Gallio The heart of Gallio. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Gallio.ico Fallback plugin://Gallio/Resources/Gallio.ico ${Gallio.FallbackTestFramework} ${Gallio.LocalTestIsolationProvider} Local Runs tests locally within the same process and AppDomain as the test runner application. Each test isolation context runs locally. This mode offers no isolation between tests and the test runner; it does not support loading test assembly configuration files or using a different runtime version or processor architecture. ${Gallio.IsolatedAppDomainTestIsolationProvider} IsolatedAppDomain Runs tests within an isolated AppDomain of the same process as the test runner application. Each test isolation context runs in its own AppDomain. This mode provides lightweight but limited isolation between tests and the test runner; it does not support using different runtime version or processor architecture. ${Gallio.IsolatedProcessTestIsolationProvider} IsolatedProcess Runs tests within an isolated process external to the test runner. Each test isolation context runs in its own process. This mode protects the test runner application from most faults that may occur during test execution; it supports all features. ${Gallio.LocalHostFactory} ${Gallio.IsolatedAppDomainHostFactory} ${Gallio.IsolatedProcessHostFactory} Project A Gallio project file. .*\.gallio Executable A library or program file. .*\.(dll|exe) Assembly A .Net assembly. Executable ClearCurrentUserPluginCache Clears the plugin cache of the current user. FormatReport Formats an existing XML test report. The command must be used with the following syntax: "FormatReport {file} /ReportType:{type} [/ReportNameFormat:{format} /ReportOutput:{dir} /ReportArchive]" - {file} is the relative or absolute path of the existing XML test report. - ReportType (short form: /rt) specifies the type of the output report ('txt', 'txt-common', 'txt-condensed', 'html', 'html+xhtml', 'html-condensed', 'xhtml', 'xhtml-condensed', 'ccnet-details', or 'ccnet-details-condensed') - ReportNameFormat (short form: /rnf) specifies the format of the output report (optional; if not specified, the same name is kept). The tags '{0}' and '{1}' are replaced respectively by the date and the time of the test run, or by the curent date/time if not applicable. - ReportOutput (short form: /ro) specifies the output directory (optional; if not specified the current directory is used). - ReportArchive (short form: /ra) compresses the output report in a file archive (zip). VerifyInstallation Checks for runtime installation errors. Setup Installs or uninstalls components. ResetInstallationId Resets the installation id. The plugin list will be refreshed the next time a Gallio application is started. Root The root node of the test tree. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Assembly.ico Assembly A test assembly. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Assembly.ico File A test file. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Container.ico Namespace A test namespace. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Container.ico Group A test group. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Container.ico Suite A test suite. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Container.ico Fixture A test fixture. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Fixture.ico Test A test case. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Test.ico Unsupported An unsupported test. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Unsupported.ico