#!/usr/bin/env bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # CONTROLLING STARTUP: # # Use solr -help to see available command-line options. In addition # to passing command-line options, this script looks for an include # file named solr.in.sh to set environment variables. Specifically, # the following locations are searched in this order: # # ./ # $HOME/.solr.in.sh # /usr/share/solr # /usr/local/share/solr # /var/solr/ # /opt/solr # # Another option is to specify the full path to the include file in the # environment. For example: # # $ SOLR_INCLUDE=/path/to/solr.in.sh solr start # # Note: This is particularly handy for running multiple instances on a # single installation, or for quick tests. # # Finally, developers and enthusiasts who frequently run from an SVN # checkout, and do not want to locally modify bin/solr.in.sh, can put # a customized include file at ~/.solr.in.sh. # # If you would rather configure startup entirely from the environment, you # can disable the include by exporting an empty SOLR_INCLUDE, or by # ensuring that no include files exist in the aforementioned search list. SOLR_SCRIPT="$0" verbose=false THIS_OS=`uname -s` if hash jar 2>/dev/null ; then # hash returns true if jar is on the path UNPACK_WAR_CMD="$(command -v jar) xf" elif hash unzip 2>/dev/null ; then # hash returns true if unzip is on the path UNPACK_WAR_CMD="$(command -v unzip) -q" else echo -e "This script requires extracting a WAR file with either the jar or unzip utility, please install these utilities or contact your administrator for assistance." exit 1 fi stop_all=false # for now, we don't support running this script from cygwin due to problems # like not having lsof, ps auxww, curl, and awkward directory handling if [ "${THIS_OS:0:6}" == "CYGWIN" ]; then echo -e "This script does not support cygwin due to severe limitations and lack of adherence\nto BASH standards, such as lack of lsof, curl, and ps options.\n\nPlease use the native solr.cmd script on Windows!" exit 1 fi # Resolve symlinks to this script while [ -h "$SOLR_SCRIPT" ] ; do ls=`ls -ld "$SOLR_SCRIPT"` # Drop everything prior to -> link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then SOLR_SCRIPT="$link" else SOLR_SCRIPT=`dirname "$SOLR_SCRIPT"`/"$link" fi done SOLR_TIP=`dirname "$SOLR_SCRIPT"`/.. SOLR_TIP=`cd "$SOLR_TIP"; pwd` DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR=$SOLR_TIP/server # If an include wasn't specified in the environment, then search for one... if [ -z "$SOLR_INCLUDE" ]; then # Locations (in order) to use when searching for an include file. for include in "`dirname "$0"`/solr.in.sh" \ "$HOME/.solr.in.sh" \ /usr/share/solr/solr.in.sh \ /usr/local/share/solr/solr.in.sh \ /var/solr/solr.in.sh \ /opt/solr/solr.in.sh; do if [ -r "$include" ]; then . "$include" break fi done elif [ -r "$SOLR_INCLUDE" ]; then . "$SOLR_INCLUDE" fi if [ -z "$SOLR_PID_DIR" ]; then SOLR_PID_DIR=$SOLR_TIP/bin fi if [ -n "$SOLR_JAVA_HOME" ]; then JAVA=$SOLR_JAVA_HOME/bin/java elif [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then for java in "$JAVA_HOME"/bin/amd64/java "$JAVA_HOME"/bin/java; do if [ -x "$java" ]; then JAVA="$java" break fi done if [ -z "$JAVA" ]; then echo >&2 "The currently defined JAVA_HOME ($JAVA_HOME) refers" echo >&2 "to a location where Java could not be found. Aborting." echo >&2 "Either fix the JAVA_HOME variable or remove it from the" echo >&2 "environment so that the system PATH will be searched." exit 1 fi else JAVA=java fi # test that Java exists and is executable on this server $JAVA -version >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Java not found, or an error was encountered when running java." echo >&2 "A working Java 8 is required to run Solr!" echo >&2 "Please install Java 8 or fix JAVA_HOME before running this script." echo >&2 "Command that we tried: '${JAVA} -version'" echo >&2 "Active Path:" echo >&2 "${PATH}" exit 1 } # URL scheme for contacting Solr SOLR_URL_SCHEME=http if [ -n "$SOLR_SSL_OPTS" ]; then SOLR_URL_SCHEME=https fi function print_usage() { CMD="$1" ERROR_MSG="$2" if [ "$ERROR_MSG" != "" ]; then echo -e "\nERROR: $ERROR_MSG\n" fi if [ -z "$CMD" ]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr COMMAND OPTIONS" echo " where COMMAND is one of: start, stop, restart, status, healthcheck, create, create_core, create_collection, delete" echo "" echo " Standalone server example (start Solr running in the background on port 8984):" echo "" echo " ./solr start -p 8984" echo "" echo " SolrCloud example (start Solr running in SolrCloud mode using localhost:2181 to connect to ZooKeeper, with 1g max heap size and remote Java debug options enabled):" echo "" echo " ./solr start -c -m 1g -z localhost:2181 -a \"-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044\"" echo "" echo "Pass -help after any COMMAND to see command-specific usage information," echo " such as: ./solr start -help or ./solr stop -help" echo "" elif [[ "$CMD" == "start" || "$CMD" == "restart" ]]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr $CMD [-f] [-c] [-h hostname] [-p port] [-d directory] [-z zkHost] [-m memory] [-e example] [-s solr.solr.home] [-a \"additional-options\"] [-V]" echo "" echo " -f Start Solr in foreground; default starts Solr in the background" echo " and sends stdout / stderr to solr-PORT-console.log" echo "" echo " -c or -cloud Start Solr in SolrCloud mode; if -z not supplied, an embedded ZooKeeper" echo " instance is started on Solr port+1000, such as 9983 if Solr is bound to 8983" echo "" echo " -h Specify the hostname for this Solr instance" echo "" echo " -p Specify the port to start the Solr HTTP listener on; default is 8983" echo " The specified port (SOLR_PORT) will also be used to determine the stop port" echo " STOP_PORT=(\$SOLR_PORT-1000) and JMX RMI listen port RMI_PORT=(1\$SOLR_PORT). " echo " For instance, if you set -p 8985, then the STOP_PORT=7985 and RMI_PORT=18985" echo "" echo " -d Specify