/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Lucene.Net.Util { [TestFixture] public class TestPriorityQueue : LuceneTestCase { //public TestPriorityQueue(System.String name) : base(name) //{ //} private class IntegerQueue : PriorityQueue { public IntegerQueue(int count):base() { Initialize(count); } public override bool LessThan(System.Object a, System.Object b) { return ((System.Int32) a) < ((System.Int32) b); } } [Test] public virtual void TestPQ() { TestPQ(10000); } public static void TestPQ(int count) { PriorityQueue pq = new IntegerQueue(count); System.Random gen = new System.Random(); int sum = 0, sum2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int next = gen.Next(); sum += next; pq.Put((System.Object) next); } // Date end = new Date(); // System.out.print(((float)(end.getTime()-start.getTime()) / count) * 1000); // System.out.println(" microseconds/put"); // start = new Date(); int last = System.Int32.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { System.Int32 next = (System.Int32) pq.Pop(); Assert.IsTrue(next >= last); last = next; sum2 += last; } Assert.AreEqual(sum, sum2); // end = new Date(); // System.out.print(((float)(end.getTime()-start.getTime()) / count) * 1000); // System.out.println(" microseconds/pop"); } [Test] public virtual void TestClear() { PriorityQueue pq = new IntegerQueue(3); pq.Put((System.Object) 2); pq.Put((System.Object) 3); pq.Put((System.Object) 1); Assert.AreEqual(3, pq.Size()); pq.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, pq.Size()); } [Test] public virtual void TestFixedSize() { PriorityQueue pq = new IntegerQueue(3); pq.Insert((System.Object) 2); pq.Insert((System.Object) 3); pq.Insert((System.Object) 1); pq.Insert((System.Object) 5); pq.Insert((System.Object) 7); pq.Insert((System.Object) 1); Assert.AreEqual(3, pq.Size()); Assert.AreEqual(3, ((System.Int32) pq.Top())); } [Test] public virtual void TestInsertWithOverflow() { int size = 4; PriorityQueue pq = new IntegerQueue(size); System.Int32 i1 = 2; System.Int32 i2 = 3; System.Int32 i3 = 1; System.Int32 i4 = 5; System.Int32 i5 = 7; System.Int32 i6 = 1; Assert.IsNull(pq.InsertWithOverflow((System.Object) i1)); Assert.IsNull(pq.InsertWithOverflow((System.Object) i2)); Assert.IsNull(pq.InsertWithOverflow((System.Object) i3)); Assert.IsNull(pq.InsertWithOverflow((System.Object) i4)); Assert.IsTrue((int)pq.InsertWithOverflow((System.Object)i5) == i3); // i3 should have been dropped Assert.IsTrue((int)pq.InsertWithOverflow((System.Object)i6) == i6); // i6 should not have been inserted Assert.AreEqual(size, pq.Size()); Assert.AreEqual(2, ((System.Int32) pq.Top())); } } }