Apache Lucene.Net 2.4.0 Class Library API

DirectoryIndexReader Members

DirectoryIndexReader overview

Public Static Methods


Public Instance Methods

Close (inherited from IndexReader) Closes files associated with this index. Also saves any new deletions to disk. No other methods should be called after this has been called.
Commit (inherited from IndexReader) Commit changes resulting from delete, undeleteAll, or setNorm operations If an exception is hit, then either no changes or all changes will have been committed to the index (transactional semantics).
DecRef (inherited from IndexReader) Expert: decreases the refCount of this IndexReader instance. If the refCount drops to 0, then pending changes (if any) are committed to the index and this reader is closed.
DeleteDocument (inherited from IndexReader)Deletes the document numbered
. Once a document is deleted it will not appear in TermDocs or TermPostitions enumerations. Attempts to read its field with the {@link #document} method will result in an error. The presence of this document may still be reflected in the {@link #docFreq} statistic, though this will be corrected eventually as the index is further modified.
DeleteDocuments (inherited from IndexReader)Deletes all documents that have a given
indexed. This is useful if one uses a document field to hold a unique ID string for the document. Then to delete such a document, one merely constructs a term with the appropriate field and the unique ID string as its text and passes it to this method. See {@link #DeleteDocument(int)} for information about when this deletion will become effective.
DirectoryReturns the directory this index resides in.
DocFreq (inherited from IndexReader)Returns the number of documents containing the term
Document (inherited from IndexReader)Overloaded. Returns the stored fields of the
in this index.
EnsureOpen (inherited from IndexReader) 
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
Flush (inherited from IndexReader)
GetFieldNames (inherited from IndexReader) Get a list of unique field names that exist in this index and have the specified field option information.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetRefCount (inherited from IndexReader) 
GetTermFreqVector (inherited from IndexReader)Overloaded. Return a term frequency vector for the specified document and field. The returned vector contains terms and frequencies for the terms in the specified field of this document, if the field had the storeTermVector flag set. If termvectors had been stored with positions or offsets, a TermPositionsVector is returned.
GetTermFreqVectors (inherited from IndexReader) Return an array of term frequency vectors for the specified document. The array contains a vector for each vectorized field in the document. Each vector contains terms and frequencies for all terms in a given vectorized field. If no such fields existed, the method returns null. The term vectors that are returned my either be of type TermFreqVector or of type TermPositionsVector if positions or offsets have been stored.
GetTermInfosIndexDivisor (inherited from IndexReader) 
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetVersion Version number when this IndexReader was opened.
HasDeletions (inherited from IndexReader)Returns true if any documents have been deleted
HasNorms (inherited from IndexReader)Returns true if there are norms stored for this field.
IncRef (inherited from IndexReader) Expert: increments the refCount of this IndexReader instance. RefCounts are used to determine when a reader can be closed safely, i.e. as soon as there are no more references. Be sure to always call a corresponding {@link #decRef}, in a finally clause; otherwise the reader may never be closed. Note that {@link #close} simply calls decRef(), which means that the IndexReader will not really be closed until {@link #decRef} has been called for all outstanding references.
IsCurrent Check whether this IndexReader is still using the current (i.e., most recently committed) version of the index. If a writer has committed any changes to the index since this reader was opened, this will return
, in which case you must open a new IndexReader in order to see the changes. See the description of the
flag which controls when the {@link IndexWriter} actually commits changes to the index.
IsDeleted (inherited from IndexReader)Returns true if document n has been deleted
IsOptimized Checks is the index is optimized (if it has a single segment and no deletions)
MaxDoc (inherited from IndexReader)Returns one greater than the largest possible document number. This may be used to, e.g., determine how big to allocate an array which will have an element for every document number in an index.
Norms (inherited from IndexReader)Overloaded. Returns the byte-encoded normalization factor for the named field of every document. This is used by the search code to score documents.
NumDeletedDocs (inherited from IndexReader) Returns the number of deleted docs.
NumDocs (inherited from IndexReader)Returns the number of documents in this index.
SetNorm (inherited from IndexReader)Overloaded. Expert: Resets the normalization factor for the named field of the named document. The norm represents the product of the field's {@link Lucene.Net.Documents.Fieldable#SetBoost(float) boost} and its {@link Similarity#LengthNorm(String, int) length normalization}. Thus, to preserve the length normalization values when resetting this, one should base the new value upon the old.
SetTermInfosIndexDivisor (inherited from IndexReader)For IndexReader implementations that use TermInfosReader to read terms, this sets the indexDivisor to subsample the number of indexed terms loaded into memory. This has the same effect as {@link IndexWriter#setTermIndexInterval} except that setting must be done at indexing time while this setting can be set per reader. When set to N, then one in every N*termIndexInterval terms in the index is loaded into memory. By setting this to a value > 1 you can reduce memory usage, at the expense of higher latency when loading a TermInfo. The default value is 1. NOTE: you must call this before the term index is loaded. If the index is already loaded, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
TermDocs (inherited from IndexReader)Overloaded. Returns an unpositioned {@link TermDocs} enumerator.
TermPositions (inherited from IndexReader)Overloaded. Returns an unpositioned {@link TermPositions} enumerator.
Terms (inherited from IndexReader)Overloaded. Returns an enumeration of all the terms in the index. The enumeration is ordered by Term.compareTo(). Each term is greater than all that precede it in the enumeration. Note that after calling terms(), {@link TermEnum#Next()} must be called on the resulting enumeration before calling other methods such as {@link TermEnum#Term()}.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.
UndeleteAll (inherited from IndexReader)Undeletes all documents currently marked as deleted in this index.

Protected Instance Methods

FinalizeRelease the write lock, if needed.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

Protected Internal Instance Constructors

DirectoryIndexReader Constructor Initializes a new instance of the DirectoryIndexReader class.

Protected Internal Instance Fields

hasChanges (inherited from IndexReader) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

AcquireWriteLock Tries to acquire the WriteLock on this directory. this method is only valid if this IndexReader is directory owner.
DoCommit Commit changes resulting from delete, undeleteAll, or setNorm operations If an exception is hit, then either no changes or all changes will have been committed to the index (transactional semantics).
DoDelete (inherited from IndexReader)Implements deletion of the document numbered
. Applications should call {@link #DeleteDocument(int)} or {@link #DeleteDocuments(Term)}.
DoReopen Re-opens the index using the passed-in SegmentInfos
DoSetNorm (inherited from IndexReader)Implements setNorm in subclass.
DoUndeleteAll (inherited from IndexReader)Implements actual undeleteAll() in subclass.

See Also

DirectoryIndexReader Class | Lucene.Net.Index Namespace