PatternConverter Member List

This is the complete list of members for PatternConverter, including all inherited members.

addRef() const ObjectImpl [virtual]
append(LogString &toAppendTo, const std::string &src)PatternConverter [protected, static]
cast(const Class &clazz) const =0Object [pure virtual]
getClass() const Object [virtual]
getStaticClass()Object [static]
getStyleClass(const log4cxx::helpers::ObjectPtr &e) const PatternConverter [virtual]
instanceof(const Class &clazz) const =0Object [pure virtual]
PatternConverter(const LogString &name, const LogString &style)PatternConverter [protected]
refObjectImpl [mutable, protected]
registerClass()Object [static]
releaseRef() const ObjectImpl [virtual]
~Object()Object [inline, virtual]
~ObjectImpl()ObjectImpl [virtual]
~PatternConverter()PatternConverter [protected, virtual]