/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using IndexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader; using PriorityQueue = Lucene.Net.Util.PriorityQueue; namespace Lucene.Net.Search.Spans { class NearSpans : Spans { private SpanNearQuery query; private System.Collections.IList ordered = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); // spans in query order private int slop; // from query private bool inOrder; // from query private SpansCell first; // linked list of spans private SpansCell last; // sorted by doc only private int totalLength; // sum of current lengths private CellQueue queue; // sorted queue of spans private SpansCell max; // max element in queue private bool more = true; // true iff not done private bool firstTime = true; // true before first next() private class CellQueue : PriorityQueue { private void InitBlock(NearSpans enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } private NearSpans enclosingInstance; public NearSpans Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } public CellQueue(NearSpans enclosingInstance, int size) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); Initialize(size); } public override bool LessThan(System.Object o1, System.Object o2) { SpansCell spans1 = (SpansCell) o1; SpansCell spans2 = (SpansCell) o2; if (spans1.Doc() == spans2.Doc()) { if (spans1.Start() == spans2.Start()) { if (spans1.End() == spans2.End()) { return spans1.index > spans2.index; } else { return spans1.End() < spans2.End(); } } else { return spans1.Start() < spans2.Start(); } } else { return spans1.Doc() < spans2.Doc(); } } } /// Wraps a Spans, and can be used to form a linked list. private class SpansCell : Spans { private void InitBlock(NearSpans enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } private NearSpans enclosingInstance; public NearSpans Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } private Spans spans; public SpansCell next; private int length = - 1; public int index; public SpansCell(NearSpans enclosingInstance, Spans spans, int index) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); this.spans = spans; this.index = index; } public virtual bool Next() { if (length != - 1) // subtract old length Enclosing_Instance.totalLength -= length; bool more = spans.Next(); // move to next if (more) { length = End() - Start(); // compute new length Enclosing_Instance.totalLength += length; // add new length to total if (Enclosing_Instance.max == null || Doc() > Enclosing_Instance.max.Doc() || (Doc() == Enclosing_Instance.max.Doc() && End() > Enclosing_Instance.max.End())) Enclosing_Instance.max = this; } return more; } public virtual bool SkipTo(int target) { if (length != - 1) // subtract old length Enclosing_Instance.totalLength -= length; bool more = spans.SkipTo(target); // skip if (more) { length = End() - Start(); // compute new length Enclosing_Instance.totalLength += length; // add new length to total if (Enclosing_Instance.max == null || Doc() > Enclosing_Instance.max.Doc() || (Doc() == Enclosing_Instance.max.Doc() && End() > Enclosing_Instance.max.End())) Enclosing_Instance.max = this; } return more; } public virtual int Doc() { return spans.Doc(); } public virtual int Start() { return spans.Start(); } public virtual int End() { return spans.End(); } public override System.String ToString() { return spans.ToString() + "#" + index; } } public NearSpans(SpanNearQuery query, IndexReader reader) { this.query = query; this.slop = query.GetSlop(); this.inOrder = query.IsInOrder(); SpanQuery[] clauses = query.GetClauses(); // initialize spans & list queue = new CellQueue(this, clauses.Length); for (int i = 0; i < clauses.Length; i++) { SpansCell cell = new SpansCell(this, clauses[i].GetSpans(reader), i); ordered.Add(cell); // add to ordered } } public virtual bool Next() { if (firstTime) { InitList(true); ListToQueue(); // initialize queue firstTime = false; } else if (more) { more = Min().Next(); // trigger further scanning if (more) queue.AdjustTop(); // maintain queue } while (more) { bool queueStale = false; if (Min().Doc() != max.Doc()) { // maintain list QueueToList(); queueStale = true; } // skip to doc w/ all clauses while (more && first.Doc() < last.Doc()) { more = first.SkipTo(last.Doc()); // skip first upto last FirstToLast(); // and move it to the end queueStale = true; } if (!more) return false; // found doc w/ all clauses if (queueStale) { // maintain the queue ListToQueue(); queueStale = false; } if (AtMatch()) return true; // trigger further scanning if (inOrder && CheckSlop()) { /* There is a non ordered match within slop and an ordered match is needed. */ more = FirstNonOrderedNextToPartialList(); if (more) { PartialListToQueue(); } } else { more = Min().Next(); if (more) { queue.AdjustTop(); // maintain queue } } } return false; // no more matches } public virtual bool SkipTo(int target) { if (firstTime) { // initialize InitList(false); for (SpansCell cell = first; more && cell != null; cell = cell.next) { more = cell.SkipTo(target); // skip all } if (more) { ListToQueue(); } firstTime = false; } else { // normal case while (more && Min().Doc() < target) { // skip as needed more = Min().SkipTo(target); if (more) queue.AdjustTop(); } } if (more) { if (AtMatch()) // at a match? return true; return Next(); // no, scan } return false; } private SpansCell Min() { return (SpansCell) queue.Top(); } public virtual int Doc() { return Min().Doc(); } public virtual int Start() { return Min().Start(); } public virtual int End() { return max.End(); } public override System.String ToString() { return "spans(" + query.ToString() + ")@" + (firstTime?"START":(more?(Doc() + ":" + Start() + "-" + End()):"END")); } private void InitList(bool next) { for (int i = 0; more && i < ordered.Count; i++) { SpansCell cell = (SpansCell) ordered[i]; if (next) more = cell.Next(); // move to first entry if (more) { AddToList(cell); // add to list } } } private void AddToList(SpansCell cell) { if (last != null) { // add next to end of list last.next = cell; } else first = cell; last = cell; cell.next = null; } private void FirstToLast() { last.next = first; // move first to end of list last = first; first = first.next; last.next = null; } private void QueueToList() { last = first = null; while (queue.Top() != null) { AddToList((SpansCell) queue.Pop()); } } private bool FirstNonOrderedNextToPartialList() { /* Creates a partial list consisting of first non ordered and earlier. * Returns first non ordered .next(). */ last = first = null; int orderedIndex = 0; while (queue.Top() != null) { SpansCell cell = (SpansCell) queue.Pop(); AddToList(cell); if (cell.index == orderedIndex) { orderedIndex++; } else { return cell.Next(); // FIXME: continue here, rename to eg. checkOrderedMatch(): // when checkSlop() and not ordered, repeat cell.next(). // when checkSlop() and ordered, add to list and repeat queue.pop() // without checkSlop(): no match, rebuild the queue from the partial list. // When queue is empty and checkSlop() and ordered there is a match. } } throw new System.SystemException("Unexpected: ordered"); } private void ListToQueue() { queue.Clear(); // rebuild queue PartialListToQueue(); } private void PartialListToQueue() { for (SpansCell cell = first; cell != null; cell = cell.next) { queue.Put(cell); // add to queue from list } } private bool AtMatch() { return (Min().Doc() == max.Doc()) && CheckSlop() && (!inOrder || MatchIsOrdered()); } private bool CheckSlop() { int matchLength = max.End() - Min().Start(); return (matchLength - totalLength) <= slop; } private bool MatchIsOrdered() { int lastStart = - 1; for (int i = 0; i < ordered.Count; i++) { int start = ((SpansCell) ordered[i]).Start(); if (!(start > lastStart)) return false; lastStart = start; } return true; } } }