/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using NUnit.Framework; using WhitespaceAnalyzer = Lucene.Net.Analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer; using Document = Lucene.Net.Documents.Document; using Field = Lucene.Net.Documents.Field; using IndexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader; using IndexWriter = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter; using Term = Lucene.Net.Index.Term; using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory; using RAMDirectory = Lucene.Net.Store.RAMDirectory; namespace Lucene.Net.Search { /// Test of the DisjunctionMaxQuery. /// /// [TestFixture] public class TestDisjunctionMaxQuery { public TestDisjunctionMaxQuery() { InitBlock(); } private void InitBlock() { sim = new TestSimilarity(); } /// threshold for comparing floats public const float SCORE_COMP_THRESH = 0.0000f; /// Similarity to eliminate tf, idf and lengthNorm effects to /// isolate test case. /// ///

/// same as TestRankingSimilarity in TestRanking.zip from /// http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-323 ///

/// Williams /// [Serializable] private class TestSimilarity:DefaultSimilarity { public TestSimilarity() { } public override float Tf(float freq) { if (freq > 0.0f) return 1.0f; else return 0.0f; } public override float LengthNorm(System.String fieldName, int numTerms) { return 1.0f; } public override float Idf(int docFreq, int numDocs) { return 1.0f; } } public Similarity sim; public Directory index; public IndexReader r; public IndexSearcher s; [SetUp] public virtual void SetUp() { index = new RAMDirectory(); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(index, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true); writer.SetSimilarity(sim); // hed is the most important field, dek is secondary // d1 is an "ok" match for: albino elephant { Lucene.Net.Documents.Document d1 = new Lucene.Net.Documents.Document(); d1.Add(new Field("id", "d1", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)); //Field.Keyword("id", "d1")); d1.Add(new Field("hed", "elephant", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("hed", "elephant")); d1.Add(new Field("dek", "elephant", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("dek", "elephant")); writer.AddDocument(d1); } // d2 is a "good" match for: albino elephant { Lucene.Net.Documents.Document d2 = new Lucene.Net.Documents.Document(); d2.Add(new Field("id", "d2", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)); //Field.Keyword("id", "d2")); d2.Add(new Field("hed", "elephant", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("hed", "elephant")); d2.Add(new Field("dek", "albino", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("dek", "albino")); d2.Add(new Field("dek", "elephant", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("dek", "elephant")); writer.AddDocument(d2); } // d3 is a "better" match for: albino elephant { Lucene.Net.Documents.Document d3 = new Lucene.Net.Documents.Document(); d3.Add(new Field("id", "d3", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)); //Field.Keyword("id", "d3")); d3.Add(new Field("hed", "albino", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("hed", "albino")); d3.Add(new Field("hed", "elephant", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("hed", "elephant")); writer.AddDocument(d3); } // d4 is the "best" match for: albino elephant { Lucene.Net.Documents.Document d4 = new Lucene.Net.Documents.Document(); d4.Add(new Field("id", "d4", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED)); //Field.Keyword("id", "d4")); d4.Add(new Field("hed", "albino", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("hed", "albino")); d4.Add(new Field("hed", "elephant", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("hed", "elephant")); d4.Add(new Field("dek", "albino", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED)); //Field.Text("dek", "albino")); writer.AddDocument(d4); } writer.Close(); r = IndexReader.Open(index); s = new IndexSearcher(r); s.SetSimilarity(sim); } [Test] public virtual void TestSimpleEqualScores1() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "all docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h.Score(0); for (int i = 1; i < h.Length(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h.Score(i), SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testSimpleEqualScores1", h); throw e; } } [Test] public virtual void TestSimpleEqualScores2() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length(), "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h.Score(0); for (int i = 1; i < h.Length(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h.Score(i), SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testSimpleEqualScores2", h); throw e; } } [Test] public virtual void TestSimpleEqualScores3() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "all docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h.Score(0); for (int i = 1; i < h.Length(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h.Score(i), SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testSimpleEqualScores3", h); throw e; } } [Test] public virtual void