/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using NUnit.Framework; using RAMDirectory = Lucene.Net.Store.RAMDirectory; using IndexWriter = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter; using SimpleAnalyzer = Lucene.Net.Analysis.SimpleAnalyzer; using Document = Lucene.Net.Documents.Document; using English = Lucene.Net.Test.Util.Spell.English; using Field = Lucene.Net.Documents.Field; using IndexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader; using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory; using LuceneDictionary = SpellChecker.Net.Search.Spell.LuceneDictionary; using System.Collections; using Lucene.Net.Store; using System.Threading; using SpellChecker.Net.Search.Spell; using Lucene.Net.Search; namespace SpellChecker.Net.Test.Search.Spell { /// Test case /// /// /// Nicolas Maisonneuve /// [TestFixture] public class TestSpellChecker { private SpellCheckerMock spellChecker; private Directory userindex, spellindex; public ArrayList searchers; private Random random = new Random(); [SetUp] public virtual void SetUp() { //create a user index userindex = new RAMDirectory(); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(userindex, new SimpleAnalyzer(), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Document doc = new Document(); doc.Add(new Field("field1", English.IntToEnglish(i), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); doc.Add(new Field("field2", English.IntToEnglish(i + 1), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); // + word thousand writer.AddDocument(doc); } writer.Close(); // create the spellChecker spellindex = new RAMDirectory(); searchers = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList()); spellChecker = new SpellCheckerMock(spellindex, this); } [Test] public virtual void TestBuild() { try { IndexReader r = IndexReader.Open(userindex, true); spellChecker.ClearIndex(); Addwords(r, "field1"); int num_field1 = this.Numdoc(); Addwords(r, "field2"); int num_field2 = this.Numdoc(); Assert.AreEqual (num_field2, num_field1 + 1); AssertLastSearcherOpen(4); CheckCommonSuggestions(r); CheckLevenshteinSuggestions(r); spellChecker.setStringDistance(new JaroWinklerDistance()); spellChecker.SetAccuracy(0.8f); CheckCommonSuggestions(r); CheckJaroWinklerSuggestions(); spellChecker.setStringDistance(new NGramDistance(2)); spellChecker.SetAccuracy(0.5f); CheckCommonSuggestions(r); CheckNGramSuggestions(); } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Assert.Fail(); } } private void CheckCommonSuggestions(IndexReader r) { String[] similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fvie", 2); Assert.True(similar.Length > 0); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("five", 2); if (similar.Length > 0) { Assert.False(similar[0].Equals("five")); // don't suggest a word for itself } similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fiv", 2); Assert.True(similar.Length > 0); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fives", 2); Assert.True(similar.Length > 0); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); Assert.True(similar.Length > 0); similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fie", 2); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); // test restraint to a field similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("tousand", 10, r, "field1", false); Assert.AreEqual(0, similar.Length); // there isn't the term thousand in the field field1 similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("tousand", 10, r, "field2", false); Assert.AreEqual(1, similar.Length); // there is the term thousand in the field field2 } private void CheckLevenshteinSuggestions(IndexReader r) { // test small word String[] similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fvie", 2); Assert.AreEqual(1, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("five", 2); Assert.AreEqual(1, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "nine"); // don't suggest a word for itself similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fiv", 2); Assert.AreEqual(1, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("ive", 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); Assert.AreEqual(similar[1], "nine"); similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fives", 2); Assert.AreEqual(1, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fie", 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); Assert.AreEqual(similar[1], "nine"); similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("fi", 2); Assert.AreEqual(1, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "five"); // test restraint to a field similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("tousand", 10, r, "field1", false); Assert.AreEqual(0, similar.Length); // there isn't the term thousand in the field field1 similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("tousand", 10, r, "field2", false); Assert.AreEqual(1, similar.Length); // there is the term thousand in the field field2 similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("onety", 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "ninety"); Assert.AreEqual(similar[1], "one"); try { similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("tousand", 10, r, null, false); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Assert.True(false, "threw an NPE, and it shouldn't have"); } } private void CheckJaroWinklerSuggestions() { String[] similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("onety", 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "one"); Assert.AreEqual(similar[1], "ninety"); } private void CheckNGramSuggestions() { String[] similar = spellChecker.SuggestSimilar("onety", 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, similar.Length); Assert.AreEqual(similar[0], "one"); Assert.AreEqual(similar[1], "ninety"); } private void Addwords(IndexReader r, System.String field) { long time = (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000; spellChecker.IndexDictionary(new