/* * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. SimpleCharStream.java Version 3.0 */ using System; namespace Lucene.Net.Demo.Html { /// An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to /// contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing). /// public class SimpleCharStream { public const bool staticFlag = false; internal int bufsize; internal int available; internal int tokenBegin; public int bufpos = - 1; protected internal int[] bufline; protected internal int[] bufcolumn; protected internal int column = 0; protected internal int line = 1; protected internal bool prevCharIsCR = false; protected internal bool prevCharIsLF = false; protected internal System.IO.StreamReader inputStream; protected internal char[] buffer; protected internal int maxNextCharInd = 0; protected internal int inBuf = 0; protected internal virtual void ExpandBuff(bool wrapAround) { char[] newbuffer = new char[bufsize + 2048]; int[] newbufline = new int[bufsize + 2048]; int[] newbufcolumn = new int[bufsize + 2048]; try { if (wrapAround) { Array.Copy(buffer, tokenBegin, newbuffer, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin); Array.Copy(buffer, 0, newbuffer, bufsize - tokenBegin, bufpos); buffer = newbuffer; Array.Copy(bufline, tokenBegin, newbufline, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin); Array.Copy(bufline, 0, newbufline, bufsize - tokenBegin, bufpos); bufline = newbufline; Array.Copy(bufcolumn, tokenBegin, newbufcolumn, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin); Array.Copy(bufcolumn, 0, newbufcolumn, bufsize - tokenBegin, bufpos); bufcolumn = newbufcolumn; maxNextCharInd = (bufpos += (bufsize - tokenBegin)); } else { Array.Copy(buffer, tokenBegin, newbuffer, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin); buffer = newbuffer; Array.Copy(bufline, tokenBegin, newbufline, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin); bufline = newbufline; Array.Copy(bufcolumn, tokenBegin, newbufcolumn, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin); bufcolumn = newbufcolumn; maxNextCharInd = (bufpos -= tokenBegin); } } catch (System.Exception t) { throw new System.ApplicationException(t.Message); } bufsize += 2048; available = bufsize; tokenBegin = 0; } protected internal virtual void FillBuff() { if (maxNextCharInd == available) { if (available == bufsize) { if (tokenBegin > 2048) { bufpos = maxNextCharInd = 0; available = tokenBegin; } else if (tokenBegin < 0) bufpos = maxNextCharInd = 0; else ExpandBuff(false); } else if (available > tokenBegin) available = bufsize; else if ((tokenBegin - available) < 2048) ExpandBuff(true); else available = tokenBegin; } int i; try { if ((i = inputStream.Read(buffer, maxNextCharInd, available - maxNextCharInd)) == - 1) { inputStream.Close(); throw new System.IO.IOException(); } else maxNextCharInd += i; return ; } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { --bufpos; Backup(0); if (tokenBegin == - 1) tokenBegin = bufpos; throw e; } } public virtual char BeginToken() { tokenBegin = - 1; char c = ReadChar(); tokenBegin = bufpos; return c; } protected internal virtual void UpdateLineColumn(char c) { column++; if (prevCharIsLF) { prevCharIsLF = false; line += (column = 1); } else if (prevCharIsCR) { prevCharIsCR = false; if (c == '\n') { prevCharIsLF = true; } else line += (column = 1); } switch (c) { case '\r': prevCharIsCR = true; break; case '\n': prevCharIsLF = true; break; case '\t': column--; column += (8 - (column & 7)); break; default: break; } bufline[bufpos] = line; bufcolumn[bufpos] = column; } public virtual char ReadChar() { if (inBuf > 0) { --inBuf; if (++bufpos == bufsize) bufpos = 0; return buffer[bufpos]; } if (++bufpos >= maxNextCharInd) FillBuff(); char c = buffer[bufpos]; UpdateLineColumn(c); return (c); } /// /// /// /// public virtual int GetColumn() { return bufcolumn[bufpos]; } /// /// /// /// public virtual int GetLine() { return bufline[bufpos]; } public