/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Document = Lucene.Net.Documents.Document; using FieldSelector = Lucene.Net.Documents.FieldSelector; using FieldSelectorResult = Lucene.Net.Documents.FieldSelectorResult; using FieldOption = Lucene.Net.Index.IndexReader.FieldOption; using MergeAbortedException = Lucene.Net.Index.MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException; using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory; using IndexInput = Lucene.Net.Store.IndexInput; using IndexOutput = Lucene.Net.Store.IndexOutput; namespace Lucene.Net.Index { /// The SegmentMerger class combines two or more Segments, represented by an IndexReader ({@link #add}, /// into a single Segment. After adding the appropriate readers, call the merge method to combine the /// segments. ///

/// If the compoundFile flag is set, then the segments will be merged into a compound file. /// /// ///

/// /// /// /// public sealed class SegmentMerger { [Serializable] private class AnonymousClassFieldSelector : FieldSelector { public FieldSelectorResult Accept(System.String fieldName) { return FieldSelectorResult.LOAD_FOR_MERGE; } } private void InitBlock() { termIndexInterval = IndexWriter.DEFAULT_TERM_INDEX_INTERVAL; } /// norms header placeholder internal static readonly byte[] NORMS_HEADER = new byte[]{(byte) 'N', (byte) 'R', (byte) 'M', unchecked((byte) - 1)}; private Directory directory; private System.String segment; private int termIndexInterval; private List readers = new List(); private FieldInfos fieldInfos; private int mergedDocs; private CheckAbort checkAbort; // Whether we should merge doc stores (stored fields and // vectors files). When all segments we are merging // already share the same doc store files, we don't need // to merge the doc stores. private bool mergeDocStores; /// Maximum number of contiguous documents to bulk-copy /// when merging stored fields /// private const int MAX_RAW_MERGE_DOCS = 4192; /// This ctor used only by test code. /// /// /// The Directory to merge the other segments into /// /// The name of the new segment /// public /*internal*/ SegmentMerger(Directory dir, System.String name) { InitBlock(); directory = dir; segment = name; checkAbort = new CheckAbort(null, null, (d) => {/*Do nothing*/ }); } internal SegmentMerger(IndexWriter writer, System.String name, MergePolicy.OneMerge merge) { InitBlock(); directory = writer.GetDirectory(); segment = name; if (merge != null) { checkAbort = new CheckAbort(merge, directory); } else { checkAbort = new CheckAbort(null, null, (d) => {/*Do nothing*/ }); } termIndexInterval = writer.GetTermIndexInterval(); } internal bool HasProx() { return fieldInfos.HasProx(); } /// Add an IndexReader to the collection of readers that are to be merged /// /// public /*internal*/ void Add(IndexReader reader) { readers.Add(reader); } /// /// The index of the reader to return /// /// The ith reader to be merged /// internal IndexReader SegmentReader(int i) { return readers[i]; } /// Merges the readers specified by the {@link #add} method into the directory passed to the constructor /// The number of documents that were merged /// /// CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt /// IOException if there is a low-level IO error public /*internal*/ int Merge() { return Merge(true); } /// Merges the readers specified by the {@link #add} method /// into the directory passed to the constructor. /// /// if false, we will not merge the /// stored fields nor vectors files /// /// The number of documents that were merged /// /// CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt /// IOException if there is a low-level IO error internal int Merge(bool mergeDocStores) { this.mergeDocStores = mergeDocStores; // NOTE: it's important to add calls to // checkAbort.work(...) if you make any changes to this // method that will spend alot of time. The frequency // of this check impacts how long // IndexWriter.close(false) takes to