log4net SDK Reference

SystemInfo.GetTypeFromString Method (String, Boolean, Boolean)

Loads the type specified in the type string.

[Visual Basic]
Overloads Public Shared Function GetTypeFromString( _
   ByVal typeName As String, _
   ByVal throwOnError As Boolean, _
   ByVal ignoreCase As Boolean _
) As Type
public static Type GetTypeFromString(
   string typeName,
   bool throwOnError,
   bool ignoreCase


The name of the type to load.
Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded.
true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false

Return Value

The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded.


If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using GetType.

If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type.

See Also

SystemInfo Class | log4net.Util Namespace | SystemInfo.GetTypeFromString Overload List