Lucene.Net 1.4.3 Class Library

BitVector Members

BitVector overview

Public Instance Constructors

BitVector Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the BitVector class.

Public Instance Methods

ClearSets the value of
to zero.
CountReturns the total number of one bits in this vector. This is efficiently computed and cached, so that, if the vector is not changed, no recomputation is done for repeated calls.
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
is one and
if it is zero.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
SetSets the value of
to one.
SizeReturns the number of bits in this vector. This is also one greater than the number of the largest valid bit number.
ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents the current Object.
WriteWrites this vector to the file
in Directory
, in a format that can be read by the constructor {@link #BitVector(Directory, String)}.

See Also

BitVector Class | Lucene.Net.Util Namespace