actually stop the // threads. mergedDocs = MergeFields(); MergeTerms(); MergeNorms(); if (mergeDocStores && fieldInfos.HasVectors()) MergeVectors(); return mergedDocs; } /// close all IndexReaders that have been added. /// Should not be called before merge(). /// /// IOException public /*internal*/ void CloseReaders() { foreach (IndexReader reader in readers) { reader.Close(); } } public /*internal*/ ICollection GetMergedFiles() { IDictionary fileSet = new Dictionary(); // Basic files for (int i = 0; i < IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_EXTENSIONS.Length; i++) { System.String ext = IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_EXTENSIONS[i]; if (ext.Equals(IndexFileNames.PROX_EXTENSION) && !HasProx()) continue; if (mergeDocStores || (!ext.Equals(IndexFileNames.FIELDS_EXTENSION) && !ext.Equals(IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION))) fileSet[segment + "." + ext] = segment + "." + ext; } // Fieldable norm files for (int i = 0; i < fieldInfos.Size(); i++) { FieldInfo fi = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(i); if (fi.isIndexed && !fi.omitNorms) { fileSet[segment + "." + IndexFileNames.NORMS_EXTENSION]=segment + "." + IndexFileNames.NORMS_EXTENSION; break; } } // Vector files if (fieldInfos.HasVectors() && mergeDocStores) { for (int i = 0; i < IndexFileNames.VECTOR_EXTENSIONS.Length; i++) { fileSet[segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTOR_EXTENSIONS[i]] = segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTOR_EXTENSIONS[i]; } } return fileSet.Keys; } public /*internal*/ ICollection CreateCompoundFile(System.String fileName) { ICollection files = GetMergedFiles(); CompoundFileWriter cfsWriter = new CompoundFileWriter(directory, fileName, checkAbort); // Now merge all added files foreach(string file in files) { cfsWriter.AddFile(file); } // Perform the merge cfsWriter.Close(); return files; } private void AddIndexed(IndexReader reader, FieldInfos fInfos, ICollection names, bool storeTermVectors, bool storePositionWithTermVector, bool storeOffsetWithTermVector, bool storePayloads, bool omitTFAndPositions) { IEnumerator i = names.GetEnumerator(); while (i.MoveNext()) { System.String field = i.Current; fInfos.Add(field, true, storeTermVectors, storePositionWithTermVector, storeOffsetWithTermVector, !reader.HasNorms(field), storePayloads, omitTFAndPositions); } } private SegmentReader[] matchingSegmentReaders; private int[] rawDocLengths; private int[] rawDocLengths2; private void SetMatchingSegmentReaders() { // If the i'th reader is a SegmentReader and has // identical fieldName -> number mapping, then this // array will be non-null at position i: int numReaders = readers.Count; matchingSegmentReaders = new SegmentReader[numReaders]; // If this reader is a SegmentReader, and all of its // field name -> number mappings match the "merged" // FieldInfos, then we can do a bulk copy of the // stored fields: for (int i = 0; i < numReaders; i++) { IndexReader reader = readers[i]; if (reader is SegmentReader) { SegmentReader segmentReader = (SegmentReader) reader; bool same = true; FieldInfos segmentFieldInfos = segmentReader.FieldInfos(); int numFieldInfos = segmentFieldInfos.Size(); for (int j = 0; same && j < numFieldInfos; j++) { same = fieldInfos.FieldName(j).Equals(segmentFieldInfos.FieldName(j)); } if (same) { matchingSegmentReaders[i] = segmentReader; } } } // Used for bulk-reading raw bytes for stored fields rawDocLengths = new int[MAX_RAW_MERGE_DOCS]; rawDocLengths2 = new int[MAX_RAW_MERGE_DOCS]; } /// /// The number of documents in all of the readers /// /// CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt /// IOException if there is a low-level IO error private int MergeFields() { if (!mergeDocStores) { // When we are not merging by doc stores, that means // all segments were written as part of a single // autoCommit=false IndexWriter session, so their field // name -> number mapping are the same. So, we