virtual int GetEndColumn() { return bufcolumn[bufpos]; } public virtual int GetEndLine() { return bufline[bufpos]; } public virtual int GetBeginColumn() { return bufcolumn[tokenBegin]; } public virtual int GetBeginLine() { return bufline[tokenBegin]; } public virtual void Backup(int amount) { inBuf += amount; if ((bufpos -= amount) < 0) bufpos += bufsize; } public SimpleCharStream(System.IO.StreamReader dstream, int startline, int startcolumn, int buffersize) { inputStream = dstream; line = startline; column = startcolumn - 1; available = bufsize = buffersize; buffer = new char[buffersize]; bufline = new int[buffersize]; bufcolumn = new int[buffersize]; } public SimpleCharStream(System.IO.StreamReader dstream, int startline, int startcolumn) : this(dstream, startline, startcolumn, 4096) { } public SimpleCharStream(System.IO.StreamReader dstream):this(dstream, 1, 1, 4096) { } public virtual void ReInit(System.IO.StreamReader dstream, int startline, int startcolumn, int buffersize) { inputStream = dstream; line = startline; column = startcolumn - 1; if (buffer == null || buffersize != buffer.Length) { available = bufsize = buffersize; buffer = new char[buffersize]; bufline = new int[buffersize]; bufcolumn = new int[buffersize]; } prevCharIsLF = prevCharIsCR = false; tokenBegin = inBuf = maxNextCharInd = 0; bufpos = - 1; } public virtual void ReInit(System.IO.StreamReader dstream, int startline, int startcolumn) { ReInit(dstream, startline, startcolumn, 4096); } public virtual void ReInit(System.IO.StreamReader dstream) { ReInit(dstream, 1, 1, 4096); } public SimpleCharStream(System.IO.Stream dstream, int startline, int startcolumn, int buffersize) : this(new System.IO.StreamReader(dstream, System.Text.Encoding.Default), startline, startcolumn, 4096) { } public SimpleCharStream(System.IO.Stream dstream, int startline, int startcolumn) : this(dstream, startline, startcolumn, 4096) { } public SimpleCharStream(System.IO.Stream dstream) : this(dstream, 1, 1, 4096) { } public virtual void ReInit(System.IO.Stream dstream, int startline, int startcolumn, int buffersize) { ReInit(new System.IO.StreamReader(dstream, System.Text.Encoding.Default), startline, startcolumn, 4096); } public virtual void ReInit(System.IO.Stream dstream) { ReInit(dstream, 1, 1, 4096); } public virtual void ReInit(System.IO.Stream dstream, int startline, int startcolumn) { ReInit(dstream, startline, startcolumn, 4096); } public virtual System.String GetImage() { if (bufpos >= tokenBegin) return new System.String(buffer, tokenBegin, bufpos - tokenBegin + 1); else return new System.String(buffer, tokenBegin, bufsize - tokenBegin) + new System.String(buffer, 0, bufpos + 1); } public virtual char[] GetSuffix(int len) { char[] ret = new char[len]; if ((bufpos + 1) >= len) Array.Copy(buffer, bufpos - len + 1, ret, 0, len); else { Array.Copy(buffer, bufsize - (len - bufpos - 1), ret, 0, len - bufpos - 1); Array.Copy(buffer, 0, ret, len - bufpos - 1, bufpos + 1); } return ret; } public virtual void Done() { buffer = null; bufline = null; bufcolumn = null; } /// Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token. public virtual void AdjustBeginLineColumn(int newLine, int newCol) { int start = tokenBegin; int len; if (bufpos >= tokenBegin) { len = bufpos - tokenBegin + inBuf + 1; } else { len = bufsize - tokenBegin + bufpos + 1 + inBuf; } int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; int nextColDiff = 0, columnDiff = 0; while (i < len && bufline[j = start % bufsize] == bufline[k = ++start % bufsize]) { bufline[j] = newLine; nextColDiff = columnDiff + bufcolumn[k] - bufcolumn[j]; bufcolumn[j] = newCol + columnDiff; columnDiff = nextColDiff; i++; } if (i < len) { bufline[j] = newLine++; bufcolumn[j] = newCol + columnDiff; while (i++ < len) { if (bufline[j = start % bufsize] != bufline[++start % bufsize]) bufline[j] = newLine++; else bufline[j] = newLine; } } line = bufline[j]; column = bufcolumn[j]; } } }