# # $HeadURL: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/site/publish/.htaccess $ # # ### Pre-CMS site redirects # page renames RedirectMatch Permanent /who.html /whoweare.html RedirectMatch Permanent /java/docs/irc.html /core/discussion.html#irc RedirectMatch Permanent /java/docs/mailinglists.html /core/discussion.html RedirectMatch Permanent /java/docs/systemrequirements.html /core/systemreqs.html RedirectMatch Permanent /java/docs/developer-resources.html /core/developer.html RedirectMatch Permanent /solr/version_control.html /solr/versioncontrol.html RedirectMatch Permanent /solr/mailing_lists.html /solr/discussion.html RedirectMatch Permanent /solr/issue_tracking.html https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR # Legacy, unversioned Solr javadoc links # # for the top level overview page, send to our CMS managed overview page RedirectMatch Permanent /solr/api$ /solr/documentation.html RedirectMatch Permanent /solr/api/$ /solr/documentation.html RedirectMatch Permanent /solr/api/index.html$ /solr/documentation.html # # Other pages can always be redirected to the "most current" released javadocs # using "temp" instead of permanent so crawlers know that they # might change again in the future RedirectMatch temp /solr/api/(.*) /solr/4_0_0/$1 # we no longer have a TLP mail.html page use 'core' for now RedirectMatch Permanent /mail.html /core/discussion.html # versioned core docs # # these are explicit: don't put any more releases under here. # this way newer releases redirect to core/ RedirectMatch Permanent /java/2_9_0 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/2_9_0 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/2_9_1 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/2_9_1 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/2_9_2 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/2_9_2 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/2_9_3 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/2_9_3 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/2_9_4 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/2_9_4 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_0_0 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_0_0 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_0_1 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_0_1 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_0_2 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_0_2 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_0_3 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_0_3 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_1_0 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_1_0 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_2_0 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_2_0 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_3_0 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_3_0 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_4_0 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_4_0 RedirectMatch Permanent /java/3_5_0 /core/old_versioned_docs/versions/3_5_0 # Default catch for "java" - Core is the new Java! RedirectMatch Permanent /java/docs(.*) /core$1 RedirectMatch Permanent /java(.*) /core$1 # pylucene docs renamed RedirectMatch Permanent /pylucene/documentation/install.html /pylucene/install.html RedirectMatch Permanent /pylucene/documentation/readme.html /pylucene/features.html RedirectMatch Permanent /pylucene/resources/version_control.html /pylucene/mailing-lists.html # no page for this???? RedirectMatch Permanent /pylucene/resources/version_control.html /pylucene/ # when in doubt, assume they've moved up a dir RedirectMatch Permanent /pylucene/documentation/(.*) /pylucene/$1 RedirectMatch Permanent /pylucene/jcc/documentation/(.*) /pylucene/jcc/$1 # this got added to the new site nav, even though it has never existed. # faster for now to put a redirect in then to try and figure out how to fix the nav RedirectMatch Permanent /solr/wiki.html http://wiki.apache.org/solr/ ### old subprojects # old nutch redirects Redirect Permanent /nutch/docs/en/bot.html http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/bot.html # hadoop graduated to TLP RedirectMatch Permanent ^/hadoop(.*) http://hadoop.apache.org/core$1 #mahout is TLP RedirectMatch Permanent ^/mahout(.*) http://mahout.apache.org/$1 # promote Tika to TLP RedirectMatch Permanent ^/tika/(.*)$ http://tika.apache.org/$1 # promote Nutch to TLP RedirectMatch Permanent ^/nutch/(.*)$ http://nutch.apache.org/$1 # Lucy has moved, site strcuture has changed, do don't use $1 in redirect... RedirectMatch Permanent ^/lucy/(.*)$ http://lucy.apache.org/