Apache Lucene.Net 2.4.0 Class Library API

Term Members

Term overview

Public Instance Constructors

Term Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the Term class.

Public Instance Properties


Public Instance Methods

CreateTerm Optimized construction of new Terms by reusing same field as this Term - avoids field.intern() overhead
EqualsCompares two terms, returning true iff they have the same field and text.
FieldReturns the field of this term, an interned string. The field indicates the part of a document which this term came from.
GetHashCodeCombines the hashCode() of the field and the text.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
TextReturns the text of this term. In the case of words, this is simply the text of the word. In the case of dates and other types, this is an encoding of the object as a string.

See Also

Term Class | Lucene.Net.Index Namespace