/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Lucene.Net.Documents; using Lucene.Net.Index; using Lucene.Net.Search; using Lucene.Net.Search.Function; using Lucene.Net.Spatial; using Lucene.Net.Spatial.Queries; using Lucene.Net.Spatial.Util; using Lucene.Net.Util; using NUnit.Framework; using Spatial4n.Core.Context; using Spatial4n.Core.Io; using Spatial4n.Core.Io.Samples; using Spatial4n.Core.Shapes; namespace Lucene.Net.Contrib.Spatial.Test { public abstract class StrategyTestCase : SpatialTestCase { public static readonly String DATA_SIMPLE_BBOX = "simple-bbox.txt"; public static readonly String DATA_STATES_POLY = "states-poly.txt"; public static readonly String DATA_STATES_BBOX = "states-bbox.txt"; public static readonly String DATA_COUNTRIES_POLY = "countries-poly.txt"; public static readonly String DATA_COUNTRIES_BBOX = "countries-bbox.txt"; public static readonly String DATA_WORLD_CITIES_POINTS = "world-cities-points.txt"; public static readonly String QTEST_States_IsWithin_BBox = "states-IsWithin-BBox.txt"; public static readonly String QTEST_States_Intersects_BBox = "states-Intersects-BBox.txt"; public static readonly String QTEST_Cities_Intersects_BBox = "cities-Intersects-BBox.txt"; public static readonly String QTEST_Simple_Queries_BBox = "simple-Queries-BBox.txt"; //private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); protected readonly SpatialArgsParser argsParser = new SpatialArgsParser(); protected SpatialStrategy strategy; protected SpatialContext ctx; protected bool storeShape = true; [TearDown] public override void TearDown() { base.TearDown(); ctx = null; strategy = null; storeShape = true; } protected void executeQueries(SpatialMatchConcern concern, params String[] testQueryFile) { Console.WriteLine("testing queries for strategy " + strategy + ". Executer: " + GetType().Name); foreach (String path in testQueryFile) { IEnumerator testQueryIterator = getTestQueries(path, ctx); runTestQueries(testQueryIterator, concern); } } protected void getAddAndVerifyIndexedDocuments(String testDataFile) { List testDocuments = getDocuments(testDataFile); addDocumentsAndCommit(testDocuments); verifyDocumentsIndexed(testDocuments.Count); } protected List getDocuments(String testDataFile) { IEnumerator sampleData = getSampleData(testDataFile); var documents = new List(); while (sampleData.MoveNext()) { SampleData data = sampleData.Current; var document = new Document(); document.Add(new Field("id", data.id, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); document.Add(new Field("name", data.name, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); Shape shape = new ShapeReadWriter(ctx).ReadShape(data.shape); shape = convertShapeFromGetDocuments(shape); if (shape != null) { foreach (var f in strategy.CreateIndexableFields(shape)) { document.Add(f); } if (storeShape) document.Add(new Field(strategy.GetFieldName(), ctx.ToString(shape), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); } documents.Add(document); } return documents; } /* Subclasses may override to transform or remove a shape for indexing */ protected virtual Shape convertShapeFromGetDocuments(Shape shape) { return shape; } protected IEnumerator getSampleData(String testDataFile) { var stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(Paths.ProjectRootDirectory, Path.Combine(@"test-files\spatial\data", testDataFile))); return new SampleDataReader(stream); } protected IEnumerator getTestQueries(String testQueryFile, SpatialContext ctx) { var @in = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(Paths.ProjectRootDirectory, Path.Combine(@"test-files\spatial", testQueryFile))); return SpatialTestQuery.getTestQueries(argsParser, ctx, testQueryFile, @in); } public void runTestQueries( IEnumerator queries, SpatialMatchConcern concern) { while (queries.MoveNext()) { SpatialTestQuery q = queries.Current; String msg = q.line; //"Query: " + q.args.toString(ctx); SearchResults got = executeQuery(strategy.MakeQuery(q.args), 100); if (storeShape && got.numFound > 0) { //check stored value is there & parses assertNotNull( new ShapeReadWriter(ctx).ReadShape(got.results[0].document.Get(strategy.GetFieldName()))); } if (concern.orderIsImportant) { var ids = q.ids.GetEnumerator(); foreach (var r in got.results) { String id = r.document.Get("id"); if (!ids.MoveNext()) Assert.Fail(msg + " :: Did not get enough results. Expected " + q.ids + ", got: " + got.toDebugString()); Assert.AreEqual(ids.Current, id, "out of order: " + msg); } if (ids.MoveNext()) { Assert.Fail(msg + " :: expect more results then we got: " + ids.Current); } } else { // We are looking at how the results overlap if (concern.resultsAreSuperset) { var found = new HashSet(); foreach (var r in got.results) { found.Add(r.document.Get("id")); } foreach (String s in q.ids) { if (!found.Contains(s)) { Assert.Fail("Results are mising id: " + s + " :: " + found); } } } else { var found = new List(); foreach (SearchResult r in got.results) { found.Add(r.document.Get("id")); } // sort both so that the order is not important q.ids.Sort(); found.Sort(); Assert.AreEqual(q.ids.Count, found.Count); for (var i = 0; i < found.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(q.ids[i], found[i], msg); } } } } } protected void adoc(String id, String shapeStr) { Shape shape = shapeStr == null ? null : new ShapeReadWriter(ctx).ReadShape(shapeStr); addDocument(newDoc(id, shape)); } protected void adoc(String id, Shape shape) { addDocument(newDoc(id, shape)); } protected virtual Document newDoc(String id, Shape shape) { Document doc = new Document(); doc.Add(new Field("id", id, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); if (shape != null) { foreach (var f in strategy.CreateIndexableFields(shape)) { doc.Add(f); } if (storeShape) doc.Add(new Field(strategy.GetFieldName(), ctx.ToString(shape), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); } return doc; } /* scores[] are in docId order */ protected void checkValueSource(ValueSource vs, float[] scores, float delta) { FunctionQuery q = new FunctionQuery(vs); // //TODO is there any point to this check? // int expectedDocs[] = new int[scores.length];//fill with ascending 0....length-1 // for (int i = 0; i < expectedDocs.length; i++) { // expectedDocs[i] = i; // } // CheckHits.checkHits(random(), q, "", indexSearcher, expectedDocs); TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.Search(q, 1000); //calculates the score for (int i = 0; i < docs.ScoreDocs.Length; i++) { ScoreDoc gotSD = docs.ScoreDocs[i]; float expectedScore = scores[gotSD.Doc]; assertEquals("Not equal for doc " + gotSD.Doc, expectedScore, gotSD.Score, delta); } CheckHits.checkExplanations(q, "", indexSearcher); } } }