start // with the fieldInfos of the last segment in this // case, to keep that numbering. SegmentReader sr = (SegmentReader) readers[readers.Count - 1]; fieldInfos = (FieldInfos) sr.core.fieldInfos.Clone(); } else { fieldInfos = new FieldInfos(); // merge field names } foreach(IndexReader reader in readers) { if (reader is SegmentReader) { SegmentReader segmentReader = (SegmentReader) reader; FieldInfos readerFieldInfos = segmentReader.FieldInfos(); int numReaderFieldInfos = readerFieldInfos.Size(); for (int j = 0; j < numReaderFieldInfos; j++) { FieldInfo fi = readerFieldInfos.FieldInfo(j); fieldInfos.Add(fi.name, fi.isIndexed, fi.storeTermVector, fi.storePositionWithTermVector, fi.storeOffsetWithTermVector, !reader.HasNorms(fi.name), fi.storePayloads, fi.omitTermFreqAndPositions); } } else { AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_POSITION_OFFSET), true, true, true, false, false); AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_POSITION), true, true, false, false, false); AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR_WITH_OFFSET), true, false, true, false, false); AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.TERMVECTOR), true, false, false, false, false); AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.OMIT_TERM_FREQ_AND_POSITIONS), false, false, false, false, true); AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.STORES_PAYLOADS), false, false, false, true, false); AddIndexed(reader, fieldInfos, reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.INDEXED), false, false, false, false, false); fieldInfos.Add(reader.GetFieldNames(FieldOption.UNINDEXED), false); } } fieldInfos.Write(directory, segment + ".fnm"); int docCount = 0; SetMatchingSegmentReaders(); if (mergeDocStores) { // for merging we don't want to compress/uncompress the data, so to tell the FieldsReader that we're // in merge mode, we use this FieldSelector FieldSelector fieldSelectorMerge = new AnonymousClassFieldSelector(); // merge field values FieldsWriter fieldsWriter = new FieldsWriter(directory, segment, fieldInfos); try { int idx = 0; foreach(IndexReader reader in readers) { SegmentReader matchingSegmentReader = matchingSegmentReaders[idx++]; FieldsReader matchingFieldsReader = null; if (matchingSegmentReader != null) { FieldsReader fieldsReader = matchingSegmentReader.GetFieldsReader(); if (fieldsReader != null && fieldsReader.CanReadRawDocs()) { matchingFieldsReader = fieldsReader; } } if (reader.HasDeletions()) { docCount += CopyFieldsWithDeletions(fieldSelectorMerge, fieldsWriter, reader, matchingFieldsReader); } else { docCount += CopyFieldsNoDeletions(fieldSelectorMerge, fieldsWriter, reader, matchingFieldsReader); } } } finally { fieldsWriter.Close(); } System.String fileName = segment + "." + IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION; long fdxFileLength = directory.FileLength(fileName); if (4 + ((long) docCount) * 8 != fdxFileLength) // This is most likely a bug in Sun JRE 1.6.0_04/_05; // we detect that the bug has struck, here, and // throw an exception to prevent the corruption from // entering the index. See LUCENE-1282 for // details. throw new System.SystemException("mergeFields produced an invalid result: docCount is " + docCount + " but fdx file size is " + fdxFileLength + " file=" + fileName + " file exists?=" + directory.FileExists(fileName) + "; now aborting this merge to prevent index corruption"); } // If we are skipping the doc stores, that means there // are no deletions in any of these segments, so we // just sum numDocs() of each segment to get total docCount else { foreach (IndexReader reader in readers) { docCount += reader.NumDocs(); } } return docCount; } private int CopyFieldsWithDeletions(FieldSelector fieldSelectorMerge, FieldsWriter fieldsWriter, IndexReader reader, FieldsReader matchingFieldsReader) { int docCount = 0; int maxDoc = reader.MaxDoc(); if (matchingFieldsReader != null) { // We can bulk-copy because the