Logging Services report 2005-08 ------------------------------- Projects listed in alphabetical order. PMC Report ---------- * The Logging Services PMC continues to track projects under incubation: log4net, log4php. * The PMC is hoping to move all Logging Services projects to the SVN repository by the end of September. A migration plan is currently under discussion. * A BoF session on Logging Services was submitted to the conference committee for ApacheCon US 2005. * In general, the PMC is pleased to report a high level of livelihood, with increased development, testing, and planning levels. There has been consistent involvement and good communication with both committers and outside contributors in various aspects. log4cxx Report -------------- * Progress continues towards a 0.9.8 release, as tracked by JIRA issue LOGCXX-62. Most major issues have been resolved. The reamining work involves restoring functionality that was temporarily disabled while pervasive changes were made. * The log4cxx team continues to seek additional committers among current contributors, and hopes to add one committer over the next month or so. log4j Report ------------ * On June 23rd, log4j v1.2.11 was released. This was primarily a maintenance release focused on ensuring the build process included some previously missing components. * The log4j team is planning to release v1.2.12 in early September. There have already been several release candidates for this version, and good feedback from testers. This release contains one major new feature, a built-in TRACE logging level, which has long been requested by users, and which should allow for easier compatability with java.util.logging and Jakarta Commons-Logging. The other focus of this release, which will hopefully be the final log4j 1.2 version, is to ensure compile- and run-time compatability with old JDKs. * As soon as v1.2.12 is released and the SVN migration is complete, the log4j team plans to accelerate work on v1.3, a major new release. Significant work remains on log4j 1.3, but the goal of a 2005 release is still in sight. log4net Report -------------- * The log4net project is still in incubation, but it is active. The Logging Services PMC is currently voting on a new committer, Rob Grabowski (rgrabowski@apache.org), and the vote seems likely to pass. This would bring the number of active committers to 4, helping meet incubator exit criteria. * The log4net committers are working towards the next maintenance release with a focus on code quality and improving the available end user documentation. log4php Report -------------- * No report submitted, will follow up with subproject.