Lucene.Net 1.9.1 Class Library

RangeQuery Methods

The methods of the RangeQuery class are listed below. For a complete list of RangeQuery class members, see the RangeQuery Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

Clone (inherited from Query)Returns a clone of this query.
Combine (inherited from Query)Expert: called when re-writing queries under MultiSearcher. Create a single query suitable for use by all subsearchers (in 1-1 correspondence with queries). This is an optimization of the OR of all queries. We handle the common optimization cases of equal queries and overlapping clauses of boolean OR queries (as generated by MultiTermQuery.rewrite() and RangeQuery.rewrite()). Be careful overriding this method as queries[0] determines which method will be called and is not necessarily of the same type as the other queries.
EqualsReturns true iff
is equal to this.
ExtractTerms (inherited from Query) Expert: adds all terms occuring in this query to the terms set. Only works if this query is in its {@link #rewrite rewritten} form.
GetBoost (inherited from Query)Gets the boost for this clause. Documents matching this clause will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by
. The boost is 1.0 by default.
GetFieldReturns the field name for this query
GetHashCodeReturns a hash code value for this object.
GetLowerTermReturns the lower term of this range query
GetSimilarity (inherited from Query)Expert: Returns the Similarity implementation to be used for this query. Subclasses may override this method to specify their own Similarity implementation, perhaps one that delegates through that of the Searcher. By default the Searcher's Similarity implementation is returned.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetUpperTermReturns the upper term of this range query
if the range query is inclusive
SetBoost (inherited from Query)Sets the boost for this query clause to
. Documents matching this clause will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by
ToStringOverloaded. Prints a user-readable version of this query.
ToString (inherited from Query)Overloaded. Prints a query to a string.
Weight (inherited from Query)Expert: Constructs and initializes a Weight for a top-level query.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

Protected Internal Instance Methods

CreateWeight (inherited from Query) 

See Also

RangeQuery Class | Lucene.Net.Search Namespace