/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using IndexReader = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader; namespace Lucene.Net.Search.Spans { /// A Spans that is formed from the ordered subspans of a SpanNearQuery /// where the subspans do not overlap and have a maximum slop between them. ///

/// The formed spans only contains minimum slop matches.
/// The matching slop is computed from the distance(s) between /// the non overlapping matching Spans.
/// Successive matches are always formed from the successive Spans /// of the SpanNearQuery. ///

/// The formed spans may contain overlaps when the slop is at least 1. /// For example, when querying using ///

t1 t2 t3
/// with slop at least 1, the fragment: ///
t1 t2 t1 t3 t2 t3
/// matches twice: ///
t1 t2 .. t3      
      t1 .. t2 t3
/// /// /// Expert: /// Only public for subclassing. Most implementations should not need this class ///
public class NearSpansOrdered:Spans { private int allowedSlop; private bool firstTime = true; private bool more = false; /// The spans in the same order as the SpanNearQuery private Spans[] subSpans; /// Indicates that all subSpans have same doc() private bool inSameDoc = false; private int matchDoc = - 1; private int matchStart = - 1; private int matchEnd = - 1; private List matchPayload; private Spans[] subSpansByDoc; private Comparison spanDocComparator = (s1, s2) => s1.Doc() - s2.Doc(); private SpanNearQuery query; private bool collectPayloads = true; public NearSpansOrdered(SpanNearQuery spanNearQuery, IndexReader reader):this(spanNearQuery, reader, true) { } public NearSpansOrdered(SpanNearQuery spanNearQuery, IndexReader reader, bool collectPayloads) { if (spanNearQuery.GetClauses().Length < 2) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Less than 2 clauses: " + spanNearQuery); } this.collectPayloads = collectPayloads; allowedSlop = spanNearQuery.GetSlop(); SpanQuery[] clauses = spanNearQuery.GetClauses(); subSpans = new Spans[clauses.Length]; matchPayload = new List(); subSpansByDoc = new Spans[clauses.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < clauses.Length; i++) { subSpans[i] = clauses[i].GetSpans(reader); subSpansByDoc[i] = subSpans[i]; // used in toSameDoc() } query = spanNearQuery; // kept for toString() only. } // inherit javadocs public override int Doc() { return matchDoc; } // inherit javadocs public override int Start() { return matchStart; } // inherit javadocs public override int End() { return matchEnd; } public virtual Spans[] GetSubSpans() { return subSpans; } // TODO: Remove warning after API has been finalized // TODO: Would be nice to be able to lazy load payloads public override ICollection GetPayload() { return matchPayload; } // TODO: Remove warning after API has been finalized public override bool IsPayloadAvailable() { return (matchPayload.Count == 0) == false; } // inherit javadocs public override bool Next() { if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; for (int i = 0; i < subSpans.Length; i++) { if (!subSpans[i].Next()) { more = false; return false; } } more = true; } if (collectPayloads) { matchPayload.Clear(); } return AdvanceAfterOrdered(); } // inherit javadocs public override bool SkipTo(int target) { if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; for (int i = 0; i < subSpans.Length; i++) { if (!subSpans[i].SkipTo(target)) { more = false; return false; } } more = true; } else if (more && (subSpans[0].Doc() < target)) { if (subSpans[0].SkipTo(target)) { inSameDoc = false; } else { more = false; return false; } } if (collectPayloads) { matchPayload.Clear(); } return AdvanceAfterOrdered(); } /// Advances the subSpans to just after an ordered match with a minimum slop /// that is smaller than the slop allowed by the SpanNearQuery. /// /// true iff there is such a match. /// private bool AdvanceAfterOrdered() { while (more && (inSameDoc || ToSameDoc())) { if (StretchToOrder() && ShrinkToAfterShortestMatch()) { return true; } } return false; // no more matches } /// Advance the subSpans to the same document private bool ToSameDoc() { Array.Sort(subSpansByDoc, spanDocComparator); int firstIndex = 0; int maxDoc = subSpansByDoc[subSpansByDoc.Length - 1].Doc(); while (subSpansByDoc[firstIndex].Doc() != maxDoc) { if (!subSpansByDoc[firstIndex].SkipTo(maxDoc)) { more = false; inSameDoc = false; return false; } maxDoc = subSpansByDoc[firstIndex].Doc(); if (++firstIndex == subSpansByDoc.Length) { firstIndex = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < subSpansByDoc.Length; i++) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((subSpansByDoc [i].Doc() == maxDoc) , "NearSpansOrdered.toSameDoc() spans " + subSpansByDoc [0] + "\n at doc " + subSpansByDoc [i].Doc() + ", but should be at " + maxDoc); } inSameDoc = true; return true; } /// Check whether two Spans in the same document are ordered. /// /// /// /// /// true iff spans1 starts before spans2 /// or the spans start at the same position, /// and spans1 ends before spans2. /// internal static bool DocSpansOrdered(Spans spans1, Spans spans2) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(spans1.Doc() == spans2.Doc(), "doc1 " + spans1.Doc() + " != doc2 " + spans2.Doc()); int start1 = spans1.Start(); int start2 = spans2.Start(); /* Do not call docSpansOrdered(int,int,int,int) to avoid invoking .end() : */ return (start1 == start2)?(spans1.End() < spans2.End()):(start1 < start2); } /// Like {@link #DocSpansOrdered(Spans,Spans)}, but use the spans /// starts and ends as parameters. /// private static bool DocSpansOrdered(int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2) { return (start1 == start2)?(end1 < end2):(start1 < start2); } /// Order the subSpans within the same document by advancing all later spans /// after the previous one. /// private bool StretchToOrder() { matchDoc = subSpans[0].Doc(); for (int i = 1; inSameDoc && (i < subSpans.Length); i++) { while (!DocSpansOrdered(subSpans[i - 1], subSpans[i])) { if (!subSpans[i].Next()) { inSameDoc = false; more = false; break; } else if (matchDoc != subSpans[i].Doc()) { inSameDoc = false; break; } } } return inSameDoc; } /// The subSpans are ordered in the same doc, so there is a possible match. /// Compute the slop while making the match as short as possible by advancing /// all subSpans except the last one in reverse order. /// private bool ShrinkToAfterShortestMatch() { matchStart = subSpans[subSpans.Length - 1].Start(); matchEnd = subSpans[subSpans.Length - 1].End(); Dictionary possibleMatchPayloads = new Dictionary(); if (subSpans[subSpans.Length - 1].IsPayloadAvailable()) { ICollection payload = subSpans[subSpans.Length - 1].GetPayload(); foreach(byte[] pl in payload) { if (!possibleMatchPayloads.ContainsKey(pl)) { possibleMatchPayloads.Add(pl, pl); } } } List possiblePayload = null; int matchSlop = 0; int lastStart = matchStart; int lastEnd = matchEnd; for (int i = subSpans.Length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { Spans prevSpans = subSpans[i]; if (collectPayloads && prevSpans.IsPayloadAvailable()) { ICollection payload = prevSpans.GetPayload(); possiblePayload = new List(payload.Count); possiblePayload.AddRange(payload); } int prevStart = prevSpans.Start(); int prevEnd = prevSpans.End(); while (true) { // Advance prevSpans until after (lastStart, lastEnd) if (!prevSpans.Next()) { inSameDoc = false; more = false; break; // Check remaining subSpans for final match. } else if (matchDoc != prevSpans.Doc()) { inSameDoc = false; // The last subSpans is not advanced here. break; // Check remaining subSpans for last match in this document. } else { int ppStart = prevSpans.Start(); int ppEnd = prevSpans.End(); // Cannot avoid invoking .end() if (!DocSpansOrdered(ppStart, ppEnd, lastStart, lastEnd)) { break; // Check remaining subSpans. } else { // prevSpans still before (lastStart, lastEnd) prevStart = ppStart; prevEnd = ppEnd; if (collectPayloads && prevSpans.IsPayloadAvailable()) { ICollection payload = prevSpans.GetPayload(); possiblePayload = new List(payload.Count); possiblePayload.AddRange(payload); } } } } if (collectPayloads && possiblePayload != null) { foreach (byte[] pl in possiblePayload) { if (!possibleMatchPayloads.ContainsKey(pl)) { possibleMatchPayloads.Add(pl, pl); } } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(prevStart <= matchStart); if (matchStart > prevEnd) { // Only non overlapping spans add to slop. matchSlop += (matchStart - prevEnd); } /* Do not break on (matchSlop > allowedSlop) here to make sure * that subSpans[0] is advanced after the match, if any. */ matchStart = prevStart; lastStart = prevStart; lastEnd = prevEnd; } bool match = matchSlop <= allowedSlop; if (collectPayloads && match && possibleMatchPayloads.Count > 0) { matchPayload.AddRange(possibleMatchPayloads.Keys); } return match; // ordered and allowed slop } public override System.String ToString() { return GetType().FullName + "(" + query.ToString() + ")@" + (firstTime?"START":(more?(Doc() + ":" + Start() + "-" + End()):"END")); } } }