the Solr server directory; defaults to server" echo "" echo " -z ZooKeeper connection string; only used when running in SolrCloud mode using -c" echo " To launch an embedded ZooKeeper instance, don't pass this parameter." echo "" echo " -m Sets the min (-Xms) and max (-Xmx) heap size for the JVM, such as: -m 4g" echo " results in: -Xms4g -Xmx4g; by default, this script sets the heap size to 512m" echo "" echo " -s Sets the solr.solr.home system property; Solr will create core directories under" echo " this directory. This allows you to run multiple Solr instances on the same host" echo " while reusing the same server directory set using the -d parameter. If set, the" echo " specified directory should contain a solr.xml file. The default value is server/solr." echo " This parameter is ignored when running examples (-e), as the solr.solr.home depends" echo " on which example is run." echo "" echo " -e Name of the example to run; available examples:" echo " cloud: SolrCloud example" echo " techproducts: Comprehensive example illustrating many of Solr's core capabilities" echo " dih: Data Import Handler" echo " schemaless: Schema-less example" echo "" echo " -a Additional parameters to pass to the JVM when starting Solr, such as to setup" echo " Java debug options. For example, to enable a Java debugger to attach to the Solr JVM" echo " you could pass: -a \"-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=18983\"" echo " In most cases, you should wrap the additional parameters in double quotes." echo "" echo " -noprompt Don't prompt for input; accept all defaults when running examples that accept user input" echo "" echo " -V Verbose messages from this script" echo "" elif [ "$CMD" == "stop" ]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr stop [-k key] [-p port] [-V]" echo "" echo " -k Stop key; default is solrrocks" echo "" echo " -p Specify the port the Solr HTTP listener is bound to" echo "" echo " -all Find and stop all running Solr servers on this host" echo "" echo " NOTE: To see if any Solr servers are running, do: solr status" echo "" elif [ "$CMD" == "healthcheck" ]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr healthcheck [-c collection] [-z zkHost]" echo "" echo " -c Collection to run healthcheck against." echo "" echo " -z ZooKeeper connection string; default is localhost:9983" echo "" elif [ "$CMD" == "status" ]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr status" echo "" echo " NOTE: This command will show the status of all running Solr servers" echo "" elif [ "$CMD" == "create" ]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr create [-c name] [-d confdir] [-n configName] [-shards #] [-replicationFactor #] [-p port]" echo "" echo " Create a core or collection depending on whether Solr is running in standalone (core) or SolrCloud" echo " mode (collection). In other words, this action detects which mode Solr is running in, and then takes" echo " the appropriate action (either create_core or create_collection). For detailed usage instructions, do:" echo "" echo " bin/solr create_core -help" echo "" echo " or" echo "" echo " bin/solr create_collection -help" echo "" elif [ "$CMD" == "delete" ]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr delete [-c name] [-deleteConfig true|false] [-p port]" echo "" echo " Deletes a core or collection depending on whether Solr is running in standalone (core) or SolrCloud" echo " mode (collection). If you're deleting a collection in SolrCloud mode, the default behavior is to also" echo " delete the configuration directory from ZooKeeper so long as it is not being used by another collection." echo " You can override this behavior by passing -deleteConfig false when running this command." echo "" echo " -c Name of the core / collection to delete" echo "" echo " -deleteConfig Delete the configuration directory from ZooKeeper; default is true" echo "" echo " -p Port of a local Solr instance where you want to delete the core/collection" echo " If not specified, the script will search the local system for a running" echo " Solr instance and will use the port of the first server it finds." echo "" elif [ "$CMD" == "create_core" ]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr create_core [-c core] [-d confdir] [-p port]" echo "" echo " -c Name of core to create" echo "" echo " -d Configuration directory to copy when creating the new core, built-in options are:" echo "" echo " basic_configs: Minimal Solr configuration" echo " data_driven_schema_configs: Managed schema with field-guessing support enabled" echo " sample_techproducts_configs: Example configuration with many optional features enabled to" echo " demonstrate the full power of Solr" echo "" echo " If not specified, default is: data_driven_schema_configs" echo "" echo " Alternatively, you can pass the path to your own configuration directory instead of using" echo " one of the built-in configurations, such as: bin/solr create_core -c mycore -d /tmp/myconfig" echo "" echo " -p Port of a local Solr instance where you want to create the new core" echo " If not specified, the script will search the local system for a running" echo " Solr instance and will use the port of the first server it finds." echo "" elif [ "$CMD" == "create_collection" ]; then echo "" echo "Usage: solr create_collection [-c collection] [-d confdir] [-n configName] [-shards #] [-replicationFactor #] [-p port]" echo "" echo " -c Name of collection to create" echo "" echo " -d Configuration directory to copy when creating the new collection, built-in options are:" echo "" echo " basic_configs: Minimal Solr configuration" echo " data_driven_schema_configs: Managed schema with field-guessing support enabled" echo " sample_techproducts_configs: Example configuration with many optional features enabled to" echo " demonstrate the full power of Solr" echo "" echo " If not specified, default is: data_driven_schema_configs" echo "" echo " Alternatively, you can pass the path to your own configuration directory instead of using" echo " one of the built-in configurations, such as: bin/solr create_collection -c mycoll -d /tmp/myconfig" echo "" echo " By default the script will upload the specified confdir directory into ZooKeeper using the same" echo " name as the collection (-c) option. Alternatively, if you want to reuse an existing directory" echo " or create a confdir in ZooKeeper that can be shared by multiple collections, use the -n option" echo "" echo " -n Name the configuration directory in ZooKeeper; by default, the configuration" echo " will be uploaded to ZooKeeper using the collection name (-c), but if you want" echo " to use an existing directory or override the name of the configuration in" echo " ZooKeeper, then use the -c option." echo "" echo " -shards <#> Number of shards to split the collection into; default is 1" echo "" echo " -replicationFactor <#> Number of copies of each document in the collection, default is 1 (no replication)" echo "" echo " -p Port of a local Solr instance where you want to create the new collection" echo " If not specified, the script will search the local system for a running" echo " Solr instance and will use the port of the first server it finds." echo "" fi } # end print_usage # used to show the script is still alive when waiting on work to complete function spinner() { local pid=$1 local delay=0.5 local spinstr='|/-\' while [ "$(ps aux | awk '{print $2}' | grep $pid)" ]; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf " [%c] " "$spinstr" local spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep $delay printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b" done printf " \b\b\b\b" } # given a port, find the pid for a Solr process function solr_pid_by_port() { THE_PORT="$1" if [ -e "$SOLR_PID_DIR/solr-$THE_PORT.pid" ]; then PID=`cat $SOLR_PID_DIR/solr-$THE_PORT.pid` CHECK_PID=`ps auxww | awk '{print $2}' | grep $PID | sort -r | tr -d ' '` if [ "$CHECK_PID" != "" ]; then local solrPID=$PID fi fi echo "$solrPID" } # extract the value of the -Djetty.port parameter from a running Solr process function jetty_port() { SOLR_PID="$1" SOLR_PROC=`ps auxww | grep $SOLR_PID | grep start.jar | grep jetty.port` IFS=' ' read -a proc_args <<< "$SOLR_PROC" for arg in "${proc_args[@]}" do IFS='=' read -a pair <<< "$arg" if [ "${pair[0]}" == "-Djetty.port" ]; then local jetty_port="${pair[1]}" break fi done echo "$jetty_port" } # end jetty_port func # run a Solr command-line tool using the SolrCLI class; # useful for doing cross-platform work from the command-line using Java function run_tool() { # Extract the solr.war if it hasn't been done already (so we can access the SolrCLI class) if [[ -e $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/webapps/solr.war && ! -d "$DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr-webapp/webapp" ]]; then (mkdir -p $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr-webapp/webapp && cd $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr-webapp/webapp && $UNPACK_WAR_CMD $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/webapps/solr.war) fi "$JAVA" $SOLR_SSL_OPTS -Dsolr.install.dir=$SOLR_TIP -Dlog4j.configuration=file:$DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/scripts/cloud-scripts/log4j.properties \ -classpath "$DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*:$DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/lib/ext/*" \ org.apache.solr.util.SolrCLI $* return $? } # end run_tool function # get information about any Solr nodes running on this host function get_info() { # first, see if Solr is running numSolrs=`find $SOLR_PID_DIR -name "solr-*.pid" -type f | wc -l | tr -d ' '` if [ "$numSolrs" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\nFound $numSolrs Solr nodes: " for PIDF in `find $SOLR_PID_DIR -name "solr-*.pid" -type f` do ID=`cat $PIDF` port=`jetty_port "$ID"` if [ "$port" != "" ]; then echo -e "\nSolr process $ID running on port $port" run_tool status -solr $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$port/solr echo "" else echo -e "\nSolr process $ID from $PIDF not found." fi done else # no pid files but check using ps just to be sure numSolrs=`ps auxww | grep start.jar | grep solr.solr.home | grep -v grep | wc -l | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'` if [ "$numSolrs" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\nFound $numSolrs Solr nodes: " for ID in `ps auxww | grep start.jar | grep solr.solr.home | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sort -r` do port=`jetty_port "$ID"` if [ "$port" != "" ]; then echo "" echo "Solr process $ID running on port $port" run_tool status -solr $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$port/solr echo "" fi done else echo -e "\nNo Solr nodes are running.\n" fi fi } # end get_info # tries to gracefully stop Solr using the Jetty # stop command and if that fails, then uses kill -9 function stop_solr() { DIR="$1" SOLR_PORT="$2" STOP_PORT=`expr $SOLR_PORT - 1000` STOP_KEY="$3" SOLR_PID="$4" if [ "$SOLR_PID" != "" ]; then echo -e "Sending stop command to Solr running on port $SOLR_PORT ... waiting 5 seconds to allow Jetty process $SOLR_PID to stop gracefully." $JAVA $SOLR_SSL_OPTS -jar $DIR/start.jar STOP.PORT=$STOP_PORT STOP.KEY=$STOP_KEY --stop || true (sleep 5) & spinner $! rm -f $SOLR_PID_DIR/solr-$SOLR_PORT.pid else echo -e "No Solr nodes found to stop." exit 0 fi CHECK_PID=`ps auxww | awk '{print $2}' | grep $SOLR_PID | sort -r | tr -d ' '` if [ "$CHECK_PID" != "" ]; then echo -e "Solr process $SOLR_PID is still running; forcefully killing it now." kill -9 $SOLR_PID echo "Killed process $SOLR_PID" rm -f $SOLR_PID_DIR/solr-$SOLR_PORT.pid sleep 1 fi CHECK_PID=`ps auxww | awk '{print $2}' | grep $SOLR_PID | sort -r | tr -d ' '` if [ "$CHECK_PID" != "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to kill previous Solr Java process $SOLR_PID ... script fails." exit 1 fi } # end stop_solr if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then case $1 in -help|-usage) print_usage "" exit ;; -info|-i|status) get_info exit ;; esac fi if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then # if first arg starts with a dash (and it's not -help or -info), # then assume they are starting Solr, such as: solr -f if [[ $1 == -* ]]; then SCRIPT_CMD="start" else SCRIPT_CMD=$1 shift fi else # no args - just show usage and exit print_usage "" exit fi if [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "status" ]; then # hacky - the script hits this if the user passes additional args with the status command, # which is not supported but also not worth complaining about either get_info exit fi # run a healthcheck and exit if requested if [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "healthcheck" ]; then if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then while true; do case $1 in -c|-collection) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Collection name is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi HEALTHCHECK_COLLECTION=$2 shift 2 ;; -z|-zkhost) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "ZooKeepeer connection string is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi ZK_HOST="$2" shift 2 ;; -help|-usage) print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" exit 0 ;; --) shift break ;; *) if [ "$1" != "" ]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Unrecognized or misplaced argument: $1!" exit 1 else break # out-of-args, stop looping fi ;; esac done fi if [ -z "$ZK_HOST" ]; then ZK_HOST=localhost:9983 fi if [ -z "$HEALTHCHECK_COLLECTION" ]; then echo "collection parameter is required!" print_usage "healthcheck" exit 1 fi run_tool healthcheck -zkHost $ZK_HOST -collection $HEALTHCHECK_COLLECTION exit $? fi # create a core or collection if [[ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "create" || "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "create_core" || "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "create_collection" ]]; then CREATE_NUM_SHARDS=1 CREATE_REPFACT=1 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then while true; do case $1 in -c|-core|-collection) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "name is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi CREATE_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -n|-confname) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Configuration name is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi CREATE_CONFNAME="$2" shift 2 ;; -d|-confdir) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Configuration directory is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi CREATE_CONFDIR="$2" shift 2 ;; -s|-shards) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Shard count is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi CREATE_NUM_SHARDS="$2" shift 2 ;; -rf|-replicationFactor) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Replication factor is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi CREATE_REPFACT="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|-port) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Solr port is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi CREATE_PORT="$2" shift 2 ;; -help|-usage) print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" exit 0 ;; --) shift break ;; *) if [ "$1" != "" ]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Unrecognized or misplaced argument: $1!" exit 1 else break # out-of-args, stop looping fi ;; esac done fi if [ -z "$CREATE_CONFDIR" ]; then CREATE_CONFDIR=data_driven_schema_configs fi # validate the confdir arg if [[ ! -d "$SOLR_TIP/server/solr/configsets/$CREATE_CONFDIR" && ! -d "$CREATE_CONFDIR" ]]; then echo -e "\nSpecified configuration directory $CREATE_CONFDIR not found!\n" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$CREATE_NAME" ]; then echo "Name (-c) argument is required!" print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" exit 1 fi # If not defined, use the collection name for the name of the configuration in ZooKeeper if [ -z "$CREATE_CONFNAME" ]; then CREATE_CONFNAME=$CREATE_NAME fi if [ -z "$CREATE_PORT" ]; then for ID in `ps auxww | grep java | grep start.jar | awk '{print $2}' | sort -r` do port=`jetty_port "$ID"` if [ "$port" != "" ]; then CREATE_PORT=$port break fi done fi if [ -z "$CREATE_PORT" ]; then echo "Failed to determine the port of a local Solr instance, cannot create $CREATE_NAME!" exit 1 fi if [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "create_core" ]; then run_tool create_core -name $CREATE_NAME -solrUrl $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$CREATE_PORT/solr \ -confdir $CREATE_CONFDIR -configsetsDir $SOLR_TIP/server/solr/configsets exit $? else run_tool $SCRIPT_CMD -name $CREATE_NAME -shards $CREATE_NUM_SHARDS -replicationFactor $CREATE_REPFACT \ -confname $CREATE_CONFNAME -confdir $CREATE_CONFDIR \ -configsetsDir $SOLR_TIP/server/solr/configsets \ -solrUrl $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$CREATE_PORT/solr exit $? fi fi # delete a core or collection if [[ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "delete" ]]; then if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then while true; do case $1 in -c|-core|-collection) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "name is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi DELETE_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -p|-port) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Solr port is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi DELETE_PORT="$2" shift 2 ;; -deleteConfig) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "true|false is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi DELETE_CONFIG="$2" shift 2 ;; -help|-usage) print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" exit 0 ;; --) shift break ;; *) if [ "$1" != "" ]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Unrecognized or misplaced argument: $1!" exit 1 else break # out-of-args, stop looping fi ;; esac done fi if [ -z "$DELETE_NAME" ]; then echo "Name (-c) argument is required!" print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" exit 1 fi # If not defined, use the collection name for the name of the configuration in ZooKeeper if [ -z "$DELETE_CONFIG" ]; then DELETE_CONFIG=true fi if [ -z "$DELETE_PORT" ]; then for ID in `ps auxww | grep java | grep start.jar | awk '{print $2}' | sort -r` do port=`jetty_port "$ID"` if [ "$port" != "" ]; then DELETE_PORT=$port break fi done fi if [ -z "$DELETE_PORT" ]; then echo "Failed to determine the port of a local Solr instance, cannot delete $DELETE_NAME!" exit 1 fi run_tool delete -name $DELETE_NAME -deleteConfig $DELETE_CONFIG \ -solrUrl $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$DELETE_PORT/solr exit $? fi # verify the command given is supported if [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" != "stop" ] && [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" != "start" ] && [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" != "restart" ] && [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" != "status" ]; then print_usage "" "$SCRIPT_CMD is not a valid command!" exit 1 fi # Run in foreground (default is to run in the background) FG="false" noprompt=false if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then while true; do case $1 in -c|-cloud) SOLR_MODE="solrcloud" shift ;; -d|-dir) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Server directory is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi if [[ "$2" == "." || "$2" == "./" || "$2" == ".." || "$2" == "../" ]]; then SOLR_SERVER_DIR=`pwd`/$2 else # see if the arg value is relative to the tip vs full path if [[ $2 != /* ]] && [[ -d "$SOLR_TIP/$2" ]]; then SOLR_SERVER_DIR="$SOLR_TIP/$2" else SOLR_SERVER_DIR="$2" fi fi # resolve it to an absolute path SOLR_SERVER_DIR=`cd "$SOLR_SERVER_DIR"; pwd` shift 2 ;; -s|-solr.home) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Solr home directory is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_HOME="$2" shift 2 ;; -e|-example) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Example name is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi EXAMPLE="$2" shift 2 ;; -f|-foreground) FG="true" shift ;; -h|-host) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Hostname is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_HOST="$2" shift 2 ;; -m|-memory) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Memory setting is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_HEAP="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|-port) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "Port number is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi SOLR_PORT="$2" shift 2 ;; -z|-zkhost) if [[ -z "$2" || "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "ZooKeeper connection string is required when using the $1 option!" exit 1 fi ZK_HOST="$2" SOLR_MODE="solrcloud" shift 2 ;; -a|-addlopts) ADDITIONAL_CMD_OPTS="$2" shift 2 ;; -k|-key) STOP_KEY="$2" shift 2 ;; -help|-usage) print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" exit 0 ;; -noprompt) noprompt=true shift ;; -V|-verbose) verbose=true shift ;; -all) stop_all=true shift ;; --) shift break ;; *) if [ "${1:0:2}" == "-D" ]; then # pass thru any opts that begin with -D (java system props) SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS $1" shift else if [ "$1" != "" ]; then print_usage "$SCRIPT_CMD" "$1 is not supported by this script" exit 1 else break # out-of-args, stop looping fi fi ;; esac done fi if $verbose ; then echo "Using Solr root directory: $SOLR_TIP" echo "Using Java: $JAVA" $JAVA -version fi if [ "$SOLR_HOST" != "" ]; then SOLR_HOST_ARG="-Dhost=$SOLR_HOST" else SOLR_HOST_ARG="" fi if [ -z "$SOLR_SERVER_DIR" ]; then SOLR_SERVER_DIR=$DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR fi if [ ! -e "$SOLR_SERVER_DIR" ]; then echo -e "\nSolr server directory $SOLR_SERVER_DIR not found!\n" exit 1 fi CLOUD_NUM_NODES=2 declare -a CLOUD_PORTS=('8983' '7574' '8984' '7575'); # select solr.solr.home based on the desired example if [ "$EXAMPLE" != "" ]; then case $EXAMPLE in cloud) # # Engage in an interactive session with user to setup the SolrCloud example # echo -e "\nWelcome to the SolrCloud example!\n\n" if $noprompt ; then CLOUD_NUM_NODES=2 echo -e "Starting up $CLOUD_NUM_NODES Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster." else echo -e "This interactive session will help you launch a SolrCloud cluster on your local workstation.\n" read -e -p "To begin, how many Solr nodes would you like to run in your local cluster? (specify 1-4 nodes) [2] " USER_INPUT while true do CLOUD_NUM_NODES=`echo $USER_INPUT | tr -d ' '` if [ -z "$CLOUD_NUM_NODES" ]; then CLOUD_NUM_NODES=2 fi if [[ $CLOUD_NUM_NODES > 4 || $CLOUD_NUM_NODES < 1 ]]; then read -e -p "Please provide a node count between 1 and 4 [2] " USER_INPUT else break; fi done echo -e "Ok, let's start up $CLOUD_NUM_NODES Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster.\n" for (( s=0; s<$CLOUD_NUM_NODES; s++ )) do read -e -p "Please enter the port for node$[$s+1] [${CLOUD_PORTS[$s]}] " USER_INPUT while true do # trim whitespace out of the user input CLOUD_PORT=`echo $USER_INPUT | tr -d ' '` # handle the default selection or empty input if [ -z "$CLOUD_PORT" ]; then CLOUD_PORT=${CLOUD_PORTS[$s]} fi # check to see if something is already bound to that port if hash lsof 2>/dev/null ; then # hash returns true if lsof is on the path PORT_IN_USE=`lsof -Pni:$CLOUD_PORT` if [ "$PORT_IN_USE" != "" ]; then read -e -p "Oops! Looks like port $CLOUD_PORT is already being used by another process. Please choose a different port. " USER_INPUT else CLOUD_PORTS[$s]=$CLOUD_PORT echo $CLOUD_PORT break; fi else CLOUD_PORTS[$s]=$CLOUD_PORT echo $CLOUD_PORT break; fi done done fi # setup a unqiue solr.solr.home directory for each node CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR=$SOLR_TIP/example/cloud if [ ! -d "$CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node1/solr" ]; then echo "Creating Solr home directory $CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node1/solr" mkdir -p $CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node1/solr cp $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr/solr.xml $CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node1/solr/ cp $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr/zoo.cfg $CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node1/solr/ fi for (( s=1; s<$CLOUD_NUM_NODES; s++ )) do ndx=$[$s+1] if [ ! -d "$CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node$ndx" ]; then echo "Cloning Solr home directory $CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node1 into $CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node$ndx" cp -r $CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node1 $CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node$ndx fi done SOLR_MODE="solrcloud" SOLR_SERVER_DIR="$SOLR_TIP/server" SOLR_HOME="$CLOUD_EXAMPLE_DIR/node1/solr" SOLR_PORT=${CLOUD_PORTS[0]} shift ;; techproducts) SOLR_HOME="$SOLR_TIP/example/techproducts/solr" mkdir -p $SOLR_HOME if [ ! -f "$SOLR_HOME/solr.xml" ]; then cp $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr/solr.xml $SOLR_HOME/solr.xml cp $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr/zoo.cfg $SOLR_HOME/zoo.cfg fi EXAMPLE_CONFIGSET=sample_techproducts_configs shift ;; dih) SOLR_HOME="$SOLR_TIP/example/example-DIH/solr" shift ;; schemaless) SOLR_HOME="$SOLR_TIP/example/schemaless/solr" mkdir -p $SOLR_HOME if [ ! -f "$SOLR_HOME/solr.xml" ]; then cp $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr/solr.xml $SOLR_HOME/solr.xml cp $DEFAULT_SERVER_DIR/solr/zoo.cfg $SOLR_HOME/zoo.cfg fi EXAMPLE_CONFIGSET=data_driven_schema_configs shift ;; *) print_usage "start" "Unsupported example $EXAMPLE! Please choose one of: cloud, dih, schemaless, or techproducts" exit 1 ;; esac fi if [[ "$FG" == "true" && "$EXAMPLE" != "" ]]; then FG="false" echo -e "\nWARNING: Foreground mode (-f) not supported when running examples.\n" fi if [ -z "$STOP_KEY" ]; then STOP_KEY="solrrocks" fi # stop all if no port specified if [[ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "stop" && -z "$SOLR_PORT" ]]; then if $stop_all; then none_stopped=true for PIDF in `find $SOLR_PID_DIR -name "solr-*.pid" -type f` do NEXT_PID=`cat $PIDF` port=`jetty_port "$NEXT_PID"` if [ "$port" != "" ]; then stop_solr "$SOLR_SERVER_DIR" "$port" "$STOP_KEY" "$NEXT_PID" none_stopped=false fi rm -f $PIDF done if $none_stopped; then echo -e "\nNo Solr nodes found to stop.\n" fi else # not stopping all and don't have a port, but if we can find the pid file for the default port 8983, then use that none_stopped=true numSolrs=`find $SOLR_PID_DIR -name "solr-*.pid" -type f | wc -l | tr -d ' '` if [ $numSolrs -eq 1 ]; then # only do this if there is only 1 node running, otherwise they must provide the -p or -all PID=`find $SOLR_PID_DIR -name "solr-*.pid" -type f -exec cat {} \;` CHECK_PID=`ps auxww | awk '{print $2}' | grep $PID | sort -r | tr -d ' '` if [ "$CHECK_PID" != "" ]; then port=`jetty_port "$CHECK_PID"` if [ "$port" != "" ]; then stop_solr "$SOLR_SERVER_DIR" "$port" "$STOP_KEY" "$CHECK_PID" none_stopped=false fi fi fi if $none_stopped; then if [ $numSolrs -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "\nFound $numSolrs Solr nodes running! Must either specify a port using -p or -all to stop all Solr nodes on this host.\n" else echo -e "\nNo Solr nodes found to stop.\n" fi exit 1 fi fi exit fi if [ -z "$SOLR_PORT" ]; then SOLR_PORT="8983" fi if [ -z "$STOP_PORT" ]; then STOP_PORT=`expr $SOLR_PORT - 1000` fi if [[ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "start" ]]; then # see if Solr is already running SOLR_PID=`solr_pid_by_port "$SOLR_PORT"` if [ -z "$SOLR_PID" ]; then # not found using the pid file ... but use ps to ensure not found SOLR_PID=`ps auxww | grep start.jar | grep $SOLR_PORT | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sort -r` fi if [ "$SOLR_PID" != "" ]; then echo -e "\nPort $SOLR_PORT is already being used by another process (pid: $SOLR_PID)\nPlease choose a different port using the -p option.\n" exit 1 fi else # either stop or restart # see if Solr is already running SOLR_PID=`solr_pid_by_port "$SOLR_PORT"` if [ -z "$SOLR_PID" ]; then # not found using the pid file ... but use ps to ensure not found SOLR_PID=`ps auxww | grep start.jar | grep $SOLR_PORT | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sort -r` fi if [ "$SOLR_PID" != "" ]; then stop_solr "$SOLR_SERVER_DIR" "$SOLR_PORT" "$STOP_KEY" "$SOLR_PID" else if [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "stop" ]; then echo -e "No process found for Solr node running on port $SOLR_PORT" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ -z "$SOLR_HOME" ]; then SOLR_HOME="$SOLR_SERVER_DIR/solr" else if [[ $SOLR_HOME != /* ]] && [[ -d "$SOLR_SERVER_DIR/$SOLR_HOME" ]]; then SOLR_HOME="$SOLR_SERVER_DIR/$SOLR_HOME" SOLR_PID_DIR=$SOLR_HOME elif [[ $SOLR_HOME != /* ]] && [[ -d "`pwd`/$SOLR_HOME" ]]; then SOLR_HOME="`pwd`/$SOLR_HOME" fi fi # This is quite hacky, but examples rely on a different log4j.properties # so that we can write logs for examples to $SOLR_HOME/../logs if [ -z "$SOLR_LOGS_DIR" ]; then SOLR_LOGS_DIR=$SOLR_SERVER_DIR/logs fi EXAMPLE_DIR=$SOLR_TIP/example if [ "${SOLR_HOME:0:${#EXAMPLE_DIR}}" = $EXAMPLE_DIR ]; then LOG4J_PROPS=$EXAMPLE_DIR/resources/log4j.properties SOLR_LOGS_DIR=$SOLR_HOME/../logs fi if [ -n "$LOG4J_PROPS" ]; then LOG4J_CONFIG="-Dlog4j.configuration=file:$LOG4J_PROPS" fi if [ "$SCRIPT_CMD" == "stop" ]; then # already stopped, script is done. exit 0 fi # NOTE: If the script gets to here, then it is starting up a Solr node. if [ ! -e "$SOLR_HOME" ]; then echo -e "\nSolr home directory $SOLR_HOME not found!