TestSimpleTiebreaker() { DisjunctionMaxQuery q = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length(), "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("d2", h.Doc(0).Get("id"), "wrong first"); float score0 = h.Score(0); float score1 = h.Score(1); float score2 = h.Score(2); Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d2 does not have better score then others: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.AreEqual(score1, score2, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "d4 and d1 don't have equal scores"); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testSimpleTiebreaker", h); throw e; } } [Test] public virtual void TestBooleanRequiredEqualScores() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); //false,false); QueryUtils.Check(q1, s); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST); //false,false); QueryUtils.Check(q2, s); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(3, h.Length(), "3 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h.Score(0); for (int i = 1; i < h.Length(); i++) { Assert.AreEqual(score, h.Score(i), SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanRequiredEqualScores1", h); throw e; } } [Test] public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.0f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score = h.Score(0); for (int i = 1; i < h.Length() - 1; i++) { /* note: -1 */ Assert.AreEqual(score, h.Score(i), SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score #" + i + " is not the same"); } Assert.AreEqual("d1", h.Doc(h.Length() - 1).Get("id"), "wrong last"); float score1 = h.Score(h.Length() - 1); Assert.IsTrue(score > score1, "d1 does not have worse score then others: " + score + " >? " + score1); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalNoTiebreaker", h); throw e; } } [Test] public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreaker() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino")); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant")); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h.Score(0); float score1 = h.Score(1); float score2 = h.Score(2); float score3 = h.Score(3); System.String doc0 = h.Doc(0).Get("id"); System.String doc1 = h.Doc(1).Get("id"); System.String doc2 = h.Doc(2).Get("id"); System.String doc3 = h.Doc(3).Get("id"); Assert.IsTrue(doc0.Equals("d2") || doc0.Equals("d4"), "doc0 should be d2 or d4: " + doc0); Assert.IsTrue(doc1.Equals("d2") || doc1.Equals("d4"), "doc1 should be d2 or d4: " + doc0); Assert.AreEqual(score0, score1, SCORE_COMP_THRESH, "score0 and score1 should match"); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc2, "wrong third"); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have worse score then d2 and d4: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "wrong fourth"); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d1 does not have worse score then d3: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalWithTiebreaker", h); throw e; } } [Test] public virtual void TestBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost() { BooleanQuery q = new BooleanQuery(); { DisjunctionMaxQuery q1 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q1.Add(Tq("hed", "albino", 1.5f)); q1.Add(Tq("dek", "albino")); q.Add(q1, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } { DisjunctionMaxQuery q2 = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0.01f); q2.Add(Tq("hed", "elephant", 1.5f)); q2.Add(Tq("dek", "elephant")); q.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); //false,false); } QueryUtils.Check(q, s); Hits h = s.Search(q); try { Assert.AreEqual(4, h.Length(), "4 docs should match " + q.ToString()); float score0 = h.Score(0); float score1 = h.Score(1); float score2 = h.Score(2); float score3 = h.Score(3); System.String doc0 = h.Doc(0).Get("id"); System.String doc1 = h.Doc(1).Get("id"); System.String doc2 = h.Doc(2).Get("id"); System.String doc3 = h.Doc(3).Get("id"); Assert.AreEqual("d4", doc0, "doc0 should be d4: "); Assert.AreEqual("d3", doc1, "doc1 should be d3: "); Assert.AreEqual("d2", doc2, "doc2 should be d2: "); Assert.AreEqual("d1", doc3, "doc3 should be d1: "); Assert.IsTrue(score0 > score1, "d4 does not have a better score then d3: " + score0 + " >? " + score1); Assert.IsTrue(score1 > score2, "d3 does not have a better score then d2: " + score1 + " >? " + score2); Assert.IsTrue(score2 > score3, "d3 does not have a better score then d1: " + score2 + " >? " + score3); } catch (System.ApplicationException e) { PrintHits("testBooleanOptionalWithTiebreakerAndBoost", h); throw e; } } /// macro protected internal virtual Query Tq(System.String f, System.String t) { return new TermQuery(new Term(f, t)); } /// macro protected internal virtual Query Tq(System.String f, System.String t, float b) { Query q = Tq(f, t); q.SetBoost(b); return q; } protected internal virtual void PrintHits(System.String test, Hits h) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("------- " + test + " -------"); for (int i = 0; i < h.Length(); i++) { Lucene.Net.Documents.Document d = h.Doc(i); float score = h.Score(i); System.Console.Error.WriteLine("#" + i + ": {0.000000000}" + score + " - " + d.Get("id")); } } } }