* Generics (not completed yet) java's collections return null when an item does not exist in the collection whereas .NET throws exception. -->SupportClass.Dictionary java's Set can be accessed with indexer( myset[0] ) -->SupportClass.Set * IEquatable (not completed yet) * "foreach" instead of "GetEnumerator/MoveNext" (not completed yet) * LUCENENET-172 (fix for unexceptional exceptions ecountered in FastCharStream) * LUCENENET-266 Refactoring SupportClass * Obsolete Similarity.Net removed (Query.Net replaces it) * - SegmentInfos.FindSegmentsFile.DoBody - CachingWrapperFilter.FilterCache.MergeDeletes - FilteredDocIdSet.Match - FilteredDocIdSetIterator.Match changed from abstract method to Func<..> to be able to remove weird AnonymousClassXXXX's * Filter.Bits(Obsolete) removed. * LUCENENET-438 JavaDoc are turned into XML Doc Comments * LUCENENET-439 fix exception re-throws * LUCENENET-435 fix up the test-suite for Lucene.Net Core lib. * LUCENENET-436 fix up deprecated code. * LUCENENET-431 Spatial.Net Cartesian won't find docs in radius in certain cases * LUCENENET-427 Provide limit on phrase analysis in FastVectorHighlighter (LUCENE-3234) * Contrib - ChainedFilter.cs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few API changes like: * StopAnalyzer(List stopWords) * Query.ExtractTerms(ICollection) * TopDocs.TotalHits, TopDocs.ScoreDocs