log4net SDK Reference

LogImpl Class

Implementation of ILog wrapper interface.

For a list of all members of this type, see LogImpl Members.


[Visual Basic]
Public Class LogImpl
    Inherits LoggerWrapperImpl
    Implements ILog
public class LogImpl : LoggerWrapperImpl, ILog

Thread Safety

This type is not safe for multithreaded operations.


This implementation of the ILog interface forwards to the ILogger held by the base class.

This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following levels:

The Debug and DebugFormat methods log messages at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the repositories LevelMap. The default value for this level is Debug. The IsDebugEnabled property tests if this level is enabled for logging.
The Info and InfoFormat methods log messages at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the repositories LevelMap. The default value for this level is Info. The IsInfoEnabled property tests if this level is enabled for logging.
The Warn and WarnFormat methods log messages at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the repositories LevelMap. The default value for this level is Warn. The IsWarnEnabled property tests if this level is enabled for logging.
The Error and ErrorFormat methods log messages at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the repositories LevelMap. The default value for this level is Error. The IsErrorEnabled property tests if this level is enabled for logging.
The Fatal and FatalFormat methods log messages at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the repositories LevelMap. The default value for this level is Fatal. The IsFatalEnabled property tests if this level is enabled for logging.

The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by configuring the LevelMap for the repository.


Namespace: log4net.Core

Assembly: log4net (in log4net.dll)

See Also

LogImpl Members | log4net.Core Namespace