/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using NUnit.Framework; using Lucene.Net.Analysis.Tokenattributes; using Payload = Lucene.Net.Index.Payload; using Attribute = Lucene.Net.Util.IAttribute; using AttributeImpl = Lucene.Net.Util.AttributeImpl; using LuceneTestCase = Lucene.Net.Util.LuceneTestCase; namespace Lucene.Net.Analysis { /// This class tests some special cases of backwards compatibility when using the new TokenStream API with old analyzers [TestFixture] public class TestTokenStreamBWComp:LuceneTestCase { private class AnonymousClassTokenFilter:TokenFilter { private void InitBlock(TestTokenStreamBWComp enclosingInstance) { this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance; } private TestTokenStreamBWComp enclosingInstance; public TestTokenStreamBWComp Enclosing_Instance { get { return enclosingInstance; } } internal AnonymousClassTokenFilter(TestTokenStreamBWComp enclosingInstance, Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenStream Param1):base(Param1) { InitBlock(enclosingInstance); } // we implement nothing, only un-abstract it } private System.String doc = "This is the new TokenStream api"; private System.String[] stopwords = new System.String[]{"is", "the", "this"}; private static System.String[] results = new System.String[]{"new", "tokenstream", "api"}; [Serializable] public class POSToken:Token { public const int PROPERNOUN = 1; public const int NO_NOUN = 2; private int partOfSpeech; public virtual void SetPartOfSpeech(int pos) { partOfSpeech = pos; } public virtual int GetPartOfSpeech() { return this.partOfSpeech; } } internal class PartOfSpeechTaggingFilter:TokenFilter { protected internal PartOfSpeechTaggingFilter(TokenStream input):base(input) { } public override Token Next() { Token t = input.Next(); if (t == null) return null; POSToken pt = new POSToken(); pt.Reinit(t); if (pt.TermLength() > 0) { if (System.Char.IsUpper(pt.TermBuffer()[0])) { pt.SetPartOfSpeech(Lucene.Net.Analysis.TestTokenStreamBWComp.POSToken.PROPERNOUN); } else { pt.SetPartOfSpeech(Lucene.Net.Analysis.TestTokenStreamBWComp.POSToken.NO_NOUN); } } return pt; } } internal class PartOfSpeechAnnotatingFilter:TokenFilter { public const byte PROPER_NOUN_ANNOTATION = 1; protected internal PartOfSpeechAnnotatingFilter(TokenStream input):base(input) { } public override Token Next() { Token t = input.Next(); if (t == null) return null; if (t is POSToken) { POSToken pt = (POSToken) t; if (pt.GetPartOfSpeech() == Lucene.Net.Analysis.TestTokenStreamBWComp.POSToken.PROPERNOUN) { pt.SetPayload(new Payload(new byte[]{PROPER_NOUN_ANNOTATION})); } return pt; } else { return t; } } } // test the chain: The one and only term "TokenStream" should be declared as proper noun: [Test] public virtual void TestTeeSinkCustomTokenNewAPI() { TestTeeSinkCustomToken(0); } [Test] public virtual void TestTeeSinkCustomTokenOldAPI() { TestTeeSinkCustomToken(1); } [Test] public virtual void TestTeeSinkCustomTokenVeryOldAPI() { TestTeeSinkCustomToken(2); } private void TestTeeSinkCustomToken(int api) { TokenStream stream = new WhitespaceTokenizer(new System.IO.StringReader(doc)); stream = new PartOfSpeechTaggingFilter(stream); stream = new LowerCaseFilter(stream); stream = new StopFilter(stream, stopwords); SinkTokenizer sink = new SinkTokenizer(); TokenStream stream1 = new PartOfSpeechAnnotatingFilter(sink); stream = new TeeTokenFilter(stream, sink); stream = new PartOfSpeechAnnotatingFilter(stream); switch (api) { case 0: ConsumeStreamNewAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamNewAPI(stream1); break; case 1: ConsumeStreamOldAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamOldAPI(stream1); break; case 2: ConsumeStreamVeryOldAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamVeryOldAPI(stream1); break; } } // test caching the special custom POSToken works in all cases [Test] public virtual void TestCachingCustomTokenNewAPI() { TestTeeSinkCustomToken(0); } [Test] public virtual void TestCachingCustomTokenOldAPI() { TestTeeSinkCustomToken(1); } [Test] public virtual void TestCachingCustomTokenVeryOldAPI() { TestTeeSinkCustomToken(2); } [Test] public virtual void