Lucene.Net 1.9.1 Class Library

ParseException Properties

The properties of the ParseException class are listed below. For a complete list of ParseException class members, see the ParseException Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

HelpLink (inherited from Exception) Gets or sets a link to the help file associated with this exception.
InnerException (inherited from Exception) Gets the Exception instance that caused the current exception.
Message This method has the standard behavior when this object has been created using the standard constructors. Otherwise, it uses "currentToken" and "expectedTokenSequences" to generate a parse error message and returns it. If this object has been created due to a parse error, and you do not catch it (it gets thrown from the parser), then this method is called during the printing of the final stack trace, and hence the correct error message gets displayed.
Source (inherited from Exception) Gets or sets the name of the application or the object that causes the error.
StackTrace (inherited from Exception) Gets a string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown.
TargetSite (inherited from Exception) Gets the method that throws the current exception.

Protected Instance Properties

HResult (inherited from Exception) Gets or sets HRESULT, a coded numerical value that is assigned to a specific exception.

See Also

ParseException Class | Lucene.Net.QueryParsers Namespace