Gallio Reports Library Provides several common report formats including Xml, Html, XHtml, MHtml and Text. plugin://Gallio/Resources/Gallio.ico Link Xml Generates XML reports with linked attachment files. Supported report formatter properties: - AttachmentContentDisposition: Specifies how attachments should be stored. "Absent", "Link" or "Inline". Default is "Link". Inline Xml-Inline Generates XML reports with inline encoded attachments. txt text/plain Absent plugin://Gallio.Reports/Resources/ xsl/Gallio-Report.txt.xsl Text Generates plain text reports. txt text/plain Absent plugin://Gallio.Reports/Resources/ xsl/Gallio-Report.txt-condensed.xsl Text-Condensed Generates plain text reports without passing tests. html text/html Link plugin://Gallio.Reports/Resources/ xsl/Gallio-Report.html.xsl css;js;img Html Generates HTML reports. Supported report formatter properties: - AttachmentContentDisposition: Specifies how attachments should be stored. "Absent", "Link" or "Inline". Default is "Link". html text/html Link plugin://Gallio.Reports/Resources/ xsl/Gallio-Report.html-condensed.xsl css;js;img Html-Condensed Generates HTML reports that omit passing tests. Supported report formatter properties: - AttachmentContentDisposition: Specifies how attachments should be stored. "Absent", "Link" or "Inline". Default is "Link". xhtml text/xhtml+xml Link plugin://Gallio.Reports/Resources/ xsl/Gallio-Report.xhtml.xsl css;js;img XHtml Generates XHTML reports. Supported report formatter properties: - AttachmentContentDisposition: Specifies how attachments should be stored. "Absent", "Link" or "Inline". Default is "Link". xhtml text/xhtml+xml Link plugin://Gallio.Reports/Resources/ xsl/Gallio-Report.xhtml-condensed.xsl css;js;img XHtml-Condensed Generates XHTML reports that omit passing tests. Supported report formatter properties: - AttachmentContentDisposition: Specifies how attachments should be stored. "Absent", "Link" or "Inline". Default is "Link". ${ReportFormatter.Html} MHtml Generates MHTML reports. ${ReportFormatter.Html-Condensed} MHtml-Condensed Generates MHTML reports that omit passing tests. plugin://Gallio.Reports/Resources/img/testkinds/ plugin://Gallio.Reports/Resources/css/Gallio-Report.Generated.css true