/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using Lucene.Net.Support; namespace Lucene.Net.Store { /// A memory-resident implementation. Locking /// implementation is by default the /// but can be changed with . /// [Serializable] public class RAMDirectory:Directory { private const long serialVersionUID = 1L; internal protected HashMap fileMap = new HashMap(); internal protected long _sizeInBytes = 0; // ***** // Lock acquisition sequence: RAMDirectory, then RAMFile // ***** /// Constructs an empty . public RAMDirectory() { SetLockFactory(new SingleInstanceLockFactory()); } /// Creates a new RAMDirectory instance from a different /// Directory implementation. This can be used to load /// a disk-based index into memory. ///

/// This should be used only with indices that can fit into memory. ///

/// Note that the resulting RAMDirectory instance is fully /// independent from the original Directory (it is a /// complete copy). Any subsequent changes to the /// original Directory will not be visible in the /// RAMDirectory instance. /// ///

/// a Directory value /// /// if an error occurs /// public RAMDirectory(Directory dir):this(dir, false) { } private RAMDirectory(Directory dir, bool closeDir):this() { Directory.Copy(dir, this, closeDir); } //https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENENET-174 [System.Runtime.Serialization.OnDeserialized] void OnDeserialized(System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) { if (lockFactory == null) { SetLockFactory(new SingleInstanceLockFactory()); } } public override System.String[] ListAll() { lock (this) { EnsureOpen(); // TODO: may have better performance if our HashMap implmented KeySet() instead of generating one via HashSet System.Collections.Generic.ISet fileNames = Support.Compatibility.SetFactory.GetSet(); System.String[] result = new System.String[fileNames.Count]; int i = 0; foreach(string filename in fileNames) { result[i++] = filename; } return result; } } /// Returns true iff the named file exists in this directory. public override bool FileExists(System.String name) { EnsureOpen(); RAMFile file; lock (this) { file = fileMap[name]; } return file != null; } /// Returns the time the named file was last modified. /// IOException if the file does not exist public override long FileModified(System.String name) { EnsureOpen(); RAMFile file; lock (this) { file = fileMap[name]; } if (file == null) throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(name); // RAMOutputStream.Flush() was changed to use DateTime.UtcNow. // Convert it back to local time before returning (previous behavior) return new DateTime(file.LastModified*TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToLocalTime().Ticks/ TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; } /// Set the modified time of an existing file to now. /// IOException if the file does not exist public override void TouchFile(System.String name) { EnsureOpen(); RAMFile file; lock (this) { file = fileMap[name]; } if (file == null) throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(name); long ts2, ts1 = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; do { try { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new System.TimeSpan((System.Int64) 10000 * 0 + 100 * 1)); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException ie) { // In 3.0 we will change this to throw // InterruptedException instead ThreadClass.Current().Interrupt(); throw new System.SystemException(ie.Message, ie); } ts2 = System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; } while (ts1 == ts2); file.LastModified = ts2; } /// Returns the length in bytes of a file in the directory. /// IOException if the file does not exist public override long FileLength(System.String name) { EnsureOpen(); RAMFile file; lock (this) { file = fileMap[name]; } if (file == null) throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(name); return file.Length; } /// Return total size in bytes of all files in this /// directory. This is currently quantized to /// RAMOutputStream.BUFFER_SIZE. /// public long SizeInBytes() { lock (this) { EnsureOpen(); return _sizeInBytes; } } /// Removes an existing file in the directory. /// IOException if the file does not exist public override void DeleteFile(System.String name) { lock (this) { EnsureOpen(); RAMFile file = fileMap[name]; if (file != null) { fileMap.Remove(name); file.directory = null; _sizeInBytes -= file.sizeInBytes; } else throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(name); } } /// Creates a new, empty file in the directory with the given name. Returns a stream writing this file. public override IndexOutput CreateOutput(System.String name) { EnsureOpen(); RAMFile file = new RAMFile(this); lock (this) { RAMFile existing = fileMap[name]; if (existing != null) { _sizeInBytes -= existing.sizeInBytes; existing.directory = null; } fileMap[name] = file; } return new RAMOutputStream(file); } /// Returns a stream reading an existing file. public override IndexInput OpenInput(System.String name) { EnsureOpen(); RAMFile file; lock (this) { file = fileMap[name]; } if (file == null) throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(name); return new RAMInputStream(file); } /// Closes the store to future operations, releasing associated memory. protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { isOpen = false; fileMap = null; } //public HashMap fileMap_ForNUnit //{ // get { return fileMap; } //} //public long sizeInBytes_ForNUnitTest //{ // get { return sizeInBytes; } // set { sizeInBytes = value; } //} } }