\n" exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "$SOLR_HOME/solr.xml" ]; then echo -e "\nSolr home directory $SOLR_HOME must contain a solr.xml file!\n" exit 1 fi # backup the log files before starting if [ -f $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr.log ]; then if $verbose ; then echo "Backing up $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr.log" fi mv $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr.log $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr_log_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M"` fi if [ -f $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr_gc.log ]; then if $verbose ; then echo "Backing up $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr_gc.log" fi mv $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr_gc.log $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr_gc_log_`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M"` fi # if verbose gc logging enabled, setup the location of the log file if [ "$GC_LOG_OPTS" != "" ]; then GC_LOG_OPTS="$GC_LOG_OPTS -Xloggc:$SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr_gc.log" fi if [ "$SOLR_MODE" == "solrcloud" ]; then if [ -z "$ZK_CLIENT_TIMEOUT" ]; then ZK_CLIENT_TIMEOUT="15000" fi CLOUD_MODE_OPTS="-DzkClientTimeout=$ZK_CLIENT_TIMEOUT" if [ "$ZK_HOST" != "" ]; then CLOUD_MODE_OPTS="$CLOUD_MODE_OPTS -DzkHost=$ZK_HOST" else if $verbose ; then echo "Configuring SolrCloud to launch an embedded ZooKeeper using -DzkRun" fi CLOUD_MODE_OPTS="$CLOUD_MODE_OPTS -DzkRun" fi # and if collection1 needs to be bootstrapped if [ -e "$SOLR_HOME/collection1/core.properties" ]; then CLOUD_MODE_OPTS="$CLOUD_MODE_OPTS -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/collection1/conf -Dcollection.configName=myconf -DnumShards=1" fi fi # These are useful for attaching remote profilers like VisualVM/JConsole if [ "$ENABLE_REMOTE_JMX_OPTS" == "true" ]; then if [ -z "$RMI_PORT" ]; then RMI_PORT=1$SOLR_PORT fi REMOTE_JMX_OPTS="-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.local.only=false \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=$RMI_PORT \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=$RMI_PORT" # if the host is set, then set that as the rmi server hostname if [ "$SOLR_HOST" != "" ]; then REMOTE_JMX_OPTS="$REMOTE_JMX_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=$SOLR_HOST" fi else REMOTE_JMX_OPTS="" fi if [ "$SOLR_HEAP" != "" ]; then SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms$SOLR_HEAP -Xmx$SOLR_HEAP" fi if [ -z "$SOLR_JAVA_MEM" ]; then SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms512m -Xmx512m" fi if [ -z "$SOLR_TIMEZONE" ]; then SOLR_TIMEZONE="UTC" fi # Launches Solr in foreground/background depending on parameters function launch_solr() { run_in_foreground="$1" stop_port="$STOP_PORT" SOLR_ADDL_ARGS="$2" # deal with Java version specific GC and other flags JAVA_VERSION=`echo "$($JAVA -version 2>&1)" | grep "java version" | awk '{ print substr($3, 2, length($3)-2); }'` if [ "${JAVA_VERSION:0:3}" == "1.7" ]; then # Specific Java version hacking GC_TUNE="$GC_TUNE -XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=1 -XX:CMSTriggerPermRatio=80" JAVA_MINOR_VERSION=${JAVA_VERSION:(-2)} if [[ $JAVA_MINOR_VERSION -ge 40 && $JAVA_MINOR_VERSION -le 51 ]]; then GC_TUNE="$GC_TUNE -XX:-UseSuperWord" echo -e "\nWARNING: Java version $JAVA_VERSION has known bugs with Lucene and requires the -XX:-UseSuperWord flag. Please consider upgrading your JVM.\n" fi fi # If SSL-related system props are set, add them to SOLR_OPTS if [ -n "$SOLR_SSL_OPTS" ]; then # If using SSL and jetty.ssl.port not set explicitly, use the jetty.port SSL_PORT_PROP="-Djetty.ssl.port=$SOLR_PORT" if [ -n "$SOLR_SSL_PORT" ]; then SSL_PORT_PROP="-Djetty.ssl.port=$SOLR_SSL_PORT" fi SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS $SOLR_SSL_OPTS $SSL_PORT_PROP" fi if $verbose ; then echo -e "\nStarting Solr using the following settings:" echo -e " JAVA = $JAVA" echo -e " SOLR_SERVER_DIR = $SOLR_SERVER_DIR" echo -e " SOLR_HOME = $SOLR_HOME" echo -e " SOLR_HOST = $SOLR_HOST" echo -e " SOLR_PORT = $SOLR_PORT" echo -e " STOP_PORT = $STOP_PORT" echo -e " SOLR_JAVA_MEM = $SOLR_JAVA_MEM" echo -e " GC_TUNE = $GC_TUNE" echo -e " GC_LOG_OPTS = $GC_LOG_OPTS" echo -e " SOLR_TIMEZONE = $SOLR_TIMEZONE" if [ "$SOLR_MODE" == "solrcloud" ]; then echo -e " CLOUD_MODE_OPTS = $CLOUD_MODE_OPTS" fi if [ "$SOLR_OPTS" != "" ]; then echo -e " SOLR_OPTS = $SOLR_OPTS" fi if [ "$SOLR_ADDL_ARGS" != "" ]; then echo -e " SOLR_ADDL_ARGS = $SOLR_ADDL_ARGS" fi if [ "$ENABLE_REMOTE_JMX_OPTS" == "true" ]; then echo -e " RMI_PORT = $RMI_PORT" echo -e " REMOTE_JMX_OPTS = $REMOTE_JMX_OPTS" fi echo -e "\n" fi # need to launch solr from the server dir cd $SOLR_SERVER_DIR if [ ! -e "$SOLR_SERVER_DIR/start.jar" ]; then echo -e "\nERROR: start.jar file not found in $SOLR_SERVER_DIR!\nPlease check your -d parameter to set the correct Solr server directory.\n" exit 1 fi SOLR_START_OPTS="-server -Xss256k $SOLR_JAVA_MEM $GC_TUNE $GC_LOG_OPTS $REMOTE_JMX_OPTS \ $CLOUD_MODE_OPTS \ -Djetty.home=$SOLR_SERVER_DIR -DSTOP.PORT=$stop_port -DSTOP.KEY=$STOP_KEY \ $SOLR_HOST_ARG -Djetty.port=$SOLR_PORT \ -Dsolr.solr.home=$SOLR_HOME \ -Dsolr.install.dir=$SOLR_TIP \ -Duser.timezone=$SOLR_TIMEZONE \ -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true $LOG4J_CONFIG \ $SOLR_OPTS" if [ "$SOLR_MODE" == "solrcloud" ]; then IN_CLOUD_MODE=" in SolrCloud mode" fi mkdir -p $SOLR_LOGS_DIR if [ "$run_in_foreground" == "true" ]; then echo -e "\nStarting Solr$IN_CLOUD_MODE on port $SOLR_PORT from $SOLR_SERVER_DIR\n" $JAVA $SOLR_START_OPTS $SOLR_ADDL_ARGS -jar start.jar else # run Solr in the background nohup $JAVA $SOLR_START_OPTS $SOLR_ADDL_ARGS -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="$SOLR_TIP/bin/oom_solr.sh $SOLR_PORT $SOLR_LOGS_DIR" -jar start.jar 1>$SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr-$SOLR_PORT-console.log 2>&1 & echo $! > $SOLR_PID_DIR/solr-$SOLR_PORT.pid # no lsof on cygwin though if hash lsof 2>/dev/null ; then # hash returns true if lsof is on the path echo -n "Waiting to see Solr listening on port $SOLR_PORT" # Launch in a subshell to show the spinner (loops=0 while true do running=`lsof -Pni:$SOLR_PORT` if [ -z "$running" ]; then if [ $loops -lt 6 ]; then sleep 5 loops=$[$loops+1] else echo -e "Still not seeing Solr listening on $SOLR_PORT after 30 seconds!" tail -30 $SOLR_LOGS_DIR/solr.log exit; fi else SOLR_PID=`ps auxww | grep start.jar | grep $SOLR_PORT | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sort -r` echo -e "\nStarted Solr server on port $SOLR_PORT (pid=$SOLR_PID). Happy searching!