Class LoggerConfigurationAdapterPHP


Implements interfaces:

Converts PHP configuration files to a PHP array.

The file should only hold the PHP config array preceded by "return".

Example PHP config file:

  1.  <?php
  2.  return array(
  3.    'rootLogger' => array(
  4.      'level' => 'info',
  5.      'appenders' => array('default')
  6.    ),
  7.    'appenders' => array(
  8.      'default' => array(
  9.        'class' => 'LoggerAppenderEcho',
  10.        'layout' => array(
  11.            'class' => 'LoggerLayoutSimple'
  12.         )
  13.      )
  14.    )
  15.  )
  16.  ?>

Located in /configurators/LoggerConfigurationAdapterPHP.php (line 52)

Method Summary
void convert ( $url)
convert (line 54)
  • access: public
void convert ( $url)
  • $url

Implementation of:
Converts the configuration file to PHP format usable by the configurator.

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