Lucene.Net 1.4.3 Class Library

FieldCache Members

FieldCache overview

Public Instance Methods

GetAutoChecks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads
to see if it contains integers, floats or strings, and then calls one of the other methods in this class to get the values. For string values, a StringIndex is returned. After calling this method, there is an entry in the cache for both type
and the actual found type.
GetCustomChecks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads the terms out of
and calls the given SortComparator to get the sort values. A hit in the cache will happen if
, and
are the same (using
) as a previous call to this method.
GetFloatsChecks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in
as floats and returns an array of size
of the value each document has in the given Field.
GetIntsChecks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in
as integers and returns an array of size
of the value each document has in the given Field.
GetStringIndexChecks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads the term values in
and returns an array of them in natural order, along with an array telling which element in the term array each document uses.
GetStringsChecks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the term values in
and returns an array of size
containing the value each document has in the given Field.

See Also

FieldCache Interface | Lucene.Net.Search Namespace