\n" exit; fi done) & spinner $! else SOLR_PID=`ps auxww | grep start.jar | grep $SOLR_PORT | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | sort -r` echo -e "\nStarted Solr server on port $SOLR_PORT (pid=$SOLR_PID). Happy searching!\n" exit; fi fi } if [ "$EXAMPLE" != "cloud" ]; then launch_solr "$FG" "$ADDITIONAL_CMD_OPTS" # create the core/collection for the requested example after launching Solr if [[ "$EXAMPLE" == "schemaless" || "$EXAMPLE" == "techproducts" ]]; then if [ "$EXAMPLE" == "schemaless" ]; then EXAMPLE_NAME=gettingstarted else EXAMPLE_NAME=$EXAMPLE fi run_tool create -name $EXAMPLE_NAME -shards 1 -replicationFactor 1 \ -confname $EXAMPLE_NAME -confdir $EXAMPLE_CONFIGSET \ -configsetsDir $SOLR_TIP/server/solr/configsets -solrUrl $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$SOLR_PORT/solr if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi if [ "$EXAMPLE" == "techproducts" ]; then echo "Indexing tech product example docs from $SOLR_TIP/example/exampledocs" "$JAVA" $SOLR_SSL_OPTS -Durl=$SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$SOLR_PORT/solr/$EXAMPLE/update -jar $SOLR_TIP/example/exampledocs/post.jar $SOLR_TIP/example/exampledocs/*.xml fi echo -e "\nSolr $EXAMPLE example launched successfully. Direct your Web browser to $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$SOLR_PORT/solr to visit the Solr Admin UI\n" fi else # # SolrCloud example is a bit involved so needs special handling here # SOLR_SERVER_DIR=$SOLR_TIP/server SOLR_HOME=$SOLR_TIP/example/cloud/node1/solr SOLR_PORT=${CLOUD_PORTS[0]} if [ "$ZK_HOST" != "" ]; then DASHZ="-z $ZK_HOST" fi if [ "$SOLR_HEAP" != "" ]; then DASHM="-m $SOLR_HEAP" fi if [ "$ADDITIONAL_CMD_OPTS" != "" ]; then DASHA="-a $ADDITIONAL_CMD_OPTS" fi echo -e "\nStarting up SolrCloud node1 on port ${CLOUD_PORTS[0]} using command:\n" echo -e "solr start -cloud -s example/cloud/node1/solr -p $SOLR_PORT $DASHZ $DASHM $DASHA\n\n" # can't launch this node in the foreground else we can't run anymore commands launch_solr "false" "$ADDITIONAL_CMD_OPTS" # if user did not define a specific -z parameter, assume embedded in first cloud node we launched above zk_host=$ZK_HOST if [ -z "$zk_host" ]; then zk_port=$[$SOLR_PORT+1000] zk_host=localhost:$zk_port fi for (( s=1; s<$CLOUD_NUM_NODES; s++ )) do ndx=$[$s+1] next_port=${CLOUD_PORTS[$s]} echo -e "\n\nStarting node$ndx on port $next_port using command:\n" echo -e "solr start -cloud -s example/cloud/node$ndx/solr -p $next_port -z $zk_host $DASHM $DASHA \n\n" # call this script again with correct args for next node $SOLR_TIP/bin/solr start -cloud -s $SOLR_TIP/example/cloud/node$ndx/solr -p $next_port -z $zk_host $DASHM $DASHA done # TODO: better (shorter) name?? CLOUD_COLLECTION=gettingstarted if $noprompt ; then CLOUD_NUM_SHARDS=2 CLOUD_REPFACT=2 CLOUD_CONFIG=data_driven_schema_configs else echo -e "\nNow let's create a new collection for indexing documents in your $CLOUD_NUM_NODES-node cluster.\n" read -e -p "Please provide a name for your new collection: [gettingstarted] " USER_INPUT # trim whitespace out of the user input CLOUD_COLLECTION=`echo $USER_INPUT | tr -d ' '` # handle the default selection or empty input if [ -z "$CLOUD_COLLECTION" ]; then CLOUD_COLLECTION=gettingstarted fi echo $CLOUD_COLLECTION USER_INPUT= read -e -p "How many shards would you like to split $CLOUD_COLLECTION into? [2] " USER_INPUT # trim whitespace out of the user input CLOUD_NUM_SHARDS=`echo $USER_INPUT | tr -d ' '` # handle the default selection or empty input if [ -z "$CLOUD_NUM_SHARDS" ]; then CLOUD_NUM_SHARDS=2 fi echo $CLOUD_NUM_SHARDS USER_INPUT= read -e -p "How many replicas per shard would you like to create? [2] " USER_INPUT # trim whitespace out of the user input CLOUD_REPFACT=`echo $USER_INPUT | tr -d ' '` # handle the default selection or empty input if [ -z "$CLOUD_REPFACT" ]; then CLOUD_REPFACT=2 fi echo $CLOUD_REPFACT USER_INPUT= echo "Please choose a configuration for the $CLOUD_COLLECTION collection, available options are:" read -e -p "basic_configs, data_driven_schema_configs, or sample_techproducts_configs [data_driven_schema_configs] " USER_INPUT while true do # trim whitespace out of the user input CLOUD_CONFIG=`echo $USER_INPUT | tr -d ' '` # handle the default selection or empty input if [ -z "$CLOUD_CONFIG" ]; then CLOUD_CONFIG=data_driven_schema_configs fi # validate the confdir arg if [[ ! -d "$SOLR_TIP/server/solr/configsets/$CLOUD_CONFIG" && ! -d "$CLOUD_CONFIG" ]]; then echo -e "\nOops! Specified configuration $CLOUD_CONFIG not found!" read -e -p "Choose one of: basic_configs, data_driven_schema_configs, or sample_techproducts_configs [data_driven_schema_configs] " USER_INPUT CLOUD_CONFIG= else break; fi done fi run_tool create_collection -name $CLOUD_COLLECTION -shards $CLOUD_NUM_SHARDS -replicationFactor $CLOUD_REPFACT \ -confname $CLOUD_COLLECTION -confdir $CLOUD_CONFIG \ -configsetsDir $SOLR_TIP/server/solr/configsets -solrUrl $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$SOLR_PORT/solr echo -e "\n\nSolrCloud example running, please visit $SOLR_URL_SCHEME://localhost:$SOLR_PORT/solr \n\n" fi exit $?