/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using IndexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader; namespace Lucene.Net.Search { /// A query that wraps a filter and simply returns a constant score equal to the /// query boost for every document in the filter. /// /// /// /// $Id: ConstantScoreQuery.java 564236 2007-08-09 15:21:19Z gsingers $ /// [Serializable] public class ConstantScoreQuery : Query { protected internal Filter filter; public ConstantScoreQuery(Filter filter) { this.filter = filter; } /// Returns the encapsulated filter public virtual Filter GetFilter() { return filter; } public override Query Rewrite(IndexReader reader) { return this; } public override void ExtractTerms(System.Collections.Hashtable terms) { // OK to not add any terms when used for MultiSearcher, // but may not be OK for highlighting } [Serializable] protected internal class ConstantWeight : Weight { private void InitBlock(ConstantScoreQuery enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } private ConstantScoreQuery enclosingInstance; public ConstantScoreQuery Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } private Similarity similarity; private float queryNorm; private float queryWeight; public ConstantWeight(ConstantScoreQuery enclosingInstance, Searcher searcher) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); this.similarity = Enclosing_Instance.GetSimilarity(searcher); } public virtual Query GetQuery() { return Enclosing_Instance; } public virtual float GetValue() { return queryWeight; } public virtual float SumOfSquaredWeights() { queryWeight = Enclosing_Instance.GetBoost(); return queryWeight * queryWeight; } public virtual void Normalize(float norm) { this.queryNorm = norm; queryWeight *= this.queryNorm; } public virtual Scorer Scorer(IndexReader reader) { return new ConstantScorer(enclosingInstance, similarity, reader, this); } public virtual Explanation Explain(IndexReader reader, int doc) { ConstantScorer cs = (ConstantScorer) Scorer(reader); bool exists = cs.bits.Get(doc); ComplexExplanation result = new ComplexExplanation(); if (exists) { result.SetDescription("ConstantScoreQuery(" + Enclosing_Instance.filter + "), product of:"); result.SetValue(queryWeight); System.Boolean tempAux = true; result.SetMatch(tempAux); result.AddDetail(new Explanation(Enclosing_Instance.GetBoost(), "boost")); result.AddDetail(new Explanation(queryNorm, "queryNorm")); } else { result.SetDescription("ConstantScoreQuery(" + Enclosing_Instance.filter + ") doesn't match id " + doc); result.SetValue(0); System.Boolean tempAux2 = false; result.SetMatch(tempAux2); } return result; } } protected internal class ConstantScorer : Scorer { private void InitBlock(ConstantScoreQuery enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } private ConstantScoreQuery enclosingInstance; public ConstantScoreQuery Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } internal System.Collections.BitArray bits; internal float theScore; internal int doc = - 1; public ConstantScorer(ConstantScoreQuery enclosingInstance, Similarity similarity, IndexReader reader, Weight w):base(similarity) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); theScore = w.GetValue(); bits = Enclosing_Instance.filter.Bits(reader); } public override bool Next() { doc = SupportClass.Number.NextSetBit(bits, doc + 1); return doc >= 0; } public override int Doc() { return doc; } public override float Score() { return theScore; } public override bool SkipTo(int target) { doc = SupportClass.Number.NextSetBit(bits, target); // requires JDK 1.4 return doc >= 0; } public override Explanation Explain(int doc) { throw new System.NotSupportedException(); } } protected internal override Weight CreateWeight(Searcher searcher) { return new ConstantScoreQuery.ConstantWeight(this, searcher); } /// Prints a user-readable version of this query. public override System.String ToString(System.String field) { return "ConstantScore(" + filter.ToString() + (GetBoost() == 1.0 ? ")" : "^" + GetBoost()); } /// Returns true if o is equal to this. public override bool Equals(System.Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o is ConstantScoreQuery)) return false; ConstantScoreQuery other = (ConstantScoreQuery) o; return this.GetBoost() == other.GetBoost() && filter.Equals(other.filter); } /// Returns a hash code value for this object. public override int GetHashCode() { // Simple add is OK since no existing filter hashcode has a float component. return filter.GetHashCode() + BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(GetBoost()), 0); } override public System.Object Clone() { // {{Aroush-1.9}} is this all that we need to clone?! ConstantScoreQuery clone = (ConstantScoreQuery) base.Clone(); clone.filter = (Filter) this.filter; return clone; } } }