Apache Lucene.Net 2.1 Class Library API

MultiFieldQueryParser Methods

The methods of the MultiFieldQueryParser class are listed below. For a complete list of MultiFieldQueryParser class members, see the MultiFieldQueryParser Members topic.

Public Static Methods


Public Instance Methods

Clause (inherited from QueryParser) 
Conjunction (inherited from QueryParser) 
Disable_tracing (inherited from QueryParser) 
Enable_tracing (inherited from QueryParser) 
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GenerateParseException (inherited from QueryParser) 
GetAllowLeadingWildcard (inherited from QueryParser) 
GetAnalyzer (inherited from QueryParser) 
GetDateResolution (inherited from QueryParser) Returns the date resolution that is used by RangeQueries for the given field. Returns null, if no default or field specific date resolution has been set for the given field.
GetDefaultOperator (inherited from QueryParser) Gets implicit operator setting, which will be either AND_OPERATOR or OR_OPERATOR.
GetField (inherited from QueryParser) 
GetFuzzyMinSim (inherited from QueryParser) Get the minimal similarity for fuzzy queries.
GetFuzzyPrefixLength (inherited from QueryParser) Get the prefix length for fuzzy queries.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetLocale (inherited from QueryParser) Returns current locale, allowing access by subclasses.
GetLowercaseExpandedTerms (inherited from QueryParser) 
GetNextToken (inherited from QueryParser) 
GetPhraseSlop (inherited from QueryParser) Gets the default slop for phrases.
GetToken (inherited from QueryParser) 
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetUseOldRangeQuery (inherited from QueryParser) 
Modifiers (inherited from QueryParser) 
Parse (inherited from QueryParser)Overloaded. Parses a query string, returning a {@link Lucene.Net.Search.Query}.
Query (inherited from QueryParser) 
ReInit (inherited from QueryParser)Overloaded.  
SetAllowLeadingWildcard (inherited from QueryParser) Set to
to allow
as the first character of a PrefixQuery and WildcardQuery. Note that this can produce very slow queries on big indexes. Default: false.
SetDateResolution (inherited from QueryParser)Overloaded. Sets the date resolution used by RangeQueries for a specific field.
SetDefaultOperator (inherited from QueryParser) Sets the boolean operator of the QueryParser. In default mode (
) terms without any modifiers are considered optional: for example
capital of Hungary
is equal to
capital OR of OR Hungary
mode terms are considered to be in conjuction: the above mentioned query is parsed as
capital AND of AND Hungary
SetFuzzyMinSim (inherited from QueryParser) Set the minimum similarity for fuzzy queries. Default is 0.5f.
SetFuzzyPrefixLength (inherited from QueryParser) Set the prefix length for fuzzy queries. Default is 0.
SetLocale (inherited from QueryParser) Set locale used by date range parsing.
SetLowercaseExpandedTerms (inherited from QueryParser) Whether terms of wildcard, prefix, fuzzy and range queries are to be automatically lower-cased or not. Default is
SetPhraseSlop (inherited from QueryParser) Sets the default slop for phrases. If zero, then exact phrase matches are required. Default value is zero.
SetUseOldRangeQuery (inherited from QueryParser) By default QueryParser uses new ConstantScoreRangeQuery in preference to RangeQuery for range queries. This implementation is generally preferable because it a) Runs faster b) Does not have the scarcity of range terms unduly influence score c) avoids any "TooManyBooleanClauses" exception. However, if your application really needs to use the old-fashioned RangeQuery and the above points are not required then set this option to
Default is
Term (inherited from QueryParser) 
ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

Protected Internal Instance Methods

AddClause (inherited from QueryParser) 
GetBooleanQuery (inherited from QueryParser)Overloaded. Factory method for generating query, given a set of clauses. By default creates a boolean query composed of clauses passed in. Can be overridden by extending classes, to modify query being returned.

See Also

MultiFieldQueryParser Class | Lucene.Net.QueryParsers Namespace