fieldInfos are "congruent" for (int j = 0; j < maxDoc; ) { if (reader.IsDeleted(j)) { // skip deleted docs ++j; continue; } // We can optimize this case (doing a bulk byte copy) since the field // numbers are identical int start = j, numDocs = 0; do { j++; numDocs++; if (j >= maxDoc) break; if (reader.IsDeleted(j)) { j++; break; } } while (numDocs < MAX_RAW_MERGE_DOCS); IndexInput stream = matchingFieldsReader.RawDocs(rawDocLengths, start, numDocs); fieldsWriter.AddRawDocuments(stream, rawDocLengths, numDocs); docCount += numDocs; checkAbort.Work(300 * numDocs); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < maxDoc; j++) { if (reader.IsDeleted(j)) { // skip deleted docs continue; } // NOTE: it's very important to first assign to doc then pass it to // termVectorsWriter.addAllDocVectors; see LUCENE-1282 Document doc = reader.Document(j, fieldSelectorMerge); fieldsWriter.AddDocument(doc); docCount++; checkAbort.Work(300); } } return docCount; } private int CopyFieldsNoDeletions(FieldSelector fieldSelectorMerge, FieldsWriter fieldsWriter, IndexReader reader, FieldsReader matchingFieldsReader) { int maxDoc = reader.MaxDoc(); int docCount = 0; if (matchingFieldsReader != null) { // We can bulk-copy because the fieldInfos are "congruent" while (docCount < maxDoc) { int len = System.Math.Min(MAX_RAW_MERGE_DOCS, maxDoc - docCount); IndexInput stream = matchingFieldsReader.RawDocs(rawDocLengths, docCount, len); fieldsWriter.AddRawDocuments(stream, rawDocLengths, len); docCount += len; checkAbort.Work(300 * len); } } else { for (; docCount < maxDoc; docCount++) { // NOTE: it's very important to first assign to doc then pass it to // termVectorsWriter.addAllDocVectors; see LUCENE-1282 Document doc = reader.Document(docCount, fieldSelectorMerge); fieldsWriter.AddDocument(doc); checkAbort.Work(300); } } return docCount; } /// Merge the TermVectors from each of the segments into the new one. /// IOException private void MergeVectors() { TermVectorsWriter termVectorsWriter = new TermVectorsWriter(directory, segment, fieldInfos); try { int idx = 0; foreach(IndexReader reader in readers) { SegmentReader matchingSegmentReader = matchingSegmentReaders[idx++]; TermVectorsReader matchingVectorsReader = null; if (matchingSegmentReader != null) { TermVectorsReader vectorsReader = matchingSegmentReader.GetTermVectorsReaderOrig(); // If the TV* files are an older format then they cannot read raw docs: if (vectorsReader != null && vectorsReader.CanReadRawDocs()) { matchingVectorsReader = vectorsReader; } } if (reader.HasDeletions()) { CopyVectorsWithDeletions(termVectorsWriter, matchingVectorsReader, reader); } else { CopyVectorsNoDeletions(termVectorsWriter, matchingVectorsReader, reader); } } } finally { termVectorsWriter.Close(); } System.String fileName = segment + "." + IndexFileNames.VECTORS_INDEX_EXTENSION; long tvxSize = directory.FileLength(fileName); if (4 + ((long) mergedDocs) * 16 != tvxSize) // This is most likely a bug in Sun JRE 1.6.0_04/_05; // we detect that the bug has struck, here, and // throw an exception to prevent the corruption from // entering the index. See LUCENE-1282 for // details. throw new System.SystemException("mergeVectors produced an invalid result: mergedDocs is " + mergedDocs + " but tvx size is " + tvxSize + " file=" + fileName + " file exists?=" + directory.FileExists(fileName) + "; now aborting this merge to prevent index corruption"); } private void CopyVectorsWithDeletions(TermVectorsWriter termVectorsWriter, TermVectorsReader matchingVectorsReader, IndexReader reader) { int maxDoc = reader.MaxDoc(); if (matchingVectorsReader != null) { // We can bulk-copy because the fieldInfos are "congruent" for (int docNum = 0; docNum < maxDoc; ) { if (reader.IsDeleted(docNum)) { // skip deleted docs ++docNum; continue; } // We can optimize this case (doing a bulk byte copy) since the field // numbers are identical int start = docNum, numDocs = 0; do { docNum++; numDocs++; if (docNum >= maxDoc) break; if (reader.IsDeleted(docNum)) { docNum++; break; } } while (numDocs < MAX_RAW_MERGE_DOCS); matchingVectorsReader.RawDocs(rawDocLengths, rawDocLengths2, start, numDocs); termVectorsWriter.AddRawDocuments(matchingVectorsReader, rawDocLengths, rawDocLengths2, numDocs); checkAbort.Work(300 * numDocs); } } else { for (int docNum = 0; docNum < maxDoc; docNum++) { if (reader.IsDeleted(docNum)) { // skip deleted docs continue; } // NOTE: it's very important to first assign to vectors then pass it to // termVectorsWriter.addAllDocVectors; see LUCENE-1282 TermFreqVector[] vectors = reader.GetTermFreqVectors(docNum); termVectorsWriter.AddAllDocVectors(vectors); checkAbort.Work(300); } } } private void CopyVectorsNoDeletions(TermVectorsWriter termVectorsWriter, TermVectorsReader matchingVectorsReader, IndexReader reader) { int maxDoc = reader.MaxDoc(); if (matchingVectorsReader != null) { // We can bulk-copy because the fieldInfos are "congruent" int docCount = 0; while (docCount < maxDoc) { int len = System.Math.Min(MAX_RAW_MERGE_DOCS, maxDoc - docCount); matchingVectorsReader.RawDocs(rawDocLengths, rawDocLengths2, docCount, len); termVectorsWriter.AddRawDocuments(matchingVectorsReader, rawDocLengths, rawDocLengths2, len); docCount += len; checkAbort.Work(300 * len); } } else { for (int docNum = 0; docNum < maxDoc; docNum++) { // NOTE: it's very important to first assign to vectors then pass it to // termVectorsWriter.addAllDocVectors; see LUCENE-1282 TermFreqVector[] vectors = reader.GetTermFreqVectors(docNum); termVectorsWriter.AddAllDocVectors(vectors); checkAbort.Work(300); } } } private SegmentMergeQueue queue = null; private void MergeTerms() { SegmentWriteState state = new SegmentWriteState(null, directory, segment, null, mergedDocs, 0, termIndexInterval); FormatPostingsFieldsConsumer consumer = new FormatPostingsFieldsWriter(state, fieldInfos); try { queue = new SegmentMergeQueue(readers.Count); MergeTermInfos(consumer); } finally { consumer.Finish(); if (queue != null) queue.Close(); } } internal bool omitTermFreqAndPositions; private void MergeTermInfos(FormatPostingsFieldsConsumer consumer) { int base_Renamed = 0; int readerCount = readers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < readerCount; i++) { IndexReader reader = readers[i]; TermEnum termEnum = reader.Terms(); SegmentMergeInfo smi = new SegmentMergeInfo(base_Renamed, termEnum, reader); int[] docMap = smi.GetDocMap(); if (docMap != null) { if (docMaps == null) { docMaps = new int[readerCount][]; delCounts = new int[readerCount]; } docMaps[i] = docMap; delCounts[i] = smi.reader.MaxDoc() - smi.reader.NumDocs(); } base_Renamed += reader.NumDocs(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(reader.NumDocs() == reader.MaxDoc() - smi.delCount); if (smi.Next()) queue.Add(smi); // initialize queue else smi.Close(); } SegmentMergeInfo[] match = new SegmentMergeInfo[readers.Count]; System.String currentField = null; FormatPostingsTermsConsumer termsConsumer = null; while (queue.Size() > 0) { int matchSize = 0; // pop matching terms match[matchSize++] = (SegmentMergeInfo) queue.Pop(); Term term = match[0].term; SegmentMergeInfo top = (SegmentMergeInfo) queue.Top(); while (top != null && term.CompareTo(top.term) == 0) { match[matchSize++] = (SegmentMergeInfo) queue.Pop(); top = (SegmentMergeInfo) queue.Top(); } if ((System.Object) currentField != (System.Object) term.field) { currentField = term.field; if (termsConsumer != null) termsConsumer.Finish(); FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(currentField); termsConsumer = consumer.AddField(fieldInfo); omitTermFreqAndPositions = fieldInfo.omitTermFreqAndPositions; } int df = AppendPostings(termsConsumer, match, matchSize); // add new TermInfo checkAbort.Work(df / 3.0); while (matchSize > 0) { SegmentMergeInfo smi = match[--matchSize]; if (smi.Next()) queue.Add(smi); // restore queue else smi.Close(); // done with a segment } } } private byte[] payloadBuffer; private