TestCachingCustomTokenMixed() { TestTeeSinkCustomToken(3); } private void TestCachingCustomToken(int api) { TokenStream stream = new WhitespaceTokenizer(new System.IO.StringReader(doc)); stream = new PartOfSpeechTaggingFilter(stream); stream = new LowerCaseFilter(stream); stream = new StopFilter(stream, stopwords); stream = new CachingTokenFilter(stream); // <- the caching is done before the annotating! stream = new PartOfSpeechAnnotatingFilter(stream); switch (api) { case 0: ConsumeStreamNewAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamNewAPI(stream); break; case 1: ConsumeStreamOldAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamOldAPI(stream); break; case 2: ConsumeStreamVeryOldAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamVeryOldAPI(stream); break; case 3: ConsumeStreamNewAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamOldAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamVeryOldAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamNewAPI(stream); ConsumeStreamVeryOldAPI(stream); break; } } private static void ConsumeStreamNewAPI(TokenStream stream) { stream.Reset(); PayloadAttribute payloadAtt = (PayloadAttribute) stream.AddAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute)); TermAttribute termAtt = (TermAttribute) stream.AddAttribute(typeof(TermAttribute)); int i = 0; while (stream.IncrementToken()) { System.String term = termAtt.Term(); Payload p = payloadAtt.GetPayload(); if (p != null && p.GetData().Length == 1 && p.GetData()[0] == PartOfSpeechAnnotatingFilter.PROPER_NOUN_ANNOTATION) { Assert.IsTrue("tokenstream".Equals(term), "only TokenStream is a proper noun"); } else { Assert.IsFalse("tokenstream".Equals(term), "all other tokens (if this test fails, the special POSToken subclass is not correctly passed through the chain)"); } Assert.AreEqual(results[i], term); i++; } } private static void ConsumeStreamOldAPI(TokenStream stream) { stream.Reset(); Token reusableToken = new Token(); int i = 0; while ((reusableToken = stream.Next(reusableToken)) != null) { System.String term = reusableToken.Term(); Payload p = reusableToken.GetPayload(); if (p != null && p.GetData().Length == 1 && p.GetData()[0] == PartOfSpeechAnnotatingFilter.PROPER_NOUN_ANNOTATION) { Assert.IsTrue("tokenstream".Equals(term), "only TokenStream is a proper noun"); } else { Assert.IsFalse("tokenstream".Equals(term), "all other tokens (if this test fails, the special POSToken subclass is not correctly passed through the chain)"); } Assert.AreEqual(results[i], term); i++; } } private static void ConsumeStreamVeryOldAPI(TokenStream stream) { stream.Reset(); Token token; int i = 0; while ((token = stream.Next()) != null) { System.String term = token.Term(); Payload p = token.GetPayload(); if (p != null && p.GetData().Length == 1 && p.GetData()[0] == PartOfSpeechAnnotatingFilter.PROPER_NOUN_ANNOTATION) { Assert.IsTrue("tokenstream".Equals(term), "only TokenStream is a proper noun"); } else { Assert.IsFalse("tokenstream".Equals(term), "all other tokens (if this test fails, the special POSToken subclass is not correctly passed through the chain)"); } Assert.AreEqual(results[i], term); i++; } } // test if tokenization fails, if only the new API is allowed and an old TokenStream is in the chain [Test] public virtual void TestOnlyNewAPI() { TokenStream.SetOnlyUseNewAPI(true); try { // this should fail with UOE try { TokenStream stream = new WhitespaceTokenizer(new System.IO.StringReader(doc)); stream = new PartOfSpeechTaggingFilter(stream); // <-- this one is evil! stream = new LowerCaseFilter(stream); stream = new StopFilter(stream, stopwords); while (stream.IncrementToken()) ; Assert.Fail("If only the new API is allowed, this should fail with an UOE"); } catch (System.NotSupportedException uoe) { Assert.IsTrue((typeof(PartOfSpeechTaggingFilter).FullName + " does not implement incrementToken() which is needed for onlyUseNewAPI.").Equals(uoe.Message)); } // this should pass, as all core token streams support the new API TokenStream stream2 = new WhitespaceTokenizer(new System.IO.StringReader(doc)); stream2 = new LowerCaseFilter(stream2); stream2 = new StopFilter(stream2, stopwords); while (stream2.IncrementToken()) ; // Test, if