/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using Document = Lucene.Net.Documents.Document; using CorruptIndexException = Lucene.Net.Index.CorruptIndexException; namespace Lucene.Net.Search { /// A ranked list of documents, used to hold search results. ///

/// Caution: Iterate only over the hits needed. Iterating over all hits is /// generally not desirable and may be the source of performance issues. If you /// need to iterate over many or all hits, consider using the search method that /// takes a {@link HitCollector}. ///


/// Note: Deleting matching documents concurrently with traversing the /// hits, might, when deleting hits that were not yet retrieved, decrease /// {@link #Length()}. In such case, /// {@link java.util.ConcurrentModificationException /// ConcurrentModificationException} is thrown when accessing hit n /// > current_{@link #Length()} (but n < {@link #Length()} /// _at_start). /// ///

/// see {@link Searcher#Search(Query, int)}, /// {@link Searcher#Search(Query, Filter, int)} and /// {@link Searcher#Search(Query, Filter, int, Sort)}:
/// ///
	/// TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, numHits);
	/// ScoreDoc[] hits = topDocs.scoreDocs;
	/// for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) {
	/// int docId = hits[i].doc;
	/// Document d = searcher.Doc(docId);
	/// // do something with current hit
	/// ...
[Obsolete("see Searcher.Search(Query, int), Searcher.Search(Query, Filter, int) and Searcher.Search(Query, Filter, int, Sort)")] public sealed class Hits { private Weight weight; private Searcher searcher; private Filter filter = null; private Sort sort = null; private int length; // the total number of hits private System.Collections.ArrayList hitDocs = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); // cache of hits retrieved private HitDoc first; // head of LRU cache private HitDoc last; // tail of LRU cache private int numDocs = 0; // number cached private int maxDocs = 200; // max to cache private int nDeletions; // # deleted docs in the index. private int lengthAtStart; // this is the number apps usually count on (although deletions can bring it down). private int nDeletedHits = 0; // # of already collected hits that were meanwhile deleted. public /*internal*/ bool debugCheckedForDeletions = false; // for test purposes. internal Hits(Searcher s, Query q, Filter f) { weight = q.Weight(s); searcher = s; filter = f; nDeletions = CountDeletions(s); GetMoreDocs(50); // retrieve 100 initially lengthAtStart = length; } internal Hits(Searcher s, Query q, Filter f, Sort o) { weight = q.Weight(s); searcher = s; filter = f; sort = o; nDeletions = CountDeletions(s); GetMoreDocs(50); // retrieve 100 initially lengthAtStart = length; } // count # deletions, return -1 if unknown. private int CountDeletions(Searcher s) { int cnt = - 1; if (s is IndexSearcher) { cnt = s.MaxDoc() - ((IndexSearcher) s).GetIndexReader().NumDocs(); } return cnt; } /// Tries to add new documents to hitDocs. /// Ensures that the hit numbered min has been retrieved. /// private void GetMoreDocs(int min) { if (hitDocs.Count > min) { min = hitDocs.Count; } int n = min * 2; // double # retrieved TopDocs topDocs = (sort == null)?searcher.Search(weight, filter, n):searcher.Search(weight, filter, n, sort); length = topDocs.TotalHits; ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.ScoreDocs; float scoreNorm = 1.0f; if (length > 0 && topDocs.GetMaxScore() > 1.0f) { scoreNorm = 1.0f / topDocs.GetMaxScore(); } int start = hitDocs.Count - nDeletedHits; // any new deletions? int nDels2 = CountDeletions(searcher); debugCheckedForDeletions = false; if (nDeletions < 0 || nDels2 > nDeletions) { // either we cannot count deletions, or some "previously valid hits" might have been deleted, so find exact start point nDeletedHits = 0; debugCheckedForDeletions = true; int i2 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < hitDocs.Count && i2 < scoreDocs.Length; i1++) { int id1 = ((HitDoc) hitDocs[i1]).id; int id2 = scoreDocs[i2].Doc; if (id1 == id2) { i2++; } else { nDeletedHits++; } } start = i2; } int end = scoreDocs.Length < length?scoreDocs.Length:length; length += nDeletedHits; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { hitDocs.Add(new HitDoc(scoreDocs[i].Score * scoreNorm, scoreDocs[i].Doc)); } nDeletions = nDels2; } /// Returns the total number of hits available in this set. public int Length() { return length; } /// Returns the stored fields of the nth document in this set. ///

Documents are cached, so that repeated requests for the same element may /// return the same Document object. ///

/// CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt /// IOException if there is a low-level IO error public Document Doc(int n) { HitDoc hitDoc = HitDoc(n); // Update LRU cache of documents Remove(hitDoc); // remove from list, if there AddToFront(hitDoc); // add to front of list if (numDocs > maxDocs) { // if cache is full HitDoc oldLast = last; Remove(last); // flush last oldLast.doc = null; // let doc get gc'd } if (hitDoc.doc == null) { hitDoc.doc = searcher.Doc(hitDoc.id); // cache miss: read document } return hitDoc.doc; } /// Returns the score for the nth document in this set. public float Score(int n) { return HitDoc(n).score; } /// Returns the id for the nth document in this set. /// Note that ids may change when the index changes, so you cannot /// rely on the id to be stable. /// public int Id(int n) { return HitDoc(n).id; } /// Returns a {@link HitIterator} to navigate the Hits. Each item returned /// from {@link Iterator#next()} is a {@link Hit}. ///

/// Caution: Iterate only over the hits needed. Iterating over all /// hits is generally not desirable and may be the source of /// performance issues. If you need to iterate over many or all hits, consider /// using a search method that takes a {@link HitCollector}. ///


public System.Collections.IEnumerator Iterator() { return new HitIterator(this); } private HitDoc HitDoc(int n) { if (n >= lengthAtStart) { throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Not a valid hit number: " + n); } if (n >= hitDocs.Count) { GetMoreDocs(n); } if (n >= length) { throw new System.Exception("Not a valid hit number: " + n); } return (HitDoc) hitDocs[n]; } private void AddToFront(HitDoc hitDoc) { // insert at front of cache if (first == null) { last = hitDoc; } else { first.prev = hitDoc; } hitDoc.next = first; first = hitDoc; hitDoc.prev = null; numDocs++; } private void Remove(HitDoc hitDoc) { // remove from cache if (hitDoc.doc == null) { // it's not in the list return ; // abort } if (hitDoc.next == null) { last = hitDoc.prev; } else { hitDoc.next.prev = hitDoc.prev; } if (hitDoc.prev == null) { first = hitDoc.next; } else { hitDoc.prev.next = hitDoc.next; } numDocs--; } } sealed class HitDoc { internal float score; internal int id; internal Document doc = null; internal HitDoc next; // in doubly-linked cache internal HitDoc prev; // in doubly-linked cache internal HitDoc(float s, int i) { score = s; id = i; } } }