Apache Lucene.Net 2.4.0 Class Library API

SegmentInfos Fields

The fields of the SegmentInfos class are listed below. For a complete list of SegmentInfos class members, see the SegmentInfos Members topic.

Public Static Fields

FORMATThe file format version, a negative number.
FORMAT_CHECKSUM This format adds a checksum at the end of the file to ensure all bytes were successfully written.
FORMAT_DEL_COUNT This format adds the deletion count for each segment. This way IndexWriter can efficiently report numDocs().
FORMAT_HAS_PROX This format adds the boolean hasProx to record if any fields in the segment store prox information (ie, have omitTf==false)
FORMAT_LOCKLESSThis format adds details used for lockless commits. It differs slightly from the previous format in that file names are never re-used (write once). Instead, each file is written to the next generation. For example, segments_1, segments_2, etc. This allows us to not use a commit lock. See file formats for details.
FORMAT_SHARED_DOC_STOREThis format allows multiple segments to share a single vectors and stored fields file.
FORMAT_SINGLE_NORM_FILEThis format adds a "hasSingleNormFile" flag into each segment info. See LUCENE-756 for details.

Public Instance Fields


See Also

SegmentInfos Class | Lucene.Net.Index Namespace