all attributes are implemented by their implementation, not Token/TokenWrapper Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(TermAttribute)) is TermAttributeImpl, "TermAttribute is implemented by TermAttributeImpl"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute)) is OffsetAttributeImpl, "OffsetAttribute is implemented by OffsetAttributeImpl"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(Lucene.Net.Analysis.Tokenattributes.FlagsAttribute)) is FlagsAttributeImpl, "FlagsAttribute is implemented by FlagsAttributeImpl"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute)) is PayloadAttributeImpl, "PayloadAttribute is implemented by PayloadAttributeImpl"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute)) is PositionIncrementAttributeImpl, "PositionIncrementAttribute is implemented by PositionIncrementAttributeImpl"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute)) is TypeAttributeImpl, "TypeAttribute is implemented by TypeAttributeImpl"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(SenselessAttribute)) is SenselessAttributeImpl, "SenselessAttribute is not implemented by SenselessAttributeImpl"); // try to call old API, this should fail try { stream2.Reset(); Token reusableToken = new Token(); while ((reusableToken = stream2.Next(reusableToken)) != null) ; Assert.Fail("If only the new API is allowed, this should fail with an UOE"); } catch (System.NotSupportedException uoe) { Assert.IsTrue("This TokenStream only supports the new Attributes API.".Equals(uoe.Message)); } try { stream2.Reset(); while (stream2.Next() != null) ; Assert.Fail("If only the new API is allowed, this should fail with an UOE"); } catch (System.NotSupportedException uoe) { Assert.IsTrue("This TokenStream only supports the new Attributes API.".Equals(uoe.Message)); } // Test if the wrapper API (onlyUseNewAPI==false) uses TokenWrapper // as attribute instance. // TokenWrapper encapsulates a Token instance that can be exchanged // by another Token instance without changing the AttributeImpl instance // itsself. TokenStream.SetOnlyUseNewAPI(false); stream2 = new WhitespaceTokenizer(new System.IO.StringReader(doc)); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(TermAttribute)) is TokenWrapper, "TermAttribute is implemented by TokenWrapper"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute)) is TokenWrapper, "OffsetAttribute is implemented by TokenWrapper"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(Lucene.Net.Analysis.Tokenattributes.FlagsAttribute)) is TokenWrapper, "FlagsAttribute is implemented by TokenWrapper"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(PayloadAttribute)) is TokenWrapper, "PayloadAttribute is implemented by TokenWrapper"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute)) is TokenWrapper, "PositionIncrementAttribute is implemented by TokenWrapper"); Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(TypeAttribute)) is TokenWrapper, "TypeAttribute is implemented by TokenWrapper"); // This one is not implemented by TokenWrapper: Assert.IsTrue(stream2.AddAttribute(typeof(SenselessAttribute)) is SenselessAttributeImpl, "SenselessAttribute is not implemented by SenselessAttributeImpl"); } finally { TokenStream.SetOnlyUseNewAPI(false); } } [Test] public virtual void TestOverridesAny() { try { TokenStream stream = new WhitespaceTokenizer(new System.IO.StringReader(doc)); stream = new AnonymousClassTokenFilter(this, stream); stream = new LowerCaseFilter(stream); stream = new StopFilter(stream, stopwords); while (stream.IncrementToken()) ; Assert.Fail("One TokenFilter does not override any of the required methods, so it should fail."); } catch (System.NotSupportedException uoe) { Assert.IsTrue(uoe.Message.EndsWith("does not implement any of incrementToken(), next(Token), next().")); } } } public interface SenselessAttribute:Attribute { } public sealed class SenselessAttributeImpl:AttributeImpl, SenselessAttribute { public override void CopyTo(AttributeImpl target) { } public override void Clear() { } public override bool Equals(System.Object o) { return (o is SenselessAttributeImpl); } public override int GetHashCode() { return 0; } } }