int[][] docMaps; internal int[][] GetDocMaps() { return docMaps; } private int[] delCounts; internal int[] GetDelCounts() { return delCounts; } /// Process postings from multiple segments all positioned on the /// same term. Writes out merged entries into freqOutput and /// the proxOutput streams. /// /// /// array of segments /// /// number of cells in the array actually occupied /// /// number of documents across all segments where this term was found /// /// CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt /// IOException if there is a low-level IO error private int AppendPostings(FormatPostingsTermsConsumer termsConsumer, SegmentMergeInfo[] smis, int n) { FormatPostingsDocsConsumer docConsumer = termsConsumer.AddTerm(smis[0].term.text); int df = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { SegmentMergeInfo smi = smis[i]; TermPositions postings = smi.GetPositions(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(postings != null); int base_Renamed = smi.base_Renamed; int[] docMap = smi.GetDocMap(); postings.Seek(smi.termEnum); while (postings.Next()) { df++; int doc = postings.Doc(); if (docMap != null) doc = docMap[doc]; // map around deletions doc += base_Renamed; // convert to merged space int freq = postings.Freq(); FormatPostingsPositionsConsumer posConsumer = docConsumer.AddDoc(doc, freq); if (!omitTermFreqAndPositions) { for (int j = 0; j < freq; j++) { int position = postings.NextPosition(); int payloadLength = postings.GetPayloadLength(); if (payloadLength > 0) { if (payloadBuffer == null || payloadBuffer.Length < payloadLength) payloadBuffer = new byte[payloadLength]; postings.GetPayload(payloadBuffer, 0); } posConsumer.AddPosition(position, payloadBuffer, 0, payloadLength); } posConsumer.Finish(); } } } docConsumer.Finish(); return df; } private void MergeNorms() { byte[] normBuffer = null; IndexOutput output = null; try { int numFieldInfos = fieldInfos.Size(); for (int i = 0; i < numFieldInfos; i++) { FieldInfo fi = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(i); if (fi.isIndexed && !fi.omitNorms) { if (output == null) { output = directory.CreateOutput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.NORMS_EXTENSION); output.WriteBytes(NORMS_HEADER, NORMS_HEADER.Length); } foreach(IndexReader reader in readers) { int maxDoc = reader.MaxDoc(); if (normBuffer == null || normBuffer.Length < maxDoc) { // the buffer is too small for the current segment normBuffer = new byte[maxDoc]; } reader.Norms(fi.name, normBuffer, 0); if (!reader.HasDeletions()) { //optimized case for segments without deleted docs output.WriteBytes(normBuffer, maxDoc); } else { // this segment has deleted docs, so we have to // check for every doc if it is deleted or not for (int k = 0; k < maxDoc; k++) { if (!reader.IsDeleted(k)) { output.WriteByte(normBuffer[k]); } } } checkAbort.Work(maxDoc); } } } } finally { if (output != null) { output.Close(); } } } internal class CheckAbort { private double workCount; private MergePolicy.OneMerge merge; private Directory dir; public Action Work; //.NET public CheckAbort(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, Directory dir) { this.merge = merge; this.dir = dir; this.Work = Internal_Work; } //.NET public CheckAbort(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, Directory dir, Action work) { this.merge = merge; this.dir = dir; this.Work = work; } /// Records the fact that roughly units amount of work /// have been done since this method was last called. /// When adding time-consuming code into SegmentMerger, /// you should test different values for units to ensure /// that the time in between calls to merge.checkAborted /// is up to ~ 1 second. /// /// DIGY: Clean AnonymousXXXX classes. /// DIGY: Method "Work" is renamed to Internal_Work(below) & the new "Work" is declared as delegate void Internal_Work(double units) { workCount += units; if (workCount >= 10000.0) { merge.CheckAborted(dir); workCount = 0; } } } } }