcronym; } private System.Collections.Hashtable stopSet; /// Specifies whether deprecated acronyms should be replaced with HOST type. /// This is false by default to support backward compatibility. /// /// /// this should be removed in the next release (3.0). /// /// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// private bool replaceInvalidAcronym = defaultReplaceInvalidAcronym; /// Builds an analyzer with the default stop words ({@link #STOP_WORDS}). public StandardAnalyzer() : this(STOP_WORDS) { } /// Builds an analyzer with the given stop words. public StandardAnalyzer(System.Collections.Hashtable stopWords) { stopSet = stopWords; } /// Builds an analyzer with the given stop words. public StandardAnalyzer(System.String[] stopWords) { stopSet = StopFilter.MakeStopSet(stopWords); } /// Builds an analyzer with the stop words from the given file. /// /// public StandardAnalyzer(System.IO.FileInfo stopwords) { stopSet = WordlistLoader.GetWordSet(stopwords); } /// Builds an analyzer with the stop words from the given reader. /// /// public StandardAnalyzer(System.IO.TextReader stopwords) { stopSet = WordlistLoader.GetWordSet(stopwords); } /// /// Set to true if this analyzer should replace mischaracterized acronyms in the StandardTokenizer /// /// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// /// /// Remove in 3.X and make true the only valid value /// public StandardAnalyzer(bool replaceInvalidAcronym):this(STOP_WORDS) { this.replaceInvalidAcronym = replaceInvalidAcronym; } /// The stopwords to use /// /// Set to true if this analyzer should replace mischaracterized acronyms in the StandardTokenizer /// /// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// /// /// Remove in 3.X and make true the only valid value /// public StandardAnalyzer(System.IO.TextReader stopwords, bool replaceInvalidAcronym):this(stopwords) { this.replaceInvalidAcronym = replaceInvalidAcronym; } /// The stopwords to use /// /// Set to true if this analyzer should replace mischaracterized acronyms in the StandardTokenizer /// /// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// /// /// Remove in 3.X and make true the only valid value /// public StandardAnalyzer(System.IO.FileInfo stopwords, bool replaceInvalidAcronym):this(stopwords) { this.replaceInvalidAcronym = replaceInvalidAcronym; } /// /// The stopwords to use /// /// Set to true if this analyzer should replace mischaracterized acronyms in the StandardTokenizer /// /// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// /// /// Remove in 3.X and make true the only valid value /// public StandardAnalyzer(System.String[] stopwords, bool replaceInvalidAcronym):this(stopwords) { this.replaceInvalidAcronym = replaceInvalidAcronym; } /// The stopwords to use /// /// Set to true if this analyzer should replace mischaracterized acronyms in the StandardTokenizer /// /// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// /// /// Remove in 3.X and make true the only valid value /// public StandardAnalyzer(System.Collections.Hashtable stopwords, bool replaceInvalidAcronym) : this(stopwords) { this.replaceInvalidAcronym = replaceInvalidAcronym; } /// Constructs a {@link StandardTokenizer} filtered by a {@link /// StandardFilter}, a {@link LowerCaseFilter} and a {@link StopFilter}. /// public override TokenStream TokenStream(System.String fieldName, System.IO.TextReader reader) { StandardTokenizer tokenStream = new StandardTokenizer(reader, replaceInvalidAcronym); tokenStream.SetMaxTokenLength(maxTokenLength); TokenStream result = new StandardFilter(tokenStream); result = new LowerCaseFilter(result); result = new StopFilter(result, stopSet); return result; } private sealed class SavedStreams { internal StandardTokenizer tokenStream; internal TokenStream filteredTokenStream; } /// Default maximum allowed token length public const int DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH = 255; private int maxTokenLength = DEFAULT_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH; /// Set maximum allowed token length. If a token is seen /// that exceeds this length then it is discarded. This /// setting only takes effect the next time tokenStream or /// reusableTokenStream is called. /// public virtual void SetMaxTokenLength(int length) { maxTokenLength = length; } /// /// public virtual int GetMaxTokenLength() { return maxTokenLength; } public override TokenStream ReusableTokenStream(System.String fieldName, System.IO.TextReader reader) { SavedStreams streams = (SavedStreams) GetPreviousTokenStream(); if (streams == null) { streams = new SavedStreams(); SetPreviousTokenStream(streams); streams.tokenStream = new StandardTokenizer(reader); streams.filteredTokenStream = new StandardFilter(streams.tokenStream); streams.filteredTokenStream = new LowerCaseFilter(streams.filteredTokenStream); streams.filteredTokenStream = new StopFilter(streams.filteredTokenStream, stopSet); } else { streams.tokenStream.Reset(reader); } streams.tokenStream.SetMaxTokenLength(maxTokenLength); streams.tokenStream.SetReplaceInvalidAcronym(replaceInvalidAcronym); return streams.filteredTokenStream; } /// /// true if this Analyzer is replacing mischaracterized acronyms in the StandardTokenizer /// /// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// /// this will be removed (hardwired to true) in 3.0 public virtual bool IsReplaceInvalidAcronym() { return replaceInvalidAcronym; } /// /// Set to true if this Analyzer is replacing mischaracterized acronyms in the StandardTokenizer /// /// See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1068 /// /// this will be removed (hardwired to true) in 3.0 public virtual void SetReplaceInvalidAcronym(bool replaceInvalidAcronym) { this.replaceInvalidAcronym = replaceInvalidAcronym; } } }