LuceneDictionary(r, field)); time = (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - 621355968000000000) / 10000 - time; //System.out.println("time to build " + field + ": " + time); } private int Numdoc() { IndexReader rs = IndexReader.Open(spellindex); int num = rs.NumDocs(); Assert.IsTrue(num != 0); //System.out.println("num docs: " + num); rs.Close(); return num; } [Test] public void TestClose() { IndexReader r = IndexReader.Open(userindex, true); spellChecker.ClearIndex(); String field = "field1"; Addwords(r, "field1"); int num_field1 = this.Numdoc(); Addwords(r, "field2"); int num_field2 = this.Numdoc(); Assert.AreEqual(num_field2, num_field1 + 1); CheckCommonSuggestions(r); AssertLastSearcherOpen(4); spellChecker.Close(); AssertSearchersClosed(); try { spellChecker.Close(); Assert.Fail("spellchecker was already closed"); } catch (AlreadyClosedException e) { // expected } try { CheckCommonSuggestions(r); Assert.Fail("spellchecker was already closed"); } catch (AlreadyClosedException e) { // expected } try { spellChecker.ClearIndex(); Assert.Fail("spellchecker was already closed"); } catch (AlreadyClosedException e) { // expected } try { spellChecker.IndexDictionary(new LuceneDictionary(r, field)); Assert.Fail("spellchecker was already closed"); } catch (AlreadyClosedException e) { // expected } try { spellChecker.SetSpellIndex(spellindex); Assert.Fail("spellchecker was already closed"); } catch (AlreadyClosedException e) { // expected } Assert.AreEqual(4, searchers.Count); AssertSearchersClosed(); } /* * tests if the internally shared indexsearcher is correctly closed * when the spellchecker is concurrently accessed and closed. */ [Test] public void TestConcurrentAccess() { Assert.AreEqual(1, searchers.Count); IndexReader r = IndexReader.Open(userindex, true); spellChecker.ClearIndex(); Assert.AreEqual(2, searchers.Count); Addwords(r, "field1"); Assert.AreEqual(3, searchers.Count); int num_field1 = this.Numdoc(); Addwords(r, "field2"); Assert.AreEqual(4, searchers.Count); int num_field2 = this.Numdoc(); Assert.AreEqual(num_field2, num_field1 + 1); int numThreads = 5 + this.random.Next(5); SpellCheckWorker[] workers = new SpellCheckWorker[numThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { SpellCheckWorker spellCheckWorker = new SpellCheckWorker(r, this); spellCheckWorker.start(); workers[i] = spellCheckWorker; } int iterations = 5 + random.Next(5); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { Thread.Sleep(100); // concurrently reset the spell index spellChecker.SetSpellIndex(this.spellindex); // for debug - prints the internal Open searchers // showSearchersOpen(); } spellChecker.Close(); joinAll(workers, 5000); for (int i = 0; i < workers.Length; i++) { Assert.False(workers[i].failed); Assert.True(workers[i].terminated); } // 4 searchers more than iterations // 1. at creation // 2. ClearIndex() // 2. and 3. during Addwords Assert.AreEqual(iterations + 4, searchers.Count); AssertSearchersClosed(); } private void joinAll(SpellCheckWorker[] workers, long timeout) { for (int j = 0; j < workers.Length; j++) { long time = (long)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds; if (timeout < 0) { // this could be helpful if it Assert.Fails one day Console.WriteLine("Warning: " + (workers.Length - j) + " threads have not joined but joinall timed out"); break; } workers[j].join(timeout); timeout -= (long)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds - time; } } private void AssertLastSearcherOpen(int numSearchers) { Assert.AreEqual(numSearchers, searchers.Count); Object[] searcherArray = searchers.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < searcherArray.Length; i++) { if (i == searcherArray.Length - 1) { Assert.True( ((IndexSearcher)searcherArray[i]).GetIndexReader().GetRefCount() > 0, "expected last searcher Open but was closed"); } else { Assert.False( ((IndexSearcher)searcherArray[i]).GetIndexReader().GetRefCount() > 0, "expected closed searcher but was Open - Index: " + i); } } } private void AssertSearchersClosed() { Object[] searcherArray = searchers.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < searcherArray.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(0, ((IndexSearcher)searcherArray[i]).GetIndexReader().GetRefCount()); } } private void ShowSearchersOpen() { int count = 0; Object[] searcherArray = searchers.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < searcherArray.Length; i++) { if (((IndexSearcher)searcherArray[i]).GetIndexReader().GetRefCount() > 0) ++count; } Console.WriteLine(count); } private class SpellCheckWorker { private readonly IndexReader reader; public bool terminated = false; public bool failed = false; private Thread m_thread; private TestSpellChecker enclosingInstance; public SpellCheckWorker(IndexReader reader, TestSpellChecker enclInstance) : base() { this.reader = reader; enclosingInstance = enclInstance; m_thread = new Thread(run); } public void run() { try { while (true) { try { enclosingInstance.CheckCommonSuggestions(reader); } catch (AlreadyClosedException e) { return; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); failed = true; return; } } } finally { this.terminated = true; } } public void join(long timeout) { m_thread.Join((int)timeout); } public void start() { m_thread.Start(); } } public class SpellCheckerMock : SpellChecker.Net.Search.Spell.SpellChecker { private TestSpellChecker enclosingInstance; ArrayList searchers = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList()); // <--New !!!!!!! public SpellCheckerMock(Directory spellIndex, TestSpellChecker inst) : base(spellIndex) { enclosingInstance = inst; enclosingInstance.searchers = searchers; //Note: this code is invoked after createSearcher } public SpellCheckerMock(Directory spellIndex, StringDistance sd) : base(spellIndex, sd) { } public override IndexSearcher CreateSearcher(Directory dir) { IndexSearcher searcher = base.CreateSearcher(dir); searchers.Add(searcher); return searcher; } } } }