/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; namespace SF.Snowball { public class SnowballProgram { /// Get the current string. virtual public System.String GetCurrent() { return current.ToString(); } protected internal SnowballProgram() { current = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); SetCurrent(""); } /// Set the current string. public virtual void SetCurrent(System.String value_Renamed) { //// current.Replace(current.ToString(0, current.Length - 0), value_Renamed, 0, current.Length - 0); current.Remove(0, current.Length); current.Append(value_Renamed); cursor = 0; limit = current.Length; limit_backward = 0; bra = cursor; ket = limit; } // current string protected internal System.Text.StringBuilder current; protected internal int cursor; protected internal int limit; protected internal int limit_backward; protected internal int bra; protected internal int ket; protected internal virtual void copy_from(SnowballProgram other) { current = other.current; cursor = other.cursor; limit = other.limit; limit_backward = other.limit_backward; bra = other.bra; ket = other.ket; } protected internal virtual bool in_grouping(char[] s, int min, int max) { if (cursor >= limit) return false; char ch = current[cursor]; if (ch > max || ch < min) return false; ch -= (char) (min); if ((s[ch >> 3] & (0x1 << (ch & 0x7))) == 0) return false; cursor++; return true; } protected internal virtual bool in_grouping_b(char[] s, int min, int max) { if (cursor <= limit_backward) return false; char ch = current[cursor - 1]; if (ch > max || ch < min) return false; ch -= (char) (min); if ((s[ch >> 3] & (0x1 << (ch & 0x7))) == 0) return false; cursor--; return true; } protected internal virtual bool out_grouping(char[] s, int min, int max) { if (cursor >= limit) return false; char ch = current[cursor]; if (ch > max || ch < min) { cursor++; return true; } ch -= (char) (min); if ((s[ch >> 3] & (0x1 << (ch & 0x7))) == 0) { cursor++; return true; } return false; } protected internal virtual bool out_grouping_b(char[] s, int min, int max) { if (cursor <= limit_backward) return false; char ch = current[cursor - 1]; if (ch > max || ch < min) { cursor--; return true; } ch -= (char) (min); if ((s[ch >> 3] & (0x1 << (ch & 0x7))) == 0) { cursor--; return true; } return false; } protected internal virtual bool in_range(int min, int max) { if (cursor >= limit) return false; char ch = current[cursor]; if (ch > max || ch < min) return false; cursor++; return true; } protected internal virtual bool in_range_b(int min, int max) { if (cursor <= limit_backward) return false; char ch = current[cursor - 1]; if (ch > max || ch < min) return false; cursor--; return true; } protected internal virtual bool out_range(int min, int max) { if (cursor >= limit) return false; char ch = current[cursor]; if (!(ch > max || ch < min)) return false; cursor++; return true; } protected internal virtual bool out_range_b(int min, int max) { if (cursor <= limit_backward) return false; char ch = current[cursor - 1]; if (!(ch > max || ch < min)) return false; cursor--; return true; } protected internal virtual bool eq_s(int s_size, System.String s) { if (limit - cursor < s_size) return false; int i; for (i = 0; i != s_size; i++) { if (current[cursor + i] != s[i]) return false; } cursor += s_size; return true; } protected internal virtual bool eq_s_b(int s_size, System.String s) { if (cursor - limit_backward < s_size) return false; int i; for (i = 0; i != s_size; i++) { if (current[cursor - s_size + i] != s[i]) return false; } cursor -= s_size; return true; } protected internal virtual bool eq_v(System.Text.StringBuilder s) { return eq_s(s.Length, s.ToString()); } protected internal virtual bool eq_v_b(System.Text.StringBuilder s) { return eq_s_b(s.Length, s.ToString()); } protected internal virtual int find_among(Among[] v, int v_size) { int i = 0; int j = v_size; int c = cursor; int l = limit; int common_i = 0; int common_j = 0; bool first_key_inspected = false; while (true) { int k = i + ((j - i) >> 1); int diff = 0; int common = common_i < common_j?common_i:common_j; // smaller Among w = v[k]; int i2; for (i2 = common; i2 < w.s_size; i2++) { if (c + common == l) { diff = - 1; break; } diff = current[c + common] - w.s[i2]; if (diff != 0) break; common++; } if (diff < 0) { j = k; common_j = common; } else { i = k; common_i = common; } if (j - i <= 1) { if (i > 0) break; // v->s has been inspected if (j == i) break; // only one item in v // - but now we need to go round once more to get // v->s inspected. This looks messy, but is actually // the optimal approach. if (first_key_inspected) break; first_key_inspected = true; } } while (true) { Among w = v[i]; if (common_i >= w.s_size) { cursor = c + w.s_size; if (w.method == null) return w.result; bool res; try { System.Object resobj = w.method.Invoke(w.methodobject, (System.Object[]) new System.Object[0]); // {{Aroush}} UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1043_3"' res = resobj.ToString().Equals("true"); } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException e) { res = false; // FIXME - debug message } catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException e) { res = false; // FIXME - debug message } cursor = c + w.s_size; if (res) return w.result; } i = w.substring_i; if (i < 0) return 0; } } // find_among_b is for backwards processing. Same comments apply protected internal virtual int find_among_b(Among[] v, int v_size) { int i = 0; int j = v_size; int c = cursor; int lb = limit_backward; int common_i = 0; int common_j = 0; bool first_key_inspected = false; while (true) { int k = i + ((j - i) >> 1); int diff = 0; int common = common_i < common_j?common_i:common_j; Among w = v[k]; int i2; for (i2 = w.s_size - 1 - common; i2 >= 0; i2--) { if (c - common == lb) { diff = - 1; break; } diff = current[c - 1 - common] - w.s[i2]; if (diff != 0) break; common++; } if (diff < 0) { j = k; common_j = common; } else { i = k; common_i = common; } if (j - i <= 1) { if (i > 0) break; if (j == i) break; if (first_key_inspected) break; first_key_inspected = true; } } while (true) { Among w = v[i]; if (common_i >= w.s_size) { cursor = c - w.s_size; if (w.method == null) return w.result; bool res; try { System.Object resobj = w.method.Invoke(w.methodobject, (System.Object[]) new System.Object[0]); // {{Aroush}} UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1043_3"' res = resobj.ToString().Equals("true"); } catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException e) { res = false; // FIXME - debug message } catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException e) { res = false; // FIXME - debug message } cursor = c - w.s_size; if (res) return w.result; } i = w.substring_i; if (i < 0) return 0; } } /* to replace chars between c_bra and c_ket in current by the * chars in s. */ protected internal virtual int replace_s(int c_bra, int c_ket, System.String s) { int adjustment = s.Length - (c_ket - c_bra); if (current.Length > bra) current.Replace(current.ToString(bra, ket - bra), s, bra, ket - bra); else current.Append(s); limit += adjustment; if (cursor >= c_ket) cursor += adjustment; else if (cursor > c_bra) cursor = c_bra; return adjustment; } protected internal virtual void slice_check() { if (bra < 0 || bra > ket || ket > limit || limit > current.Length) // this line could be removed { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("faulty slice operation"); // FIXME: report error somehow. /* fprintf(stderr, "faulty slice operation:\n"); debug(z, -1, 0); exit(1); */ } } protected internal virtual void slice_from(System.String s) { slice_check(); replace_s(bra, ket, s); } protected internal virtual void slice_from(System.Text.StringBuilder s) { slice_from(s.ToString()); } protected internal virtual void slice_del() { slice_from(""); } protected internal virtual void insert(int c_bra, int c_ket, System.String s) { int adjustment = replace_s(c_bra, c_ket, s); if (c_bra <= bra) bra += adjustment; if (c_bra <= ket) ket += adjustment; } protected internal virtual void insert(int c_bra, int c_ket, System.Text.StringBuilder s) { insert(c_bra, c_ket, s.ToString()); } /* Copy the slice into the supplied StringBuffer */ protected internal virtual System.Text.StringBuilder slice_to(System.Text.StringBuilder s) { slice_check(); int len = ket - bra; //// s.Replace(s.ToString(0, s.Length - 0), current.ToString(bra, ket), 0, s.Length - 0); s.Remove(0, s.Length); s.Append(current.ToString(bra, ket)); return s; } protected internal virtual System.Text.StringBuilder assign_to(System.Text.StringBuilder s) { //// s.Replace(s.ToString(0, s.Length - 0), current.ToString(0, limit), 0, s.Length - 0); s.Remove(0, s.Length); s.Append(current.ToString(0, limit)); return s; } /* extern void debug(struct SN_env * z, int number, int line_count) { int i; int limit = SIZE(z->p); //if (number >= 0) printf("%3d (line %4d): '", number, line_count); if (number >= 0) printf("%3d (line %4d): [%d]'", number, line_count,limit); for (i = 0; i <= limit; i++) { if (z->lb == i) printf("{"); if (z->bra == i) printf("["); if (z->c == i) printf("|"); if (z->ket == i) printf("]"); if (z->l == i) printf("}"); if (i < limit) { int ch = z->p[i]; if (ch == 0) ch = '#'; printf("%c", ch); } } printf("'\n"); }*/ } }